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Fifty shades of tired.
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Today 9:24 PM
Yeehaw Gators
Hello! I am obviously new LOL. My name`s Cassidy and I`m from somewhere in the hottest part of the deep south (AKA Florida). I`ve been an avid role player for many many years, relatively literate. I enjoy many different genres, from fantasy/supernatural/paranormal, to Slice of Life, romance, etc. On my down time, I am a professional dog trainer, and own a working dog kennel. I am also a full time college student attempting to get my degree in animal chiropractic. I am also a certified vet assistant, and previously worked as a veterinary technician. So that`s me!
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Welcome to the Inner Sanctum, Cassidyj250. If your excellent request thread is any indication, you will soon have partners in your capable, healing hands.

Welcome to I.S. Cassidy. It's cool that you enjoy animals so much and work with dogs so often. There are a lot of dog owners here so you are in good company. I hope you find the stories and roleplay you are looking for. Happy writing.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the madhouse!
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