Character(s) Lydia's Library of Lovelies

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Character(s) Lydia's Library of Lovelies


The None, The Nonely
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This is intended mostly as a catch-all for collating character details that I want to keep organized, either to reference in single roleplays they are developed or adapted for, or to re-use outside of a specific containing roleplay.

If I have a character here that is part of an active roleplay, I may spoilerify certain details about them that have not been revealed in-fiction, especially if they are lore or deeplore heavy.

Some of these have never been part of a truly active roleplay, and some have been part of more than one. I don't necessarily have the stamina to put every character I have developed in here because I have a lot, but I will add to this as it becomes sensible to do so.

Certain details may be tied to their original source rp and aren't necessarily applicable in all settings they might be adapted to.
Name(s): Priya (+ Cog)
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: red
Hair: Black
Distinguishing: Full synthroid body (Priya), with a hovering sphere orbiting her head (Cog)
Explorer, Bounty-Hunter, Engineer
Background: A former freelance mechanic in a hub-station who earned her keep repairing damaged systems on docked ships, who experimented part-time in cybernetic engineering, making a helper named Cog, a synthetic android with a spherical metacortex. After suffering a mortal wound following an explosion on her ship, she was able to upload her consciousness into a new metacortex, implanted into Cog's body, with Cog's AI serving as a spare brain and sounding-board for ideas. A sort of side-kick and conscience. She then used her status as the first sentient synthroid to take on dangerous jobs, as she could easily withstand a variety of harsh atmospheres, even the vacuum of space, and repair her body with her engineering skills if she got damaged.
Name: Maya Callistria
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Long, white-gold
Age: 26
Distinguishing: Maya wears various eye-coverings on account of her loss of her ability of sight, at the age of 7.
Role/Profession: Priestess of Tae, the Deity of Acceptance

General Appearance/Description: Maya is a young woman clad entirely in white robes, wearing a brass circlet with a semi-translucent black half-veil that descends to the bridge of her nose, covering her eyes. She has a mature figure, and some of the younger acolytes of Tae look up to her as a quasi-maternal figure, even if she doesn't fully embody that role in every aspect of herself. She lives in a room to herself within the grounds of the main Temple of Tae, which she is familiar enough with the layout of to not need any help moving around in or performing daily tasks.

Devotion: As a priestess of Tae, Maya conducts herself in accordance with the teachings of Acceptance in its many forms. The core tenets of this faith are threefold: Acceptance of the Self, Acceptance of the Cosmos, and Acceptance of Others. This does not mean impassivity, as Tae is not a deity of inaction, but rather, of gradual but measurable change. From Acceptance stems Duty, which is informed by the status quo, striving towards a better world without upsetting the way of things as they are. The hungry are fed, the poor are given alms, the sick are given care, the displaced are given shelter, but otherwise little action is done by the Tae-followers to alter the course of the world's affairs.
((Note: this character is extremely lore-rich and a lot of details may constitute actual spoilers for role-plays involving her, so reader discretion is strongly advised))

Name: Penumbra (Mistress of Murk)
Age: Late 20s (only in appearance as human-like avatar, actual age unknowable)
Gender: Female
Race: Ascended Slime
Height: 5'11" but variable
Weight: Unfathomable

Penumbra is a shapeshifting meta-slime of godlike power. She appears as a completely pale-skinned human female of considerable beauty with long silver hair and dark eyes, wearing a full-length black gown made of her own murky ooze. She is able to consume and absorb beings, and her very touch induces the corruption and decay of mortal creatures.

Penumbra is a True Outsider, a being originating in another reality who escaped the clutches of an Eldritch World-Gazer who turned her own reality into a Legend in its collection of intriguing stories. She managed to survive and burrow her way into another world, the one she finds herself in currently.

A rare mutation in the ancient past of the reality she was born in allowed for the formation of an abberant slime, which was able to divide and re-combine to double its effective power, rather than merely halving and doubling to stay even. After doing this an unknown number of times, it attained consciousness and sapience, and began consuming living creatures to adapt and learn, starting with insects, rodents, small animals, moving up to forest creatures, beasts of burden, and eventually humans. It continuously redoubled its power even as it learned the fundamental survival techniques and intellect of the beings it devoured, until it eventually began eating entire forests, villages, cities, and even dragons.

It soon lost its obscurity and anonymity that had kept it from being destroyed in its infancy, and was dubbed Umbra for the shadow of corruption it cast over all the land it subsumed.

In order to quell the existential threat of this creature with infinite potential for growth and destruction, a pure and virtuous holy-woman, Lady Penelope the Pure, made a sacred pact to willingly give her mind, body, and soul up to Umbra, by diving from the peak of a cliff into the murky sea that was Umbra, known as Shadowmere. So pure and incorruptible was Penelope's Undying Light that her immortal soul remained untarnished by decay even as her body was fully assimilated and devoured.

Rather than die, Penelope lived on as both warden and prisoner of Shadowmere, and every time Umbra attempted to redouble its power by dividing, Penelope's light would smite one of the two halves, keeping its growth in check and preventing it from growing any more powerful except by consuming other creatures, a limited avenue of growth compared to its infinite potential for recombination.

From this perverse yet majestic fusion of the two beings, the entity known as Penumbra (as a fusion of the names of the entities that had given rise to her) was 'born'. She took on the visage of Penelope, though with all color drained from her complexion, enrobed in the vestiges of Umbra.

She served for a time as an obscure shadow-general of the Demon Queen of her world, using the overt and well-known threat of the Queen to remain unrecognized, until her reality folded in on itself and it was only by diving into Shadowmere itself that Penumbra was able to outlast her world.
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Name: Miria Gladstone, Apprentice to the Court Mage of Lysoria
Nicknames: Ri, Miri
Age: 24
Height: 5'7"
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short, straight
Eye color: Green
Species: Human


Overall: Hardworking and studious, Miria is well-aware of the rare opportunity she received in having been chosen as the apprentice to the esteemed Court Mage of Lysoria, and more than just pursuing magic for the sake of learning, knows that as a commoner, and an orphan, she could easily be cast aside if anyone found a reason to be dissatisfied with her progress and achievements. She is not afraid to try and fail, but is far more afraid of slacking or taking time off from her duties as an apprentice.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realist, bordering on pessimistic
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
How do they want to be seen by others: A worthy successor to the current court mage, and irreplaceable
How do they see themselves: An ordinary person made extraordinary only through fate and fortune, who could easily return to her prior circumstances
How are they seen by others: Not particularly worth any scrutiny or attention, but simply just 'there', and behaving as befitting an apprentice of her standing
Strongest character trait: Hardworking/dedicated
Weakest character trait: Unable to relax and be 'herself'
How competitive are they: As long as she isn't perceived to be slacking, no more competitive than necessary. If she perceives there is scrutiny on her, very competitive.
Impulsive: No
Reaction to praise/criticism: She tends to dismiss praise, especially when it feels superficial or when she feels that what she is receiving praise for was something that is naturally expected of someone in her position. If she considers a particular critique to be justified, she takes it to heart, and will silently tolerate unfair criticism to not step out of line, even if she is being verbally mistreated.
Greatest fear: Losing her position and returning to the life of a commoner without a family or friends
Likes: Magic, reading, feeling a sense of accomplishment
Dislikes: Arrogant nobles and mean-spirited people in general, unfair criticism and unfair treatment, taking breaks

  • Morodyne Alvastria, Court Mage of Lysoria
    • A brilliant yet hard-to-predict genius of magic, who happened to notice her while scouting local orphanages for potential apprentices, having grown up at an orphanage himself
    • Tends to prefer close company or being alone, but welcomes those who have a genuine passion for shared interests, whether Miria or Princess Averena before her incident
  • Lucerne Eldmont, Royal Prince of Lysoria
    • Recognizes Lucerne's face from accompanying Morodyne on his excursions out of his tower to attend the court, but knows and cares very little for someone who grew up in the lap of luxury as he did
  • Averena Eldmont, Royal Princess of Lysoria
    • A familiar face at the mage-tower, though only traded small-talk or trifling matters of conversation with the princess
    • A mix of admiration for the princess's genuine passion for herbology and astrology, and some (possibly misplaced due to the princess's actual circumstances) envy over her 'stable' position in the royal family
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