I DON’T have a thread title, but I DO have a beard!

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I DON’T have a thread title, but I DO have a beard!


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Today 1:44 PM
Howdy folks! The name's Beardacus (feel free to give me whatever nickname you'd like! Closer to "Beard", the better!) and I'm a 19-year-old University student living in the south-western United States. Hobbies of mine include reading, writing, playing games, flying planes (yes, you read that right), traveling, working on my truck (the beauty that's my avatar, a '79 Dodge Ramcharger I've named "Blackjack"), recreational shooting, camping, hiking, exploring, off-roading, watching movies, and listening to music, amongst other stuff that I most likely forgot to add! :D

Being a University student, regularly partaking in all the activities mentioned above, and having a full-time job over the summer, it's safe to say that I'm a pretty busy guy! I'll try to be on as much as possible, though there will be times where my presence will be irregular, or when I'll be unable to log on for an extended period of time. That being said, I won't just disappear out of the blue (If that happens, expect the worst…like aliens or something); I'll definitely post a warning or something before I go!

If you want to roleplay, or are interested in knowing more about me, feel free to message me; I don't bite!
Hey, nice to have you around, you seem interesting. ^^
Welcome to the Sanctum! Hope you like it here!
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