MxF I Need A Voldemort

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MxF I Need A Voldemort


Southern Belle
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Today 4:32 AM
I have so many plot ideas for Voldemort/Tom Riddle I can't function properly. So I am specifically looking for someone who can write as the Dark Lord. I can double as anyone you would like if you need me to. I can write literate although typically I can push out 3-7 paragraphs as long as we have the artistic content flowing. I'm cool with Alternate Universes, any timeline with him, even when he was a ghost in the Albanian Forest (I actually have a plot in mind for that as well) I am cool with smut, though I feel like some plots will have more than others.

Plot One:
During his banishment to the Albanian forest, Voldemort possesses the bodies of small animals. On a day like so many he came across a child in the forest with no adults in sight. He wasn't strong enough to possess her so instead he decided to gain more strength and keep an eye on her. MC is the girl. She is not only an orphan but she just so happens to be a witch. When the village people where she lived found out and chased her into the forest. As time went on and he gained his strength he did not desire to harm the girl and Professor Quirrell conviently makes an appearance. ----When Voldemort regains his own human body he sends out his death eaters to get the girl and bring her to him, since she had shown enough kindness to bring him snakes, he would show her his own form of kindness.
**Since she never went to a school to tame her magic she wil lose control at times**

Plot Two:
Tom/Voldemort was searching for remaining items he would use for his Horcruxes. Evidence pointed him in the direction on a small village on the snowy Alps. There he heard whispers of a strange woman, they would call her a good witch, or the Sweet Witch since she would make her living making sweet confections to sell in the village. When he goes to confront the witch and take what he wanted for his own Horcrux that is when he felt it. A familiar dark magic. A Horcrux. The witch was not a threat to Tom and she did not fear him as a threat either after all he would not be able to kill her. I am leaning more towards a romance/angsty kind of RP. Eventually we could bring her to when Voldemort regained his body during the fourth book.

Plot Three:
Tom and MC were always neck at neck when academics were involved. She matched him in almost skill set. So when their seventh year came about and she did not get Head Girl when he got Head Boy it was a little shocking. Her parents were less than thrilled as well. Secretly, she declined the offer wishing to enjoy her last year. Which inherently, meant getting into some trouble when she was caught out of bed by the Head Boy after she had been convinced to drinking in the Astronomy Tower.

Plot Four:
Years after winning the war Voldemort is ruling with an iron fist. Muggleborns have been banished to the muggle world. Mixed bloods are being sent to Azkaban. So when he caught wind of a Pureblood helping them escape he was angered. He attacks the home and discovers that the traitor had a family. Not wishing to slaughter an entire Pureblood family he decides to take their daughter and uses her as a threat.
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