I Never Quite Know

Currently reading:
I Never Quite Know


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Today 5:18 AM
What to write in these things and find it's a delicate balance between making it interesting and engaging or drawn out & long winded because you know what they say

''You don't get a second chance to make a first impression''

and while you ponder on that deep meaningful question I'll quickly do my intro

Hi I'm Oscar

I've been RPlaying for a short while now and whilst I don't consider myself to be good, I'm getting better which must count for something I'm sure, now as far as interests go I'm reluctant to pigeon hole myself into a particular genre because I find interest in exploring various themes genre's and characters which for me is the beauty of finding a site like this.

Although that being said, at the moment I'm leaning heavily towards Modern ScFi & Historical underpinned with the concept of Time Travel - Consider This

''If you could go back and fix your Mistakes, Would You? or would you be tempted to use that ability for motives far less Noble''

Well, it looks like I went for the long winded Intro approach (Sorry)

Anyway, its great to be here and by the way the site is very stylish.
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