I came, I saw, I came again....... I thought it was clever, shut up

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I came, I saw, I came again....... I thought it was clever, shut up

Wade Von Doom

God Among Men
Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts! 100 Likes!
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Today 9:47 AM
So what I'm stealing from a Val Venis promo with that title, who among you reading this knows who Val Venis is? I'll give you a hint, he wears a towel to the ring.

But anyway, hello! I am Wade, the proud jackass who made this. I'm snarky, sarcastic, and all in all, a pain in the ass. But hopefully in a good way, not actually dickhead/douchebag type. I enjoy writing as a hobby, I'm pretty good at writing up several paragraphs for each post, and I like partners who, while maybe not able to match the quality of post, do have an interest in the story we're playing with.

For me, what matters in an RP is care and interest. It's easy to tell when someone is invested in the story we're creating in terms of what they put into the post, and those who aren't. If you can't match what I like in post length, that's completely fine, as long as I know you do have a care and enjoyment for what we're creating together as partners. From our characters to the worlds we create for them, I enjoy passionate partners.

For me as well, I enjoy telling stories of morally ambiguous people. Whether those who were good but became bad through various ways, or were born bad thanks to the environment they were raised in. Call my cynical, but character based RPs about bad people doing bad things, that's my bread and butter. Course I can do good people, I'm not that one dimensional, but I like topics that explore more darker subjects. Manipulation, gaslighting, how human beings can act upon more evil urges within ourselves, mental health, psychotic minds wishing to reveal in destruction, sociopaths, serial killers, criminals and outlaws, I could go on, but then I'd become a top 10 Watchmojo list.

Just padding out the word list so I don't seem like a pretender............... Crap, what else can I talk about......... I like Avatar: The Last Airbender..... And Super Smash Bros Brawl...... Best single player campaign in a crossover game, I'll fight anyone who disagrees, the subspace emissary was done through visual story telling, not a single character spoke and we understood it!

Alright, I'll wrap this up now. Hoping to have a fun time here, and meet some fun people. I'll just drink this Dr. Pepper now............. *Slowly sips Dr. Pepper.*
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