MxF Hunter's Huntings (WIP)

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MxF Hunter's Huntings (WIP)


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While I expect this thread to be expanded as I decide more story ideas to explore; I thought that I'd go ahead and get the party started. I've been doing RP (and eRP) for quite a while now, though I haven't been doing it the past few years. I'm intending to not let past successes and failures (of which there have been many of both) weigh in on what ideas I'm proposing.

A few things about me:
1. Length: You'll find that I tend to aim for a post length of around a paragraph, but don't always succeed to the degree that I'd like. I prefer a "comfortable" post length than being tied to a specific number of words.
2. Story vs Smut: I typically prefer a balance of the two, though I'd want some kind of story even in a tale that's more or less just smut. Yes, I've done that long time ago.
3. Limits: You'll find that my tastes tend to be on the vanilla side; the more hardcore stuff typically doesn't interest me. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure.
4. What do you not tolerate in a partner: God-modding; that's really the only thing that jumps to mind.
5. Do you like constant out of roleplay chat: You'll find that I'm a fairly big believer in the idea that communication makes a good collaborative story. So expect me to ask about and am open to being asked about, anything that might pop up.
6. Willingness to negotiate: See above; it's a co-operative story, not a dictation.
7. Addendum: You'll find that I can post at least once a day, sometimes more. I prefer a partner who can do the same, but it's not a strike-out.
Note: I only play male characters, and all stories are MxF. In addition, my tastes (toward kinks) tends to be rather vanilla...please as if you're not sure meow.



CATBOY1.JPG The Knight and the Shrine Maiden. (catboy and catgirl)
The two were childhood friends, and have always seemed to be close. The two often seemed to do everything together (including sneaking out, making out, and generally getting in trouble). It was inevitable that the two would end up married; though before they actually can get hitched, there's a catch. It's necessary for the two to journey to the most ancient shrine of the town/village/community's Goddess. It's a journey of several days in length, and receiving favor (if not blessing) is the last of the rites before they can be properly hooked up. Of course, the journey is part of the fun.....

saber_lily_casual.png The Proprietor and the Patron. (male and female)
While you'd think that owning a used bookstore would be a boring life; there's always something new every day. He's a regular, often just hanging out; reading and just hanging out. As the two get to know each other; she one day invites him into the more private part of her life. And finds out that the two have a shared interest in more than books.

Draenei.jpg The Peace Treaty (Draenei female and human male)
Two tribes had been warring on and off for centuries. Finally, the two ruling families settled upon a conclusion to the long running conflict; a union through marriage. With the successful union: the eldest daughter of one with the eldest son of the other; an end to the intermittent conflict finally occurred. But what will happen after a wedded night of bliss?

The High Priest and the Sorceress (human male and Draenei female)
When a wandering cleric arrives at a small village to vanquish a demon that has troubled the area for many years; he find himself in need a guide, not only to the demon's lair but around the area in general. When she volunteers to serve as guide, the two quickly dispatch said demon. And the partnership brings a twist of it's own: the two have an almost immediate and strong attraction, one not just physical but on a deep emotional level as well. Well, it turns out that he's the high priest of one of the nation's deities as well as a personal friend of the king. Love is a far stronger bond than anything that might try to pull them apart.

pyrrha_shark.jpg The Look-Alike (inspired by Miraculous )
It takes more than a mask to hide a superhero (or superheroine) identity. When the superhero duo turn out to be friends in real life, what's going to happen when the masks come off?

I'm also open to other MxF pairing, please don't hesitate to ask me if you're idea might interest me.
P.S. I'm also interested in a furry themed story, but I've neither done nor have a good plot idea.
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As I'm never really sure what else to include, I'm going to make a short (but not comprehensive) list.

Pairings and Other Stuff:
Science Fiction
Slice of Life

Generic Pairings*:

*preference is usually listed first
I'm also interested in a wide range of Fandoms, mostly Anime and the like. I'm also a bit of a Disney fan (love the music!) of the various Princesses and Tinker Bell movies in particular.
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What anime?

It's much too long a list to attempt to try and give more than a selection. I like just about anything but sports related, so that's quite a lot. My favorite genres are the music, mecha, magic girl, and slice of life.

Short list: AKB0048, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Black Bullet, Campione, Canaan, Clannard, Claymore, Engaged to the Unidentified, Fafner in the Azure, Familiar of Zero, Fate Series, Heaven's Lost Property, Highschool of the Dead, Infinite Stratos, Kamisama dolls, Is this a Zombie, Log Horizon, Martion Successor Nadesico, Princess Resurrection, Rail Wars, Senhime Zesshou Symphogear, Shikabane Hime, To Love Ru (series), Xenoglossia, Yumeria, Zettai Karen Children (Psychic Squad).

Again, it's only a selection.
It's much too long a list to attempt to try and give more than a selection. I like just about anything but sports related, so that's quite a lot. My favorite genres are the music, mecha, magic girl, and slice of life.

Short list: AKB0048, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Black Bullet, Campione, Canaan, Clannard, Claymore, Engaged to the Unidentified, Fafner in the Azure, Familiar of Zero, Fate Series, Heaven's Lost Property, Highschool of the Dead, Infinite Stratos, Kamisama dolls, Is this a Zombie, Log Horizon, Martion Successor Nadesico, Princess Resurrection, Rail Wars, Senhime Zesshou Symphogear, Shikabane Hime, To Love Ru (series), Xenoglossia, Yumeria, Zettai Karen Children (Psychic Squad).

Again, it's only a selection.
You and I are pretty much opposites. I enjoy shonen and action based anime. I quite enjoy slice of life too, though.
You and I are pretty much opposites. I enjoy shonen and action based anime. I quite enjoy slice of life too, though.

Oh, I enjoy those too. It's just hard to give a comprensive list when you've been watching anime since the 1990s. ^_^
More Ideas!

The Recluse and the Maiden
Behind a brick wall and an iron wrought gate lies the estates of the Armitage family, who have lived in that same estate for centuries. The current head of the family is one William Armitage, who's rarely heard from and almost never seen. It's been such that every few years that a new companion/mistress is hired, and afterwords is sent on her way with a nice (money) bonus. Only this time, the mistress being sought is one for life; and stipulation is that she'll have to leave everything of her old life behind, though isn't expected to turn into a complete recluse (she'll still be allowed to communicate with friends and family) like the lord of the manor. Her duties will, of course, include warming his bed. And what has prompted this change and what will the new mistress discover?

The Sith Lord and his Apprentice
The enduring quagmire of Imperial politics is often punctuated by betrayal and misinformation. When the only person you trust to watch your back might end up being your replacement, even sex takes on a different meaning. Can the two forge their own place or will they be swallowed up by the quagmire?

The Professor and the Teaching Assistant
Love tends to make strange bedfellows, and sometimes those bedfellows aren't the ones that people might think. A rather bookish professor and his new teaching assistant have fallen for each other, as a professional relationship turned quickly into a personal (and rather kinky) one. What extra-curricular activities might they be engaged in both at and away from the office?

College Days (Twins or Best Friends)
While the two always seemed inseparable, moving away from home to go to college presents the first time that they're really been on their own for more than a night or two. Finances being what they are, the two are sharing a single bedroom apartment...which also includes a distinct lack of privacy. While they initially might have started sleeping in separate rooms (him on the couch and her in the bed), things quickly spiral as closeness leads to kinkiness.
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