i call them "f*cks" to keep it gender-neutral :]

Currently reading:
i call them "f*cks" to keep it gender-neutral :]


bittersweet madness
Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts! 100 Likes! 250 Likes!
Local time
Tomorrow 5:26 AM
GMT + 5
Get it ?
'Cause "fuckbois" and "fuckgirls" shortened to "fucks"
Damn im smart
*pats my own head*

Anyways this'll be my...
Character thing ?
Rp storage thing ?
Idk bruh it be something
Stay tuned to find out ig ?

[ cornflower are ongoing ]
[ tumbleweed are closed ]
[ lavender are unused characters ]
[ feijoa are on hiatus ]
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▪ his pretty maid ▪

【 Ivan Harrison 】


〖 Dance Instructor 〗

[ standing at six feet tall with an average build and broad shoulders. physically fit with a lithe body. a thick mop of tousled dark hair that, bright caramel eyes and a charming smile (psst you can see his dimples when he smiles.) he has glowy skin with a light tan and some freckles dusting his face ]

【 Cherlene Valera 】


〖 Ballet Dancer 〗

[ standing at five feet, six inches, she has a slim, rather slender build but broad shoulders. her luscious, silky scarlet hair fall to about her mid and she usually keeps them tied up in a neat bun. she has emerald green eyes with gold flecks and a gorgeous smile hiding a row of pearly whites. (You'd think she was being rude when she didn't speak to you but in reality, she's a mute, fluent in ASL) ]

Feather Bed
( Collar )

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⋆ from my dreams to you ⋆

【 Damian Maiers


〖 Executive Assistant to the CEO 〗

[ standing at six feet tall, with a broad, muscular build and toned body. he has tanned skin and deep, dark eyes. his hair is brown, almost black with some natural curl to it. no piercings. does he have tattoos? hm. ]

【 Gisela Marie Castro


〖 Executive Assistant's PA 〗

[ she's five feet, eight inches tall with a lean, gracile build. having spent most her childhood in under the scorching suns of mexico, marie has dark, caramel skin with a natural glisten to it. she has cold autumn, cat-like eyes and dark maroon lips that are almost always curled upwards into a feline smile. she's not lethal but her gaze is enough to either draw you in for more, or scare you for what she has in store ]

Feather Bed
( Collar )

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The Tales Of The Secret Garden (Group)

Choi Moon-Sung |

Nicknames/Stage Name:
| Moonie |
| Stage-Name is her real name |

| 20 | 21st October 1998 | Libra |





Moonie is a joyous, cheerful girl full of smiles and hearty laughs. She's soft-spoken and prefers to keep her speech brief and to-the-point; she's always been more of a listener than a talker but perhaps, this is because od the strict rules she was to follow back in Germany - speak only when you're spoken to, never speak out-of-turn and so on (the list really was endless.) Despite how every expects someone her like to "be" - confident and self-assure - Moonie is... anything but. During her trainee days and even when she auditioned, she'd had a little extra chub under her skin and her management was adamant that she somehow trim it down to perfection. It was never something she'd dwell over, wordlessly doing as they told. Until... they debuted and Moonsung's position and role in their band became "visual", that's when it all went downhill; becoming obsessed with the way she looks and presents herself - nothing less than graceful and elegant, it's her childhood in Germany all over again and it's a nightmare. When one says "two-faced angel" they usually expect a much darker, back-stabbing face but in Moonie's case, it's... much worse. It's a part of her no one's allowed to see but her and if she could prevent that too, she would. She knows she should depend on her members if she's in need of any extra help but they already have so many responsibilities and duties weighing on their shoulders, not to mention how they're doubled as they've just debuted, and Moonie doesn't want to add onto that so she keeps it all to herself |
| i tried to be as detailed as I could but I usually flesh characters out through the roleplay. basline is: Moonsung isn't actually a broken and depressed girl, sorry if it comes across that way |


Visual | Song Writer | Co-Producer | Chef de Cuisine *muah* |
when Moonie found out she'd been accepted and was now being requested to attend the training camps that nurtured young mind and toughened them up for idol-life, she was ready! What she wasn't expecting, however, was to be work alongside three other wonderfully talented girls and be given the role of "visual". Moonie knows her appearance played a vital role in her initial acceptance but this is... a bit much, is it not? Not one to put up a fight, she swallowed down the bitter spoonful of medicine without sugar and decided it was best to be grateful she scored herself a spot at all. Now though, she's receiving the help of her bandmates to broaden her skills - working extra hours in the studio: Hyunjin teaches her a more vigorous dance style because she's only well-versed in ballet and classical, and she requests Hyerim teach her how to work a launchpad since she knows how to play the piano and violin (preference for the latter.) Other than that, Moonie is a college student with morning classes, trying to grasp a degree in Language and Linguistics which makes her very capable of writing meaningful and hard-hitting lyrics. She also harbours a love for the kitchen and cuisine (cooking, baking, etc) and likes to spend any "free" time she has, making treats for her band members. When she can, she'll volunteer to make them dinner and lunch too |


mint chocolate (Sonny better watch her step) |
a good book |
violin |
rainy days |
poetry |
listening to their group's songs |
lurking on twitter |
flowers (as in their fanbase but the real thing works too) |
ddukbokki |
cleaning (goddamnit Sonny) |
learning new languages |
tea |

cats (animals. in general) |
dancing (it's tiring, okay) |
coffee ew |
long hours of practice |
whining |
| her parents |

Current relationships:
Platonic: Band Mates |
| Professional: Mr. Yo (CEO/Manager) |
Romantic: hm,,,mayhaps |

| unlike a majority of the people who join the k-idol industry, Moonie comes from an adequately well-off family. And by "adequately", she means upper class. Up until her tender teenage years, Moonie was raised and brought up with her parents in Germany. After that, her grandparents requested she be sent back to Korea where she can learn proper tradition, culture and their family heritage and they can help cultivate her into a fine lady. Before matters could get to that point, Moonie became involved with a group of people in her college - girls and boys, alike - who spoke of "idols" and "k-pop" and "making it big". It was all a bunch of baloney to her until her friends made up their minds to audition. Giving into peer pressure, Moonie decided to... give it a try, what can go wrong? What she hadn't been expecting, however, was to receive an acceptance letter from the company in a few weeks' time. Her parents were furious; her grandparents were disappointed; relatives, peeved. She couldn't turn back time anymore so might as well ride the wave when it's coming to you, right? Moonie hasn't heard from her parents ever since |

Gasoline - Halsey |
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez |
Truth Untold - BTS |

as seen in A Little Closure

Cheong Jung-Hwa |

Stage Name:

Axel |

| 26 | April 2nd, 1993 | Aries |

Face Claim:




| Flirtatious | Playful | Frisky |
Trustworthy | Dependable | Accepting |


| It's funny how someone like Jung-Hwa - someone labelled as the "delinquent" in high school, known for breaking the rules and aggravating the teachers - is now an idol; seeing how idols have very tight agendas and a list of strict rules they have to follow ipsissimis verbis. Perhaps that's why he left his hometown in the first place: to start with a blank canvas and set himself straight. But... bad habits always find a way to catch up to you, don't they? |

| Min Hae-Seon |

| 21 | September 4th, 1998 | Virgo |

| Son | Chip |

Face Claim:



| Meek | Timid | Introverted |
Respectful | Polite | Optimistic |

| Believe it or not, Jung-Hwa and Hae-Seon are from the same hometown. Though, Hae-Soon didn't get much of an opportunity to acquaint himself with his hyung since he was so much younger. So years later, when he decides to venture to Seoul to make a name for himself, it's safe to say that he was surprised to see the elder at the same audition. "What are you doing here?!" The astonishment was mutual. "You're not the only one running away from your past, hyung" trying to make a better future. Hae-Seon comes from a verbally abusive household, which is why he learned how to control his tongue from a young age. He wants to start anew in Seoul, wants to become someone his parents can - one day - be proud of and... maybe even work as a linkage between them, a bond of reconciliation |

Mark Twain's Table
( Bedtime Stories )

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⋇ started with a little bit ⋇

【 Ukinain Maganti 】


〖 Demon (Incubus) 〗

[ in his demon form, he has a dark, brick-red hide with flecks and scales of fire. his horns are curved and wings are webbed, sharp talons sticking out of the edges. his tail is either wrapped around his thigh or torso, or trailing up some poor, unaware victim's back in an attempt to entice them. his human form depends on the viewer; they usually see the object of their affections in him - be it a woman or a man - and he indulges them, uncaring for who they think he is. he may be an incubus (the male sex demon) but he's very much capable of changing sexes, it all depends on his partner and what they desire ]

Fetish Dungeon
( Whip )

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⁎ something 'bout you ⁎

【 Ricardo Owston 】

Office Worker

〖 39 〗

[ your average, everyday man with a drinking problem. ricardo is 6'2" and yes, he was encouraged to pursue sports during his high school years because of his good height. he didn't however, and now works the normal nine-to-five (except he leaves early and comes back after midnight.) he has light stubble and a dark-fair complexion ]

Fetish Dungeon
( Whip )

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✪ sharin' my heart ✪

Hari Underwood |

31 | 27th October, 1987 | Scorpio |

Bi-Curious |


Logical | Tasteful | Methodical |
Reserved | Businesslike | Morbid |

Under Construction |

Medical degree - Forensic Pathologist |
Overlooks the System Analysis department |
Uses a keypad phone |

Poe's Corner
( Sci-Fi )

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✩ let me dream with the stars ✩

Han JoonHo |

32 | 3rd June, 1987 | Gemini |

Asexual | Bisexual |

With dark, espresso eyes and midnight black curly hair, JoonHo stands at about 5'10" with a lithe build and lean muscle. He has... many piercings but no tattoos. |




| Doctor |

Confident | Dedicated | Reliable |
| Apathetic | Cautious | Prim |

As most Asian parents do, JoonHo's parents too, had written his life out before his birth - everything from him being a perfect A-grade student in his youth to him becoming a prestigious doctor with a well-paid job and stable career. JoonHo has fallen through with most, if not all, of those expectations and the few things left on his parents' to-do list are regarding "family" and "settling down". Sounds easy until you look choose enough and see how he currently has eyes for one person - someone his parents don't approve of one bit. And considering how he has to marry a woman, it's near impossible for his love to ever blossom

He managed to become an emergency physician and was taking courses in human psychology, studying their thought-process and mannerisms, why they do the things they do, why they choose to not do everything they don't. His parents had never specified a field he was supposed to enter after completing his MBBS and he supposes he could've found himself a loophole by becoming a general practitioner after that, doing a few specialization courses and settling for some mediocre job in his local district. But one thing his parents' impels drove him to was developing a craving. A sense of self-satisfaction from success and achievement. He hankered for more than he already had like every avaricious, covetous being does after their current situation feels to bring them that contentment anymore. He likes to think he did it for himself, more than to make his parents proud but come on, who's he kidding here? Himself, of course, because neither of those two reasons hold a significant amount of weight to them.

"I want to study abroad at the University of Central Florida." His parents had absolutely flipped at that even though they were comfortable enough to afford to send one of their children overseas. "It has a hundred per cent chance of students receiving a scholarship and extra funding." His father's words had slowly died upon hearing that, eyebrows raising above his hairline.

Still, the response he'd gotten was: "We can't send you alone."

He wouldn't be alone though. "The... Janssens' family happens to be moving back in a few months." Needless to say, he spent half a year preparing for his MCAT, fresh out of college with a bachelor's degree in hand, applying to all the most affordable colleges in Central Florida - where the Janssens' were relocating. JoonHo had passed with flying colours and got accepted in a good medical school with a decent scholarship value. He even started working part-time in a clinic so that his parents wouldn't have to bear all the financial pressure, with him studying in an open-minded, accepting society where he lived under the same roof as his best-friend (read: unrequited love.) So JoonHo accomplished all that without external tuitions and academies, so he likes to think he's of a higher intellect than the average man |


Jesse Janssen |

| 31 | 19th May, 1988 | Taurus |

Bi-Curious |



with piercing blue eyes and a sharp-edge jawline, he has the looks that could make any girl fall head over heels for his dark persona. he has a healthy mop of dark, almost black, hair that's buzzed from the sides and messily tossed back or to the side from the top. he has only one piercing on either ear but his light skin is littered with tattoos, especially his upper torso: both his arms, his neck, on top of his pectorals. he wanted to get face tattoos like those wack mumble rappers too but convinced himself out of it because he knew his parents wouldn't appreciate that (only half-convinced himself though because in the end, he did get himself a small cross right below his left eye. Jesse's sense of fashion is probably what drives the ladies mad: his signature leather jacket that he wears over plain tank tops and heavy, black combat boots. it gives him the stereotypical "bad boy" vibe. To top it all off, he always keeps a pack of cigarettes on him even though he never smokes. The only thing he's missing now is a cool motorbike (he's saving up to buy himself one) |

Electrical Engineer |

Deviant | Disrespectful | Unfaithful |
Egotistical | Easy-going | Inquisitive |

he was born in an extremely religious, orthodox, homophobic society in Florida, where he spent the first four years attending church regularly with the other kids. From the day a child is born to the age of six, their brain works like a sponge, soaking up a copious amount of information from their surrounding environment. So one can probably tell what kind of a mindset he had since such a tender age: "Boys laying with boys is bad." "Confess your sins to Father, he'll grant you redemption from god." "That's a good boy, smile for the camera!" Which would've worked if he was surrounded by such teachings at least up to his teenage years, being brainwashed by the people around him.

It didn't work, however, because Jesse's father had to relocate to South Korea due to his job, and since he couldn't leave his family behind, they came along with him. So Jesse grew up in a quiet neighbourhood with sober kids who were allowed to do anything they liked. Their parents would let them out of the house by themselves, give them large, monthly allowances that they could do whatever they wanted with. It was a shock to him at first: seeing girls in mini skirts and boys with bright, neon hair but he got accustomed to it eventually. He, being the "good kid" he was, didn't align with the "norm" around here because he knew his parents would never allow it.

Then high school came. And everything changed. He attended an international school where not only the students but the teachers too, had open mindsets and were accepting to criticism. "This is your youth! You should do what you want!" He, being the only American that attended, gained a lot of attention from what used to be the "cool kids" and they took him under their wing. It started off small, at first: skipping class to hang out with the senior girls, staying after school to wreck some bikes, put dents in cars. It escalated faster than you could blink, and soon enough, he started getting into fights with the local police over his behaviour. The first few times they brought him home cuffed and fined with vandalism, his parents didn't believe it, "Our son would never!" But the more regularly they started receiving calls from his school about his plummeting grades, the more worried they started to get.

Jesse started to stay out more, because going home meant that his parents would have questions and he wouldn't have the courage to meet their eyes and give them answers. He tried getting piercings like the other kids but it hurt a lot so he resorted to tattoos: small ones on his upper arm. It progressed downwards and he started wearing full sleeves even in summers. "Son, are you alright?" He'd yell at them for worrying, "You don't care about me! You only care about your own image and how I'm tainting it now!" The worse he got, the more people around him abandoned him; the "cool kids" from his school stopped hanging out with him, the girls stopped asking him to be their Valentine's. It was a bad time. And it would've been even worse if it weren't for his neighbour and "best friend" - Han JoonHo.

Han JoonHo, the living prodigy in their area. The perfect child who was able to manage his social life alone with maintaining decent grades. Han JoonHo who used to treat to all his wounds and would stay with him in the park if Jesse refused to return home. He never understood why until he became eighteen, in his final year of high school. That was the first he ever properly noticed how JoonHo would look at him: with heartbreak in his eyes, like Jesse was the only thing that mattered. This frightened Jesse out of his own skeleton, "What if he ends up leaving me too?" So he took his own precautionary measures to ensure that JoonHo would never.

"Precautionary measures" that included pulling the man into his lap and breathing down his neck, "You want me, don't you?" That was the first time he ever engaged with a male. And he liked it. So he kept crawling back, kept using JoonHo for his own content, because he had no one else. All the while, giving his best friend the illusion that, "Yes, I love you too." Did he?

Did he really?

He still hasn't grown out of that mindset that was beaten into him when he was young: "Boys cannot be with boys."

He's just scared (to this day, really? Can't you get your feelings fucking straight, man?

Whatever relationship they had ended when Jesse's family moved back to Florida. And while he never returned to the "good kid" he formerly was, he tried to be the "good kid" his parents wanted: someone with a stable job, a handy degree. He took engineering in college and worked his ass off to pass. His hard work did bear fruit (thank God for that, he might just have committed if it hadn't) and he won't admit it to anyone but he cried the day his degree was handed to him |


Poe's Corner
( Sci-Fi )

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The Broken Dark

you wont even know im here


Lyndon Vinrich

21 May 23rd, 1998 Scorpio

Human (Mage)

Power Imitation/Recreation



pathological liar

belongs to a middle-class family consisting of his father, mother and step-sister. His father married a single mother who had a daughter named Louisa. They had a pair of twins together: Lyndon and his brother. Lyndon never accepted his step-sister into his heart wholeheartedly, while his twin was more welcoming. "Was" because as it turned out... he, passed away, during a house fire. Lyndon and Louisa, along with their parents were saved. He blames her for his brother's death to this day (as an excuse, to mitigate the pain reminiscing brings.)

In their hidden world of magic, there exist monsters: humans who aren't humans exactly. Consumed by the lust for hunger and the greed for power, they consume other mages' magic to satiate themselves. Lyndon... fell victim to the consumption and weight of this. Unknowing, of course: laying for months on end on a hospital bed, alive only because of the cannulas inserted into his bloodstream. In a world where traumatic events trigger the activation of one's powers... this was it for him. And he didn't even know; didn't even know that the boy sitting by his bedside wasn't, in fact, his brother, but only a figment of his imagination. Everyday. Whispering soft encouragements and holding his hand all night. Perception control is his power, and it's dangerous. Lethal.

When he finally gained consciousness, he came to realize this, because it wasn't a boy by his bed. It was a girl: his step-sister whom he claimed to despise so much. Thus began his demise. Sitting by the windowsill for hours that never ended, watching replays of himself and his late brother playing in the garden. "I don't deserve good things," he told himself one day, "I'll ruin it." So the stars disappeared from his vision. Then the lurid colours. And then the bright lights. Everything, till there was nothing but darkness and desolation left for him. But of course, how could he live if he kept blaming himself? So he grabbed his sister's arm and yanked her by her hair.

The very same day, he lit a faint flame on the tips of his fingers. Elemental magic - a speciality of the dæmons. He told her, fearing for his own life more than her's. Neither of them ever told their parents about Lyndon's transformation and his newly discovered knack for copying and stealing others' powers. "I want to attend college in the big city." His parents agreed, his step-sister refused to go with him. Enraged, he stole her bracelet and clasped it on his own wrist; it's the only thing that permanently binds you to the dæmon without a bonding ritual having to take place. "Permanently" because only he can take it off. He doesn't, despite how he can't stand her presence.

Still, they moved to the city together and bought a small apartment in the downtown area. They managed to keep a low profile until Lyndon started gaining his college girls' romantic attention for being the "dark and enigmatic" type, and the guys' envious glances. He started getting into fights, regardless of whether or not he could win them or even if it was a fair competition or not (who initiated is not necessary.) It was fine: he could easily hide the ghastly bruises on his sickly pale skin. Not only does he suffer from anæmia, but using your ability 24/7 tends to take a toll on you eventually. And it did: it ended it up in ER, attached to a ventilator and oxygen tank. From then onwards, his parents started sending him monthly allowance that he's supposed to spend on blood bags and hospital fees. He surprisingly, does so?

Along with getting into occasional fights, breaking girls' hearts, contemplating therapy and planning out a seamless murder (*cough cough* Louisa,) he spends his free time degrading his sister and exploring abandoned asylums and bunkers with a virtual blindfold around his eyes. Right now, the only person he can leech power off of is his sister. Even though he tells himself he's a changed man now... they both know there's no reverting to his old self. So maybe it's a good thing he hasn't met another magic bearer yet. Who knows what he might end up doing to them...


tongue piercing, take a look
suffers from anaemia and albinism
spends a lot of his time exploring abandoned attractions


caught in the cross-fire

⋆ * ・゚: ⋆ * ・゚:⠀* ⋆ . * : ・゚. : ⋆ * ・゚: .
each time we agree i feel fulfilled
⋆ *
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*⋆ Louisa Aukes ⋆*

*⋆ 23 ⋆* July 23rd, 1996 *⋆ Cancer ⋆*

*⋆ Dæmon ⋆*

*⋆ 5'6" ⋆*

*⋆ clear-headed ⋆*
adaptable ⋆*
calm ⋆*

*⋆ timid ⋆*
libidinous ⋆*
impressionable ⋆*

*⋆ her mother was married to an abusive man who wasted his days away begging on the streets for money to pay his loans and his nights, drinking. He was never home. Until he was. And when he was, he'd take all his anger out on Louisa's mother, beating her till you couldn't even recognise her. One late night, when he'd passed out on the pavement right outside the door, she decided she's had enough of his transgressions and ran away from her home. She ran and she ran, running from her captor but having no one to turn to. She ended up in the forest and lost consciousness under a fir tree.

The next morning, she awoke with a start, and to the view of a beautiful man kneeling by her. She could hardly describe him as a "man" though; with his fluffy orange tail and soft, pointy ears. "Who are you?" "I'm a dæmon." He helped her heal, she showed him the world. They fell in love, eventually, and had a child together. A child with pale blond hair and sharp facial features - like her mother. She was a dæmon like her father but there were obvious differences: her dæmon form wasn't evident all the time: she had the choice to transform into it. They named this child "Louisa".

But all good things come to an end and Louisa's father was killed by the Supreme Forces - elders who looked after all forest dæmons - because he broke one of the most important rules in the doctrine: dæmons are not allowed to mate with the mortals, only form life-long bonds. "They're going to come for you next. You need to take Louisa and run." So for the second time in her life, Louisa ran from her home. This time around, however, she had a purpose, and that was to protect this love child - the only remnant of her late lover in this world. She fled to the countryside and took up a job in the local bar.

That's where she met Mr Aukes Vinrich - a wealthy businessman in the countryside. "I came here to see you." She's wary of him at first and doesn't understand why he's taken an interest in her but over time, she warms up to him. He helps finalize her divorce with that abusive bastard and listens to her laments. "Marry me." So she did. Mr Aukes Vinrich loved Louisa like his own child and she believed him until the news spread: her mother was pregnant with twins. She still remembers the way her heart had shattered upon seeing the unadulterated glee on her parents' faces when the babies were delivered safely. "They've replaced me."

That was never the case, thank God. Their parents didn't differentiate between them, but one of the twins did - his hostility was quite evident and Louisa never understood why he despised her so much when all she'd done was care for and love him. She prayed to God to mend their relationship but if anything, it only seemed to worsen. The death of Lyndon's twin brother in the house fire hit the nail on the coffin; he got sick, his health was detrimental and all that kept him alive were the IV drips the nurses would change day in and day out. Louisa sat by his side the entire time he was hospitalised but he only seemed to have one name on his tongue at the time. And when he finally regained consciousness, he started blaming her for his death.

Yet, with all his verbal abuse and jabs, she was never once rude to him. The first time she ever even said "no" right to his face was when he'd wanted to move to the city and for Louisa to accompany him. "Who's going to take care of our parents?" "My parents." Still, she inevitably agreed. Not out of her own free will, but because Lyndon stole her ownership bracelet and as long as he was to keep it on, she was under his spell - the faux-bond compelling her to follow his orders. She doesn't understand why he chooses to keep her around if he can't stand the very sight of her, constantly reminding her that she was his step-sister and nothing more.

That's... only half a lie because of course, she knows. Her brother's primary power is perception control but due to the trauma he'd underwent at such a young age upon losing his twin brother to a fire, had changed him and his entire being. His powers consumed him, ate away at his soul till he was nothing but a hollow corpse lusting for more energy, for more mana. That's why he keeps Louisa around, she knows: because she can provide him with that. Being a special case of a dæmon child, she had a humanoid body but her magic was still derived from nature. She has the ability to control the elements to an extent, and all he has to do is touch her to absorb parts of her powers, use them for himself for a short period of time before they fade and he comes back, hungry for more.

So anyway, she moved to the city with his brother. Life there was... different, to say the least. She joined a courting club at night and started receiving more female clients than male one from day one. Up till now, Louisa's never thought much about her sexuality but this prompted her to ponder on it, and she even asked her brother about it. "Okay, you're gay. So what?" Who'd been... oddly accepting?

Their parents still support them and send monthly allowances to her - for both, her and her brother's behalf because she's older and therefore, more responsible than Lyndon. She uses it to pay Lyndon's college fees along with his hospital bills at every monthly visit when he's attached to blood bags for a good couple of hours and his entire bloodstream has to be replaced with tissue that has working red blood cells. She makes sure he takes his medication on time as well ⋆*

*⋆ dæmon form is a fennec fox ⋆*
can handle her alcohol surprisingly well ⋆*
dislikes men (except her brother) in general ⋆*

⋆ *
・゚: ⋆ * ・゚:⠀* ⋆ . * : ・゚. : ⋆ * ・゚: .
down classed by the powers that be
⋆ *
・゚: ⋆ * ・゚:⠀* ⋆ . * : ・゚. : ⋆ * ・゚: .
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I Didn't Mean To

hanifa ghislaine hann *.·:·.

n/a 16th november, 1692 scorpio *.·:·.

female alloromantic *.·:·.

nature small closed spaces *.·:·.
humanity the people she's hurt *.·:·.
stormy nights judgement from supernal beings *.·:·.

witch sharp, smoke-grey eyes and pale, china-white skin. thick, straight obsidian hair that falls right above her shoulders and bangs that sweep her forehead, covering the brown tanzanite stone embedded into her forehead. it's the source of her life, and turns purple near fire. she has a gracile build and high cheekbones, long legs and slender fingers. her closet consists mainly upon dark colours and dignified garments *.·:·.

shadow manipulation corruption *.·:·.


.·:·.* she has been persistently trying to improve her magic and strengthen herself from the day she was created but all her efforts have been in vain. until one day... she stumbled upon a book. a book from hell. knowledge of dark magick: blood magic. she's killed countless beings for her aim but her attempts always end in failure. she was sentenced to a lifetime in prison, and a public execution after a trial that was never held, because she was caught by some nosy tourists wandering the lush forests late at night; a man nailed to the tree, pentagrams painted in red on the uneven ground, and her skin glowing with carved sigils - they took several pictures while she was in a state of lucidity and mailed them to the authorities *.·:·.

her birth is irony at its max: during the dark days of the salem trials, a group of teenagers decided to fuck around with ancient scriptures and mimic occult rituals. she's seen it all: the sinless being burned alive because of petty rumours, the sinless being tossed in crematories and gas chambers, the guiltless being charged of crimes they never committed. it really is a cruel world out there. which is why she's spent most of her life in hiding - dark caves, abandoned attractions, misty forests. she might be the reason why humans label certain places as "haunted" and "evil", claiming to have heard strange noises and subtle movements in the shadows and corners. *.·:·.
Planet B.C.

"i don't really want to discuss this right now. but then again, i never do."

azrar luca oswine



cis male [




doctor/health specialist

malleable - he's a really "go-with-the-flow" kinda, chill guy; people call his nature very pacifying
reticent - only says what absolutely needs to be said; you will get nothing more, nothing less
cold - or at least, that's the first impression most people get when they first see him: as the " mysterious" and "brooding" type and... they're not half-wrong?
lazy - in the world of technology, one heavily relies on it and he's no exception. plus, he's capable enough to lead and dispute others' arguments but he's too lazy to move his mouth; basically, he's a "follower"
passionate - he's a really nonchalant man but every once in a blue moon, he'll find something that lights a fire inside of him. and then, there's no one who can hold him back. he always succeeds in getting what he wants too (up until now, that is)
cognitive empath - just because he's apparently an unsentimental/insentient steel rod (he'd like to beg your fucking pardon), doesn't mean he doesn't have have the mind to tell when another person's feeling feelings

will never trust unlicensed doctors again
has never felt romantic or sexual attraction to anyone before but is quite popular amongst the gents and ladies
was nineteen when his father was approached with a proposal to marry their daughter to him
cyborg because rheumatoid arthritis in the knee is a real pain in the ass and accidentally sawing your thumb in half can have serious consequences
oh, and there are mechanics installed into his limbic system as well which makes him super-human in terms of learning and (photographic) memory
born with a silver spoon and will inherit his father's multi-billion dollar company
so there he is, knowing the name of every single muscle in the body because said company is pharmaceutical
was about to finalize an engagement with a woman when God decided to bestow His mercy upon him and assigned him this mission instead
getting tattoos in obscure places was his way of rebelling against his father

i'm not rude, i swear - that would be cher - but you really need a time out."

karin vega

kite - only her sister addresses her with this
literally anything works


cis female





dandy - cares a lot about her appearance the way she portrays herself
gregarious - generally gets along with most people
temperamental - she tends to take off-hand comments to heard and will silently brood in a corner with her cheeks puffed and lips pouted; this makes her sensitive as well
adaptable - unlike her sister, who tries to fight the elements, she'll welcome them with open arms
irritable - it may not seem like it because she hides it very well, but it's extremely facile to piss her off
conciliatory - despises it when people argue; so only does she try to maintain good relations with everyone but tries to keep everyone else on fairly camaraderie-type terms too

despite the way she portrays herself, she really hates conforming to social and peer pressure; the whole "majority's authority" rule doesn't stick right with her
which is why when her sister was in cadet college and all her friends were studying robotics and aerodynamics, she chose english literature and philology (deciphering, to be exact)
works as a translator for the embassy during official meet-ups between the ambassadors and presidents of different countries
was always the "better sibling" and she hated it
is a pacifist mainly, but can throw a few good punches (courtesy of her sister)
her and sheri are actually step-sisters

"all y'all fuckin' damsels in distress or somethin'?"

sheri vega

cher - but only her sister is allowed to call her that
well, to be honest, if your name isn't "karin vega", you're not really allowed to call her by anything other than her given name



cis female




"i'm the defender of the goddamn universe, boy. up your's."

vulgar - has the vocabulary of a sailor at sea
brash - upfront and honest; will force her opinion down your throat even if you didn't ask for it
contravene - hates being tied down by rules and commitments
wary - doesn't trust easy
loyal - despite her many personality flaws, one you thing you never have to worry about is her betraying you
sardonic - god of sarcasm

was a problematic child and is extremely ashamed of her past
on the "street" she was known as the "hyena" because people thought of her as ruthless
she tries to come off as ruthless too, but the truth is: she's actually really caring and protective (in her own way)
while everyone else was taking fancy subjects like aerospace and computer science, she was training in cadet college
let's be honest: the only reason she's here is because her sister put in a good word for her
"i swear to god if you hurt her, after i'm through with you, you'll regret worming out of your mother's womb."

Poe's Corner


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✙ you're the only heaven i'll be sent to ✙

─── ·· ───

.a sturdy back but brittle bones; too weak to show

─── ·· ───

. f..i..r..s..t..n..a..m..e .
. a a r o n .. a hellenized hebrew name that can mean high mountain 0f strength, exalted, enlightened or bearer of martyrs

. m..i..d..d..l..e..n..a..m..e .
. j a c i n t o .. of portugese descent; it means "hyacinth," referring either to the flower itself or saint hyacinth, the roman martyr in the story of hyacinth and protus

. l..a..s..t..n..a..m..e .
. g a s c h e n .. the surname for the royal family of switzerland

. n..i..c..k..n..a..m..e .
. a r r o w .. what the castle staff and the knights call him after he told them off for calling him your highness and my prince even after spending all twenty-five years of his life together
. j a c e .. what his sister lovingly calls him by

─── ·· ───

. a..g..e .
. 2 5 .. people say he acts very mature for his "juvenile" age

. b..i..r..t..h..d..a..t..e .
. 2 7 t h . d e c e m b e r .. snow child; capricorn

─── ·· ───

. f..a..c..e..c..l..a..i..m .

. m a t t . m c g l o n e .

. n..a..t..i..o..n..a..l..i..t..y .
. s w i s s .. while switzerland may have many ethnic groups, the royal family is apparently of pure swiss descendent

. r..e..l..i..g..i..o..n .
. r o m a n . c a t h o l i c .. or so he says; he knows there's a higher entity but he doesn't necessarily believe in the people's god

─── ·· ───

. g..e..n..d..e..r .

. c i s . m a l e .. biologically male and comfortable with his identity; wouldn't like to be addressed as a woman even for the sake of a jest

. s..e..x..u..a..l..i..t..y .
. g a y .. after suppressing it almost his entire life, he's slowly coming to terms with it now, along with the guilt and shame

─── ·· ───

.i've been confused as of late, watching my youth slip away

─── ·· ───

. c..a..r..i..n..g .
. 1 0 / 1 0 .. he cares very deeply for those under and younger than him, showing great concern for their well-being and surroundings. if he's at a formal event and sees someone sitting by themselves, it's more than likely he'll go give them company instead of his staying with his friends

. f..l..i..r..t..a..t..i..o..u..s .
. 6 / 1 0 .. only around his friends and people he trusts. he tries to keep a good distance from women because they expect him to sweep them off their feet with sweet words and empty promises

. c..o..n..f..i..d..e..n..c..e .
. 7 / 1 0 .. fake it till you make it, right? he's confident enough to be able to carry himself on his own two legs. doesn't take any bullshit from others, and will be rude to you if you are to him

. h..u..m..b..l..e .
. 6 / 1 0 .. doesn't like to flaunt his wealth but when in a gathering where everyone's doing so, he'll follow the suit. generally, has a great sense of fashion, and knows how to handle and utilise money without being extravagant

. a..p..p..e..a..l .
. 1 0 / 1 0 .. it's probably his charming smile that captivates others and draws them in. he has a very aesthetically pleasing face. the fact that he's blond with blue eyes and light skin definitely aids his case, as much as he hates to admit that

. p..e..r..s..e..r..v..e..r..i..n..g .
. 1 0 / 1 0 .. generally, a very patient person. it makes him a good listener too. take his siblings for example: no matter how long they keeps rambling, he'll sit through it all without saying a word and hug her at the end

. i..n..s..e..c..u..r..e .
. 7 / 1 0 .. in regard to physicality; he never bathes in the caldarium when other people are around. even during sword fighting, when men will start stripping, drowning in the swelter and their sweat, he chooses to suffer

. s..e..l..f..i..s..h .
. 4 / 1 0 .. he's actually quite the opposite: selfless. he'll gladly take the blame just so his companions don't get into trouble for what's been done (his siblings work as another good example here because they're always causing all kinds of mischief, and when questioned by their father, he'll say it was his doing)

─── ·· ───

.we lay our bricks down to pave a road on the shoulders of somebody else

─── ·· ───

. m..o..t..h..e..r .
. l e o n o r . v i t t o r i a . d o m i n i k .. his biological mother is deceased; she passed away during childbirth so he personally never knew what she was like. from whatever information he's gathered from the servants, she was kind and smart and courageous, not afraid to stand up to his father while maintaining a certain level of regality

. f..a..t..h..e..r .
. d o m i n i k . e l i a s . g a s c h e n .. he's never had a very heartfelt relationship with his father. after the death of his mother, the king didn't pay much attention to him and left him to fend for himself. there was a time when he used to blame himself for that, and tried to excel in every aspect of his life to please him. it never worked. and over time, he's come to realise that the issue never lay within him: it's just that his father is an abusive asshole

. s..t..e..p..m..o..t..h..e..r .
. g i s e l l e . d o m i n i k .. after the death of his mother, his father married this woman. no one knows of her background or lineage and no one dares to ask either. she has a horrible temper and high-pitched shrieking voice. he tries to avoid her at all costs, which isn't very difficult because if she's not yelling at the servants, she's probably in her boudoir, bedaubing herself in his mother's jewels and makeup

. s..t..e..p..s..i..s..t..e..r .
. c e l i n e . d o m i n i k .. surprisingly enough, him and his forteen-year-old sister get along quite well. she's the black sheep of their family, much like him but for a different reason: she's not a blueblood, therefore, the nobility shun and look down on her. even her own mother's turned against her because of this. sympathising with her situation, he decided to befriend her (she'd started crying the first time he'd talked to her) .. f . c : j a d e . w e b e r .

. s..t..e..p..b..r..o..t..h..e..r .
. n o a h . f l o r i a n . g a s c h e n .. the biological child of queen giselle and king dominik. aaron hasn't had much of a chance to interact with him because his mother always has him perched on her lap, cooing at the three-year-old boy .. f . c : @ l a u r e n c o o p e r 0 8 1 3 .

─── ·· ───

.i don't want to make this hard, but now I will 'cause i'm stuck playing this part

─── ·· ───

. t..r..i..v..i..a .

. . master fencer is a title he's self-dubbed himself with . .

. . good with his hands *wink wonk* paints in his free time . .

. . his sister and him and have a secret hideout in the north tower that the entire staff knows of but never reveals to their parents. him and her and picnics there frequently . .

. . goes horse-riding at night because he can . .

. . knows how to speak english, french, german, italian and romanian . .

─── ·· ───

.for the golden crown, we search alone. so if we find it, we'll have it all to ourselves

─── ·· ───

Poe's Corner
( Political )

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The Spirals In Your Eyes

✦ ────── ✦

花 吹 雪

even the cherry blossoms
hail like blizzards
in the pleasant spring breeze

✦ ────── ✦

name ─── ✦
oexio kaveh tsen

nicknames ─── ✦

age ─── ✦

sexuality ─── ✦

race ─── ✦

powers ─── ✦
with the appearance of a mortal and the heart of fire (burning desire)
dragonians have a thick hide which makes them perfect for combat and war. they are immune to fire which is why the Firesoul Genasis (fire-manipulators) like to keep their distance
much like the elves, they have long lives and can live on for centuries
weaponry bends to their will; they can wield almost anything they get their hands on with little to no prior practice
they are born leaders and warriors, known for their cold and ruthless ways, refusing to show any mercy
one of their many weaknesses is how, unlike the Sylphs, they are land-bound
they have tried and failed to master the art of both, flight and mana
liquid substances (like water - the most obvious example) pacify their rigid and irascible demeanour

face claim ─── ✦

soulmate ─── ✦
in a world where neither your soulmate can cause you any physical harm, nor can you to them, he's glad he hasn't found his "other half" yet because who knows who they might turn out to be? what if it's one of the enemies' soldiers? is he expected to give up his duty to his kingdom for the sake of chasing love? no thank you

personality ─── ✦
arrogant ➶
thinks very highly of himself; believes that there's no one who can ever match him in terms of both, strength and wit (oh, and looks too)

egotistical ➶ would rather die than sacrifice his "honour" to apologize if he does someone wrong (which is more than likely)

promiscuous ➶ has probably slept with every staff member and servant working in the castle; isn't afraid to indulge in either gender. it's easy for him too because he's a shameless flirt when he isn't arguing, and people tend to throw themselves on him

possessive ➶ of everything he deems as "his"

combative ➶ not afraid to get physical with anyone who he believes to be threatening him; picks regular fights just to re-establish his dominance

aggressive ➶ gets really fucking petty when things don't go his way

✦ ────── ✦

取 り 戻 す

i always get what i want
even if i have to pry it
from your cold, dead hands

✦ ────── ✦

Poe's Corner

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Hard Decisions

come next to me,
let me take control;
follow me into the night


name ༈ aleksei mikolaj vilim
───── · ❅ · ─────
aleksei is derived from the greek word alexein which means defender; his parents thought it was fitting because he was their firstborn and male, on top of that, so in the future, he'd defend his people and his lands from all those who look upon it with an evil eye
mikolaj is from the latin nicolaus and greek nikolaos; it's derived from two compound words nikē meaning victory and laos meaning people; victory of the people. it decorates his first name and gives it a sturdier base
vilim is the patronymic of the royal family which has been passed down through the generations. it's derived from the old high german name williame composed of two elements: wiljô meaning desire and helmaz meaning protection. it implies that the royal family is free of all personal wants and works only for its people's benefit
pronunciation · /aeh-leck-say/ · /me-ko-laaj/ · /vee-leem/

nicknames ༈
───── · ❅ · ─────
mickey · /mick-ee/ · only his two younger sisters hold the privilege to call him by this name
sei · /say/ · what most of the castle staff addresses him with
alek · /aeh-leck/
alex · /aeh-lecks/

age ༈ 28
───── · ❅ · ─────
birthday · 8th november; he may be reaching his thirties soon but if you forget it and don't wish him, he'll avoid you for the entire year (this isn't a joke, ask his governess)
zodiac · scorpio
is 28 but has the mentality of a 10-year-old

gender ༈ he/him
───── · ❅ · ─────
could definitely pass as a sassy 42-year-old woman who loves to gossip over tea
not the "epitome" of masculinity but that just means he's comfortable with his identity
wouldn't mind if you called him a queen in fact, it might earn you a spot on his good books

romance ༈ pansexual
───── · ❅ · ─────
doesn't care so much about his partner's gender or race; as long as they can keep up with his occasionally-overbearing personality, he'll give it a go
believes in love but he'll never tell you that; love is foolish, he'll say while secretly craving the kind of mutually-respectful relationship his sister has with her husband

can you feel the warmth?
'cause my kiss goes down you
like some sweet alcohol


appearance ༈
───── · ❅ ·
has wavy, platinum blond, almost silver, hair that he usually never brushes but still manages to work?
frigid blue eyes that don't remind you of the warmth of the atlantic ocean but the fierce tides in the antartic
sandy, beige skin colour with warm undertones; his face is dusted with freckles like the stars in the night sky
no prominent scars but he has a beauty mark on the side of his neck
no tattoos as of yet
one ear piercing

face claim ༈ lucky blue smith
───── · ❅ · ─────

personality ༈
───── ·
· ─────
mbti type · entp-a; the debator
temperament · 50% choleric; a leader
sexual role · dominant top; versatile switch
moral alignment · chaotic neutral; individualist
alexythimic · it's said that water signs are very emotional and that they feel deeply. it's true. but it's difficult for him to identify, describe and vocalize his feelings
sensual · lives through touch; if you're one of the people he genuinely cares about, he'll be very physically affectionate with you to make up for the words he can't say
demanding · people say the youngest child is the most troublesome but it's not that much different for the eldest either; having grown up with people who'd bring him everything the moment he asked for it has spoiled him, or to put simply: raised his standards higher than himself
schadenfreude · in the sense that he thrives off of juicy drama and conflict between people; one time, one of the maids got involved with the head chef (who was married) and he sat on the sidelines watching everyone try to figure out what the fuck was going on
loyal · you get this certain sense of security when you're around him; much like how the first summer drizzle refreshes and rejuvenates you, he has the ability to put people at ease (when he's not being an infuriating prick, that is)
possessive · "your's is mine and mine is mine, don't touch."

powers ༈ elemental control (water)
───── · ❅ · ─────
hydromancy · user can use any water body to gain insight into the future, a question or a situation. the future they see might be in snippets and make no chronological sense; the answer to your question may be cryptic and require deciphering; disrupted water cannot be used; if you're looking into a situation happening in the same time frame as you, there needs to be a reflective surface near for you to be able to see what's happening; high concentration levels are essential because you don't want said surface to show fragments of your silhouette to the other party
hydrokinesis · user can manipulate already-existing water body at will; its molecular structure and temperature can also be altered
aquatic respiration · aka the sea blessing; ability to breathe and see underwater for long periods of time; called a blessing because it can be extended to other people as well, as long as they're touching you in one form or the other
hemokinesis · ability to manipulate the blood flow of any living organism, allowing you control their muscular system and movement; "puppeteering;" cannot take charge of people with strong willpower; alek does not possess this power, he's currently undergoing training to master it[/B]

headcanons ༈ trivia
───── · ❅· ─────
"why don't you come sit on my lap, sweetheart?"
soft, nature boy; spends his free time exploring cenotes and littoral caves
might-seduce-your-dad type
"ugh, i think i lost three whole braincells because of you."
gets really antsy during full moons and has a tendency to isolate himself
just like how water needs a container or else it'll evaporate and disappear, he's a very family-oriented person; they're his container
"no i call the shots around here, sit the fuck down."

don't know if it's meant to be
but save your best for me 'cause
it['s no secret that i want you


someday you will find me
caught beneath a landslide
in a champagne-supernova sky


name ༈
mees lowry darshan
───── · ❅ · ─────
mees is a crater located on the far side of the moon that's, even in the most favourable illumination and libration, not very visible to the naked eye. his parents named him this with that in mind: wanting people to gaze at their son with all the adoration, and that he could be a source of hope for those in need. it also happens to be a diminutive of the late latin/greek name bartholomeus who was the son of king talmai
lowry is an irish name meaning descendants of labhradha, signifying to the royalty that has passed before mees and how he's there now, in their place, having learnt from their mistakes
darshan is a word used in hinduism when someone achieves that level of enlightenment and spirituality that they can see the souls the deities have planted in all the objects around us. it's the surname of the royal family and fitting too, for how they have power over earth and everything in it
pronunciation · /mee-s/ · /lao-ree/ · /dhar-shaan/

nickname ༈
───── · ❅ · ─────
nothing in particular? as long as it's relatively respectful, mees doesn't care what you call him
sunshine is popular amongst his relatives though and his definite favourite
ok he likes bonbon too

age ༈ 24
───── · ❅ · ─────
birthday · 15th september; doesn't care much about the celebration and gift-receiving aspect of it; he just loves when friends and family take time out to get together and if his birthday is going to pave an excuse for that, then he'll endure the more materialistic side of it as well
zodiac · virgo
very playful and childish at times but generally, people say he's quite mature for his age; able to grasp concepts quickly and seive out solutions from within them

gender ༈ he/him
───── · · ─────
small and slender in terms of physique which is why his uncles playfully call him a lady sometimes; it makes him very uncomfortable because it feels as if they're trying to subtly insinuate that he isn't good enough to be their future leader

romance ༈ greysexual
───── · · ─────
with how busy he is trying to gouge the approval of his elders and teachers, he hasn't had much time for love and the lot so he's never thought about his orientation; he does, however, believe that one should love all equally
due to his "inexperience" as one may call it, he is nebularomantic: someone who has a hard time differentiating between romantic and platonic feelings regarding someone or multiple people

we separate
like rainbows, like ripples
on a blank shore

appearance ༈
───── · · ─────
due to growing up in a religious household, he does not have any body modifications, piercings or tattoos; his elders disapprove of it all severely and he, living under their divine protection, has to abide by the rules they lay down for him
dark, caramel skin that glistens like honey under the late evening glow of the sun
dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed short and neat because it's very curly and he's tried, it gets hard to manage if it starts sweeping below his ear lobe
blue eyes that represent the waters, tanned skin that portrays the sun (or fire,) and full lips that curve into the sweetest of welcoming smiles that depict the rejuvenating qualities in a fresh, cold breeze. then he, to bind them all together

face claim ༈ tyrone brown smithers
───── · · ─────

personality ༈
───── · · ─────
sexual role · versatile switch
mbti type · infj-t; the advocate
moral alignment · lawful good
temperament · mainly choleric; practical
ebullient · has a certain aura of youthfulness around him and people are generally attracted to him; they find that it's easy to get along with and trust him because of how sedative his nature and intoxicating his smiles are
dutiful · if there's one thing his elders have ingrained into his head, it's his sense of responsibility; if it's expected of him, he'll do it whether he, himself, wants to or not
earnest · cannot, for the life of him, lie; his nervous habits start peeking through and if you catch onto them, it's really to tell when he's being anything but fully truthful; this quality of his also plays in the factor that once he starts a task of his, he'll pour all his time and effort into it and will never half-ass anything
felicific · despises conflict with every fibre of his being and will go to any length to prevent it from springing up; he'd rather talk it out and let's put this behind us
impressionable · when people say the earth is a stoic and immovable object, mees will get into hour-long discussions to prove them wrong, it's always in motion! and the tectonic plates are slide over one another too! and what about the magma?! basically, the con of having been raised in a household where your elders make decisions for you is how easily you can be swayed and convinced from one point to the next, because you've spent all your life coming up with "excuses" to justify the elders' decisions, subconsciously knowing that they only want what's best for me
brittle · he tends to overthink a lot and while it may not outwardly have a notable impact on his relationships with others, it starts hurting him inside, making it harder for him to direct his entire focus on honing his powers; this is why he's someone who's constantly trying to impress those around him - to "prove" himself

powers ༈ elemental control (earth)
───── · · ─────
zoolingualism · one of the earth blessings he's been gifted with: can understand the language of animals and beasts. first realised it when he'd been walking down one of the hallways in the solar temple and a heard a quiet but high-pitched, "no! please don't!" he'd looked down at his shoes and saw that he'd almost stepped on an ant. he's been very careful about it from then onwards
geokinesis · self explanatory: to be able to reshape or manipulate the earth (solid substances like vegetation, rocks, minerals, salts, soil, etc only.) requires a great deal of physical and mental strength that mees does not have
retrocognition · can discern the past events that occurred in a specific place; it's not so much of a magic power than an ability to communicate with plants; they're living things too, they're aware of their surroundings, and they trust mees enough to channel flashes of what had happened
youth induction · another one of the earth blessings; immortality and age regression are out of the question in a mortal universe where everyone returns to where they started from (the soil.) mees will undoubtedly age but will always look a few years younger than how old he actually is
terraportation · to be able to teleport from one place to your desired destination via the earth; you need it's permission to be able to do so and so far, mees has been unsuccessful in convincing it
enhancement · the earth benders' powers focus more on the other elementals than themselves; this is one of the major reason when the earth elementals are regarded as the binding attraction between the rest; he can channel his own chakra and energy into others to magnify their powers and increase their strength; therefore atmokinesis is a power he won't ever be able to practice himself; only try to bring the other elementals together so he can play his part as the link they need to utilize their abilities together

headcanons ༈ trivia
───── · · ─────
"you're wrong on every level possible, i don't even know where to begin with you."
trying to make golems in winters, when he has no company because all the animals went into hibernation, but failing because the earth refuses to grant it life
"i'm not talking to you!"
"...to whom?"
"the earth, who else?"

the other elementals fascinate him, "oh my gods, do that again!!"
winning the bakers over with his innocence so that, "may i please have an extra serving of custard?"
speaking of which, he has a major sweet tooth
"i can't wait to get a day off!"
"a... what?"
"a day off?"
"sweetie, no, you don't have those."

we turned our back on the ordinary
and looked for stranger things
'cause that's just who we are


Fetish Dungeon
( Collar )

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give me what i want

. we keep all the party in this room all night

full name . roman il-seong
nicknames . song, riri. romeo

age . 20
dob . 2nd september

zodiac . virgo
gender . cis male
sexuality . pansexual
romantic orientation . apathromantic
occupation . college student
major . english literature
minor . business

. nobody's around, what's stoppin' us?

height . 5' 10"
weight . 141 lbs

hair . dyes it quite frequently. settled on pale-blond for now
eyes . contact lenses 24/7. his real eye colour is a honey-hazel
skin tone . pale as all f. bruises hickeys show up very prominent
tattoos . none at the moment
piercing . oh boy... two ear piercings, one nose ring, one nose-bridge piercing, one on his cheek, one lip ring and one tongue stud


. talk is overrated, let's just vibe
mbti type . entp-t, the debator
moral alignment . chaotic neutral
temperament . empath
hogwarts house . hufflepuff
sexual role . dominant top, powerbottom
personality type . beogd, the commander
positive traits . amiable, approachable, all-inclusive, charismatic, debonair, open-minded, self-disciplined, cheerful, tidy, adventure-seeking, creative, self-efficient
negative traits . promiscuous, impulsive, egotistical, argumentative, emotionally guarded, provocative, dandy, cocky

. fake tears but the alcohol never lies

roman's always been an obedient kid ever since he was a child; to the point where his mother claims that even as a newborn child, he never cried or whined as much as the others. he was brought up in a relatively well-off household in the big city, so he's quite accustomed to having his every wish fulfilled before it ever left his lips. his father is a wealthy business man working in the textile industry (which is obvious because roman never wears the same clothes twice) and is a very strict man. he isn't very physical or verbal about his feelings towards his wife, so while roman was raised in a loving household, none of that love was ever voiced.

from before he can even recall, roman's always been... the center of attention? and he's not sure why. in high school, all the "cool kids" would befriend him and all the extracurricular groups would want him. roman reckons it's because his parents allowed him to dye his hair crazy colours and gave him money to get as many piercings as he wanted; everyone must've thought of him as the "rebel." which is... not true? he's just never broken his parents trust before, which is why they have their confidence in him to stay away from all bad influences.

roman's never had a full-blown argument with his family. even when he'd told them he wanted to major in dance in college and his father had shot him down immediately, saying,
"a degree in dance won't get you anywhere." he disagrees quite vehemently but hadn't questioned his father when he'd told him that he wanted his son to study literature and business, so that eventually, he can take over the company. roman had agreed because... what other choice did he have? and once he started attending college, he found out they have a drama-theatre group open for all students? his parens were willing to pay for it as long as it didn't "distract you from your goal".

there were plenty of other things that "distract you from your goal" instead. like the fan club he'd accumulated overnight, and the frat parties he threw every friday, and the horde of woman that wanted to get in his pants. again, roman's always been a good kid; he was never jealous of his younger siblings when they received more birthday presents from their relatives. even now, he's not breaking any rules or doing white lines for everyone to label him as a "bad boy" but... it's not his fault he sleeps around with women, right? they want to too, so get off his back.

. watch me make your baby my girl
. his highlighters are brighter than your future
. "sure, i'm a bastard. but you can't deny i make it look good."
. basic white girl who thinks starbucks' coffee is the best you can get
. "okay, i admit it: i am an asshole. but I have a nice body and soft hair, so i feel like i deserve the best, like? yes?"
. pens. everywhere. carries at least two in his pocket at all times
. "we hung out five times and only had sex three of those. i call that friendship."
. everyone in the music department wants him to do the vocals for their tracks
. "you fainted. straight into my arms. you know, if you wanted my attention, you didn't have to go to such extremes."
. p i c k u p l i n e s
. "hey, you wanna see my dick piercing? yes? well, joke's on you, i don't have one... yet."

Fetish Dungeon
( Collar )

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be gay do crime

ˏˋ emilio banks xaichour ˊˎ

name meaning
/ emilio is the spanish, latin and portugese form of the old roman aemilius which means rival or someone who tries to excel at everything they do to surpass others in the same domain as them. the title aemilius was first given to a roman political figure, mamercus on account of his persuasiveness and how no one could "excel" him
/. it was emilio's grandmother who named him, during her final days, her only wish being that she can experience her grandson's success from the heavens above

./ leo is what everyone knows him by and before you even ask, yes, he gets titanic jokes on a daily basis
/. emil is what he prefers hearing especially when people stutter it 'cause he's making them feel that good
/. say emmy and he'll ruin your social life; his mother and only his mother calls him that
/. xi during scrabble because, "it's a fuckin' word, you dweeb, hop off my dick."

date of birth
/ 1st august

/ cis male

/ raging pansexual who'll tell you - if he's drunk enough - how he actually tried to fuck a pan in his hormonal, adolescent years
/ he's pan but he likes the word bi more so...

social status
/ his foster-father owns the only seven-star hotel in their area, and since his foster-parents don't have an heir, all the money they earn beefs up his credit card so it's safe to say that he's one of the more well off people in their city
./ instead of snubbing him for his background and staring down at him over their noses, the elite class has surprisingly, accepted him? almost as if he was his parents' biological son. there were a few snide comments he read in the magazines in the early days but all of it's somehow dulled down now

/ wanting their son to receive all the blessings of his life, emilio's parents enrolled him into the most prestigious university in their state. on one condition: he was to study business. emilio agreed on one condition as well: they allowed him to pick the minor of his choice
./ so he's currently a business major minoring in theatre - odd combination but who were his foster parents to deny him after he dropped the "my mother always said she wanted to see me on stage" bomb?

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body structure
/. hits the gym on the weekends and is there for a good few hours. however, he's not overly-muscular, and isn't unnaturally thin either. he likes to keep a nice balance in-between - that much is obvious by the strict diets he'll go into every now and then

hair /
brown, wavy hair that he refuses to grow out no matter how much his friends whine because, it'll become so hard to handle, wym? he keeps it parted from the right side. washes it almost every day with a citrus-scented shampoo. why's it so lustrous? because he uses a conditioner too. yes, he cares for it a lot

/. light brown, honey-caramel eyes that, under the sunlight or during the golden hours of evening, look as if they're flowing magma

markings /
no birthmarks. the tips of his fingers are either charred or salmon pink because he likes to run them through the flame of his lighter. other than that, he has a few scars all over his body: a couple of cigarette burns and a few first-degree burn-marks from when he held his lighter over the patch of skin too long /
no abnormalities

fasion style
/. he isn't overly formal with his dresscode and because of his family's "standing" he only shops at designer brands. which isn't very obvious from the way he dresses because it's so casual? and no, he doesn't have a thing for those dumb, balenciaga shoes - they look like cabbages. the signature item in his cloest are probably the three trillion jackets he has - trench coats, leather jackets, everything

accessories /
he's not very flamboyant and will get the occasional question from his maid when he's at home about how he isn't, "wearing the cartier bracelet your father got you for your birthday." he loves collecting all these expensive-looking, shiny things but you'll always find an ugly, multicoloured friendship-bracelet-looking thing tied on his wrist

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ˏˋ sanguine-choleric ˊ

/ spaces out during class. you can tell when he starts flicking a pen on his fingertips that he's not paying attention
/ doesn't get nervous very often but will rub his skin raw if he feels anxious
/ organizing his closet and pencil case according to colour - it's really therapeutic

photography; secretly runs one of those "aesthetic" tumblr blogs
/ coding; again tied with tumblr; he loves making simplistic templates with monochromatic colour schemes and will often stay up all night out of frustration because he can't get something right and he is not leaving his room until he does
/ shopping; rarely ever wears rings (because he knows he's going to lose them) but loves adding more to his collection
/ poetry; anyone can do it and he probably has journals upon journals full of dumb bs

phobias /
none that he knows of?

zodiac /

/.. caviar but he'll eat it just to flex on you
/.. people who touch his snacks, how fucking dare you! he even labelled them with a permanent marker!
/.. people who don't stand up for themselves?
/.. "emmy." like, boy, if you don't shut the fu--

likes /
oranges - surprise, surprise
lemon-infused anything. water, tequila, anything
spaghetti please

most probably gets off on antagonizing and insulting others. he just likes doing it? go? away?

/.. maintenance insomnia; has trouble staying asleep and can be woken up even from the slightest of sounds. he doesn't get the average amount of sleep and that much is visible from the bags under his eyes. sometimes, will fall asleep during class and pester the professor endlessly afterwards to give the slides for him

Fetish Dungeon
( Collar )

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A Little Closure

as seen in The Tales Of The Secret Garden

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ axel . ˎˊ
cheong jung-hwa
2nd april (aries)
single like the last pringle

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ estj-t . ˎˊ
very self-aware of the current affairs both, nationally and internationally and often uses his fame to his advantage to talk about these matters and bring them to others concern as well
self-sufficient but really lazy so he'd rather lay back and let someone else lead while he pitches in suggestions every once in a while
well respected by the members of his group as well as their fandom and although he isn't the leader, he's the second oldest and everyone trusts his decisions, actively seeking out his opinions during discussions
dedicated to his work and determined to keep improving
cares too much about the public expectations on and how they view him; this had made him very private and he's kept a lot about his private life just that: private
fuckin' wild as shit; that friend in the group who'll casually suggest they go streaking and no one will know whether he's joking or truly serious
hardworking; while he would never do anything to sabotage his own career or his members', he needs his breaks from the idol-life every now and then and that's when he hits the night clubs, calls up old friends, phones that dealer he claims to have dropped aeons ago. he's gotten in trouble with management because of his tumultuous behaviour and he promises to stop every time
bold as fuck; if he wants to get in your pants, he will do everything in his power to do just that. plus, he gets really cocky when he's drunk, like????

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ take the lead in your life . ˎˊ
face claim: @ei8ht_official (kang yongjin)
showers in glitter (no but seriously, he always somehow has glitter particles in his hair?)
could be the next michael phelps. not really but if he's not in his room or the company building then you should check the nearest sports centre; he might've rented it out to swim alone
main dancer and lead rapper
he's in the boy group nova, under one of the big three companies, jyp
fluent in english (but his accent tends to slip through every now and then,) and korean. knows only broken japanese and mandarin despite releasing a couple of albums in those languages
this one time, he went with his members for a night out and got a "nova" tattoo on his chest. none of them remember the night or what happened but axel has no regrets
has a really "bad boy" image amongst the fans because during an interview in their early days, he was pressed to reveal more about his past and what prompted him to join the k-idol business; he'd admitted that he had a "rowdy childhood" and "a few regrets because I was a really... rebellious kid"
his instagram aesthetic doesn't help much in his case either
"wait, i have a meme for that!"
keeps pills in his bottom drawer just in case it's a particularly rough night (like the ones right before and during their comebacks) and he's having cravings
the sheer number of axel uwu moments!! compilations he's seen floating around on twitter is ridiculous and he's extremely proud of the supernovas (the name given to their fandom - really original, isn't it?)
mayhaps is shipped with the youngest member in their group, hae-seon and he feeds the said shippers well
has a folder full of files with recorded diss tracks that could end whole-ass careers but his management doesn't let him drop them
lowkey contemplating chopping her hair off
surprisingly enough, he falls in love pretty quick but it takes him literal centuries to acknowledge his feelings
r i n g s o h m y G o d; he's a rich king and isn't shy about vaunting it
theme song: we are young by fun. and probably 7 rings by ariana grande too

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ terpsichorean . ˎˊ

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ tannie . ˎˊ
park ha-yeon
7th june (gemini)
single parent

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ isfp-t . ˎˊ
an artist at heart
enjoys connecting with her and others like being with her too; what can she say? she just has this irresistible charm
always looking for ways to spice up her life; she's a free, adventurous soul
not the most talkative person but beneath her quiet shyness beats an intensely-feeling heart
can come across as cold and rather aloof because of her appearance and aura; this either draws people away or reels them in - there's no in-between
trustworthy as f u c k; all the gangster dudes and dudettes come to discuss their love-life with her
harmless until provoked
a little self-destructive sometimes? may lose her temper and break shit
there's way too many layers to her

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ i need a storm to match my rage . ˎˊ
face claim: @ahnlina
covered in tattoos from head to toe (or neck to thigh) and openly flaunts them on social media
the entire shell of both her ears is covered in piercings and she has one tongue stud too
part-time make-up artist, part-time tattoo artist, freelance photographer and full-time biker bitch
makes a-grade pasta
not entirely fluent in english and has a heavy accent when she speaks
doesn't matter how old you are, she is either your noona or your unnie and all if the kkangpae respect this so should you
single mother to an eleven-year-old boy named jae-sang and he means the world to her
has only one estranged sister who works as a secretary to some hi-fi business agency and they haven't spoken ever since ha-yeon dropped out of high school (uncover details in story)
likes for others to think she's some badass, karate chick who'll fuck you up if you step out of line but she wouldn't even hurt a fly
again, only until left unprovoked
goes by saja on the streets and makes the "am saja" joke way too often when asked to introduce herself (it's a little play on words: saja means lion and am saja means lioness; when said in english, it sounds like she's saying "i am saja")
she invested a lot in her motobike and almost killed the man she saw standing too close to it
lives in a rundown part of the big city, in a dangerous neighbourhood and sends her neighbours cookies every month
lowkey contemplating chopping her hair off
theme song: full moon by sunmi

__ - ̗۪۪̥̀˖ autophobic . ˎˊ

Poe's Corner

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