I never introduced myself on here

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I never introduced myself on here

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Today 7:22 AM
United States
The new vibe has kinda worn off for me. I've been here for a week - almost. I wanted to introduce myself, just never got the chance to do so! I really want to meet people to Role-play with. I enjoy fantasy a lot, and I am okay with most sensitive subjects to RP. I'm really trying to fill my time with writing since Texas is under quarantine [Where I live].

I would love to get to know some of y'all - possibly plot :) !!!
Welcome to the sanctum! There are many people here who do all kinds of genres. I'm sure you'll find what your looking for.
A pleasure to meet you and welcome!!! I do hope you like it here
You could say it's where Fantasy comes true XD
If fantasy came true, you'd be on my lap by now, Chesh. :>

Anyhoo, welcome to the SITE~! Almost all of us are in quarantine by now, so now is the time to WRITE~ :3
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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