I Now Declare Ninja War (Ninjas VS Samurais the love plot)

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I Now Declare Ninja War (Ninjas VS Samurais the love plot)


Untold Stories
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Today 7:28 AM
So since I can't finish the book why not try the next best thing, I have the main characters up in characters forum so you can go have a look and choose , we can also discuss I'm negotiable .http://writerssanctum.com/threads/i...nja-vs-samurai-the-love-plot-characters.1666/

So the story line will be about two female ninjas being pursued by two male samurais during a mission and later a war, the officers are hot on their trail, during a series of events one of them finds out that one of the ninjas is infact their sister (Jade sister to Kurell)

During the war the 4 became close (( I'm still working with this and I need your ideas BTW))
No Abusive language

But a brief history and some details are below to activate your creative juices

Ninja school: Gruro

Ninja school location: hidden inside a large mountain

Leader: Nordall Kukato

Clan: Nordalls

Classes of Ninja: Regels, Kaders, Artz

Slogan of school: Order Of Action

REGELS: The ninjas who are trained to become assassins, very highly skilled fighting techniques

KADERS: The ninjas who are trained to give assistance, also trained in the basic medicines, intermediate fighting techniques but highly skilled with technology and diffusing or activating bombs.

ARTZ: ninjas who are highly trained in medicine and healing techniques, with basic fighting techniques

When ninjas are fully enrolled and graduated they form a 3 squad team with each class of ninjas: regels, kaders and artz, the pugnator is the leader of the group which generally falls to the ninja who is the Regel, and the team is given a code name.
The characters code name and information are in characters

School layout;

Hall grounds; massive room for school gatherings

Master grounds; large pavilion on lowest level

Training Yuv; medium room for sparring or matchups

Hover center; room where Regime members discuss

Crystal Chambers; offices and chambers for the Nordall Regime members

Bath lounge; Bathing facilities for students

Tech Study; room with computers and advanced weapon technology

Library; room with books and sitting area

Student rooms; room for students to sleep

Mass Chambers; bigger rooms for adult students

garden; space with benches and plants where some students eat

Brief History
Dytec was originally a German organization who created advanced weapon technology, there main attracted buyers were mostly mercenaries and Ninja institutions.

Alois Fischer was the CEO of Dytec, and he partnered with one of his biggest clients who owned a Ninja institution called LuSai Band, it was located inside four combined mountains of the Badlands, the walls are impenetrable and the area leading up to it is highly secured.

Lusai Band originally were a small clan who were trained at Jing Wu Men in china and also possessed exceptional Tan Tui skills they all combined in the 1900s and started the Lusai clan, all were Chinese but when they realized that reproducing within themselves made their numbers decline, they seeked desperate measures to insure their skills lived on amongst them.

They adopted children and in severe cases kidnapped babies from orphanages outside of Japan and trained them the skills of Jing Wu Men and Tai Tui. After years of hiding in the mountains of Shikoku island they became discovered by the government of Japan, and nearby governments, some governments eventually paid them to assassinate politicians, leaders and even other ninjas from other organizations and they started the business of becoming mercenaries. But when the following Japanese government joined with the Kazan Genji clan samurais were released to give order from the ninjas and everything between the two worlds became complexed, Samurais were highly trained officers with unmatched sword skills who were of noble blood and always followed their code of ethics called the bushido.

Over decades the Lusai Band adopted and kidnapped children from the western world having now mixed races in their clan. Dytec supplied their weapons for free since 1995 deliberations, they now supply weapons to the school for free in exchange for their assassination services, being a business of weapons they came across many clients who preferred to hire someone to execute their targets and joining with the ninja clan would make a more lucrative business, Lusai Band agreed for the German company to join in the ninja schooling and the school changed to Gruro the owner of Dytec then made his son trained as a ninja and when he grew up he took over and changed the Lusai Band to the Nordalls and introduced more mixed races into the organization

Samurais code of ethics: only face to face combat

:Use of only blade weapons

Ninja's laws for samurais: Must disembark if pursued by a samurai

:If caught by a Samurai, suicide becomes the ALTERNATE mission
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