Character(s) Hornet's Characters

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Character(s) Hornet's Characters


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Today 5:46 PM
Here Neither There
My two most used OCs
Name: Dylan Strass
Ethnicity: European/African/Filipino (3/5th European, 1/5 Filipino and African)
Age: 28
Gender: Male-Intersex (identifies as male but was born with both reproductive organs and internal testes)
Height: 6'1"
Hair/Eyes: Black curly hair, brown eyes
Occupation: IT tech
Personality: Introverted and antisocial so he dislikes being dragged out to things, etc. He's a bit socially inept and has a bit of expected social anxiety. Beyond his outward front, he is sweet, sensitive, snarky, self-aware and a ponderer. Logic driven but he does lets his emotions get him sometimes. Given his social ineptitude and preference to stay by himself, he has problems getting along with others or finding empathy
Backstory: Grew up in Nevada with a single mother and an older sister, was a problem student in high school who got into tons of fights, eventually dropped out of both high school and college
Misc: Casual-skatepunk, is a good cook/loves caffeine, likes collecting vinyl records, smokes weed, cannot swim, owns quite a few sex toys, and is an arachnophobe
favorite games: The Legend of Zelda, RuneScape, Minecraft, Sonic, Spelunky, Don't Starve, The Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the NecroDancer, Enter the Gungeon, Slay The Spire, Jet Set Radio
Favorite music: Aesop Rock, Mastodon, Queens of the Stone Age, Atmosphere, Run The Jewels
Favorite movies: Drive, Jurassic Park, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth

Name: Jesse Walsh
Ethnicity: Irish
Age: 20s?
Gender: FtM (has yet to undergo surgery or hormones)
Height: 5'4"
Hair/Eyes: Redhead, green eyes
Occupation: Medical student
Personality: An asshole, aloof, snarky and rude, however, Jesse is a tsundere and may warm up to girls
Jesse dislikes having to interact with people, swears a lot and is not a morning person
Backstory: Parents are New York-Irish immigrants, Jesse was a frequent visitor to the principal's office and/or got regularly suspended due to their daughter getting into frequent fights, Jesse also didn't fit in and was a punk/counter-culture, the catalyst leading to Jesse to transition was being born with an intersex-CAH disorder (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
Misc: Has a pretty huge butt, despite being transgender, still has female genitalia and could...have kids in the future


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