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I stumbled in... send help!


forttl: severe (38): Error during write
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Today 3:09 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm not new to creative writing, but totally new to the RP scene. I'm a mid-twenties engineer looking to reacquaint myself with my creativity. It got lost a couple of applied math and physics courses back...

I love all things supernatural, vampires, weres, shifters, etc. Sexy scenes are great too and I would love more practice in this area (MxF or FxF). I enjoy writing female characters more than male characters, but can do both. I have plenty of characters wandering around my head looking for a story to situate themselves in.

If someone wants to help out the new kid, please reach out! I love talking to people!

Hope to hear from you folks soon!


P.S. I love how this looks like an email... it's like I do this on the daily or something. sigh.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend. Enjoy your time here!

It sounds like you have a fair idea to keep rolling. You might take a peek in the Request Threads to see who else is currently seeking partners, or post your own. Keep in mind though, it may take some time to get inquiries. There's plenty of talented writers here, happy hunting!
PM me sometime. Let's talk
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