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To begin, I am happy to be here. For a little background, I'm twenty-seven and a dude, living on the East Coast of the United States. Schedule-wise, I am fairly flexible. At the moment, I am trying to find ways to reinvigorate my knack for creative writing. From a young age, I have been an avid writer and roleplayer, working best in group settings and forums, which allow me to write fully-fleshed characters. I enjoy building worlds and have OP'ed a large number of forum-based roleplays, usually based on some sort of original concept or something. In recent years, my passion for RP has died down, even as other avenues open up for me in the realm of script-writing. I need reinvigoration.

When it comes to roleplay, I enjoy groups, lengthy writing, explored characters, and action. Military-themed procedurals, crime RPs, action-horror; I like to think that I am fairly versatile, although my slant is towards more modern or historical settings. Given the presence of erotic, I will add some coverage there. I haven't done much smut in a while, but given that I am here, I am obviously down for it. I usually RP as a man, so MxF or MxFuta (or some other variations) are where I'd be looking to eroticize some writing. I respect a tasteful balance between story and smut, but as long as someone makes their intentions clear, I don't mind jumping right into smut. Scat, excessive sexual gore, and more "shocking" forms of erotica tend to turn me off.

Historical Fiction
War/Military Procedurals
Realistic Sci-Fi

As for in-depths, feel free to ask and discuss with me.

My goal is to come up with at least one group RP in the next little bit. I am open to any collaboration, so hit me up if you wish!
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum
If you've got any questions feel free to ask
Welcome to I.S. Carbonaro_Casino, I hope you find what you are looking for. Adult style roleplay or smut is not required here if it's not something you are interested in. More than half the forums are dedicated to areas where it's simply not allowed. So there is a large variety of options here and the site is certainly not focused on erotica style roleplay. Best of luck to you and good luck with your group RP.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the madhouse!
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