I'm here to talk about your roleplays

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I'm here to talk about your roleplays

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Today 6:20 PM
Hello, sorry to barge in-- let's get started with the introductions.

I go my Breathe Easy, but for the sake of conversation you can call me Jay. I've roleplayed a lot, in multiple platforms-- from mobile to PC to tabletop. I've met plenty of people throughout these communities, but we're all joined under the common guise of roleplay.

It's a fascinating thought-- why the idea of playing make believe is in so many facets of our life. From movies to books to games, we're all playing make believe in some manner.

And yet roleplaying, the most raw form of playing make believe-- is still a rather small and secluded community it seems.

I'm curious as to why. Why people are so fascinated with the idea of roleplay, and yet why the community seems so secluded and hard to break into mainstream.


I'm not really looking to roleplay in a legitimate sense, but instead talk about people's experience with roleplays.

So yeah, hello. Send me a PM if you're interested in talking about such things!
Thank you! It's a cool thing to look into. SOmeone mentioned on another forum that someone had a thesis on roleplaying, so i'm excited to see if they can get it to me!


for anyone interested, here's a few questions i'm looking for answers for from the lot of you!

1. When did you first start roleplaying within a community
1a. What was the Community?
1b. How did you find the community?

2. Around what age did you start roleplaying? Did you ever stop roleplaying between this time, and why?
3. Have you ever experienced drama within your roleplay community-- particularly over the characters you roleplayed.
3a. Have you ever experienced drama based on the character of your peers-- did you ever have any notorious roleplayers who either made RPing look bad, or make the roleplaying experience terrible?
4. Do you feel that you could talk about roleplaying, to someone who has no experience with roleplaying? Do you think you'd be looked down upon?(e
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1. When did you first start roleplaying within a community
1a. What was the Community?
1b. How did you find the community?
2. Around what age did you start roleplaying? Did you ever stop roleplaying between this time, and why?

Depends on what you mean by community. Do you mean online, with friends, an organization?
I have been roleplaying since I was in first grade so about 7 or 8. I don't remember where the Idea came from, but I would draw labyrinths I would have my classroom friends draw through and encounter enemies, boss battles, traps, find gear, etc. When NES Zelda came out this reached a new level. This was one on one though where I GMed and my friend was the player.

Then, of course, there are all the child games you pay make-believe that are, essentially, ad-hoc LARPS. Then came Hero Quest, wow, days on end summers without sleep. Finally a real TTRPG in WEG d6 Starwars where again I GMed for my friends.

I took a break between then and college. I picked up a lot more gaming during college: VTM, D&D, Paranoia, a few homebrews. All of this was with many and varied groups of friends, at school, homes, and FLGSs. Sice then I have done a bit of LARPing as well as continuing to play TTRPG. I didn't start roleplaying online until four or 5five years ago with RPOL. and just recently here.
3. Have you ever experienced drama within your roleplay community-- particularly over the characters you roleplayed.

In game, plenty! That's the fun. OOC, never.

3a. Have you ever experienced drama based on the character of your peers-- did you ever have any notorious roleplayers who either made RPing look bad, or make the roleplaying experience terrible?
A few annoying human beings, however, they were usually quickly ejected from the group(s). It was mostly personality clashes, the people that just seem to rub everyone the wrong way no matter what they did or said. A few were too immature for the group and couldn't stick tot he social contract. Nothing outlandish.

4. Do you feel that you could talk about roleplaying, to someone who has no experience with roleplaying? Do you think you'd be looked down upon?(e
I can talk to anyone about roleplaying. I have introduced many people, I have spoken before an audience about roleplaying, started groups, etc. I'm sure some people think I'm crazy and the fact that I have never cared probably means they are right.
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