Ignorant to official RP sites, but willing to learn!

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Ignorant to official RP sites, but willing to learn!

Momo Kairy

The Golden Pocky Stick
Local time
Today 9:22 PM
Hiya, you can just call me Momo, or Kay.

Truth be told, I have never been on an official roleplaying website in my life, until this one. I have no idea on what I should do, how I should approach joining threads, or even how to make and manage relatable threads in this environment.

I am originally from a large variety of roleplay groups found on Facebook, with themes from RWBY, Bleach, College related groups, and etcetera. I actually helped administrate what used to be a very popular page on facebook, labelled Worlds Biggest Role Play Group. It still has eleven thousand members, but it's basically become yet another meme bank of illiterates that ask for nudes, so I dropped all contact with the group.

Anyway, back on track; I've never been in a community like this before, and have no experience in an environment like this whatsoever. However, I've been roleplaying for close to a decade now, and if I could possibly get some help adapting for a lack of better term, then I'll definitely give my best efforts.

Personality wise, I prefer roleplaying as OCs that are unpredictable as a whole, but recognizable singularly. I have a tendency to be random in rp actions, but I try to keep my characters' personalities seperate from my own. You'll probably notice early on that I'm a bit socially and emotionally awkward, but I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't become a problem.

The genres I prefer are Adventure and Slice of Life especially. Otherwise, I'm a swiss army player. So, basically, I'm accustomed to roleplaying in all kinda of genres and in-story scenarios. I am not against romance pertaining to my character, but I'll just go ahead and throw it out there that I don't like sexual threads at all. It can be implied, depending on the situation, but I'm not going to initiate or participate in 'roleplay sex' for personal reasons. Other than that, I'm completely game for whatever.

Anyways, I'm not sure what else I should put on here, so I suppose I'll wrap it up. I'm very excited to join you all, and hope to have plenty of fun times here.

Sincerely, Momo
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome! I was totally in your boat a few months ago so don't think everyone around here has a gagillion years of experience!
Welcome aboard. Just avoid Mods and Admins as much as you can on sites like this and generally you will be ok.
Welcome to the Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy your stay here! ❤️
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