MxF Immerse yourself in darkness...

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MxF Immerse yourself in darkness...


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Today 2:02 PM
Who Am I

Nobody, really. Just an old school writer who has an appreciation for unconventional plotlines. I began roleplaying on Yahoo and never lost interest in weaving stories with other people.

What I'm Seeking
Open minded writers who aren't really fettered by 'terrible' things. Dark romances, Stockholm syndrome, posh women being arranged to marry an absolute savage or really anything based in degradation, humiliation, and violence. In spite of this, storytelling is also important - I'd love a partner who can throw curveballs.

What To Expect
I don't enjoy hashing out every little detail out of RP ooc. Instead, I establish a baseline idea and immerse my partner into a world that they do not know - usually under some sort of context which makes it possible for your character to be ignorant, reasonably.

The Roleplay
I'm not looking for a specific plotline per se, but to evaluate a partner's interests to design a story which entertains us both. I am best at playing evil/dark characters and often immerse my partner into a world they do not know, and conduct most of the storytelling and intrigue in a 'slow burn' fashion which slowly tests my partner's characters in a variety of [often terrible] ways.

RP Sample from an Old Rp [The other person is dead IRL now. RIP. Warning: abusive erotica below]


Gods she was beautiful. Her lips were so soft and yielding, and he cannot help but to kiss her again just the same as he had just done. So demanding, possessive even. "Then your life had meaning. Why ask such a thing?" He smirks at the woman as he moves to push her dress off of her shoulders, slowly slinking the wet fabric down her frame until it pooled at her feet. She was shivering, the poor girl, so he wraps both of his arms around her, utterly surrounding the woman. His lips find her neck, kissing her bruised skin and tracing it with his tongue. "You will always remain no matter what. The past will always haunt you, but you do not need to let it hurt you." He bites her shoulder, where it met her neck, then sucks hard. By now his hands were exploring her, caressing the curve of her back until they smack both sides of her rear in unision. He grips her flesh and molds it, pulling her tightly against his looming form. "But you must learn that now, every inch of you is mine." He shoves his index finger up into the folds of her sex while he continues his intense sucking on her neck, moving skyward now, absolutely devouring the woman. "Remove my pants." He demands, clearly busy with other things.
December 15, 2016


She had closed her eyes as he pressed hungry kisses to her neck, sucking and teasing the bruise he had made before biting her shoulder, reminding her of how some animals mate, biting their partner as a warning--as if to say with their teeth, "I am overpowering you. Hold still." His strong hands trailed warmth wherever they went, trailing down between her shoulder blades, passed her impossibly small waist, and to the flare of her rounded hips, her pale round bottom bouncing as he smacks her cheeks. All of this she was resigned to. All of this she strugglingly accepted. As his finger probed the folds of her sex, pushing into the cavern of her womanhood that he had so eagerly and frequently claimed, he could feel her tense, even the walls of her sex flinching against his finger. But it wasn't his finger, or the strong suckling kisses, or even his order to remove his pants that had disturbed her. "Every inch of you is mine..." The softly spoken words haunted her, horrified her. There where many things that she had learned in this day, or at least understood a little better, but belonging to someone like an object...this was something her mind could not wrap around. As his finger probed her, her own hands reluctantly drawing to the clasp of his belt, she wondered if that is what he was doing....claiming each inch. His finger inside her now, a slow moisture drawing to slicken the walls as he probed. As she undid the belt, pulling it away and clumsily attempting to undo the ties of his pants, his cock already feeling the occasional brush of her hands as she worked, she thought back to his seed spilling inside her, being smeared on her face. Was he simply marking his territory? Inch by inch?
12:03 AM
But even as she contemplated this, so bitterly, so disgusted, he continued to stimulate her with his sucking kisses and that invading finger. Her face reddened as she felt her own moisture begin to gather between her netherlips, coating his finger. The cluster of nerves that was her clit began to swell as he woke her sex despite the chill of the air. At long last, the last clasp and tie had been undone and she shyly hooked her thumbs into the waist of his pants, pushing them down until they would slide from his sculpted thights by their own weight.


As his pants fall, they protest briefly against his rock solid cock, which soon bounces as soon as the fabric falls beyond his erection. It was just as stiff as it always seemed to be when in the presence of this woman he violated time and time again. His finger continues to probe her until his knuckles rest firmly against her crotch. He slowly fucks her, pulling back, plowing back into her folds until she was good and wet. "Put your arms around my neck." He demands as his hands move to the backs of her thighs, soon lifting her up and against his frame, legs spread on either side of him. "And wrap your legs around me, slave." His demands were becoming angry, as if he was about to get -very- upset. He was holding her above his shaft, teetering the small girl over that enormous manhood. He lowers her until her nethers kiss the tip of his shaft hard, entrance awkwardly stretching around the crown before he pulls his hips back to flop free of her warm little tunnel. He repeats his several times, making her soft entrance kiss his rugged tip, until finally he persists and allows gravity to lower her slit down around him, stretching her walls so wide. "It is your duty to serve me. Do not remain still. Move your hips and please your Master."


She wasn't sure why he was becoming angry. She had understood his words and she had done as he asked. She had even been compliant as he probed and suckled her. She was not a foolish woman. She knew the minute he had stepped close to her that he intended to fuck her as he had so many times, and likely would many times more. She also knew that there was nothing she could do to avoid it. Not now, not yet...maybe not ever. It was on that notion that she pushed to the tips of her toes and stretched her willowly arms up and wrapped them tightly around his neck, her hardened nipples scraping against him as she strained to reach. When he lifted her by those sculpted hips, she was able to wrap them more tightly, her arms crossing behind him as she held to his impressively solid form for balance. His next order was harder for her to follow, her knees drawing up to press to his sides, clinging tightly there for a moment before her legs slid to wrap behind him, her ankles crossing at the small of his back. Her breath was soft and stuttering as he lowered her slowly, his bulbous head sliding between her lower lips and pressing firmly to her hot, wet entrance, a slight groan passing from her lips as she braced herself for a brutal thrust--which does not come. It was like a sick game, each time his oversized battering ram of a cock pressing at her gate, threatening to barge in, only to terrify her briefly then pull away. When at long last he lowered her more fully it was slow, little by little, gravity doing the work for them both as she felt her walls spread wider and wider as inch by inch she sank upon his impaling rod.
12:36 AM
A great heat had drawn to her sex, an ache budding within her walls that had no relation to the cock that had spread her obscenely wide, surrouned by by slick lips of pale and pink. She clenched him with her legs as she clung to his neck, his organ slowly sliding against her walls as she pushed herself up, her hips rising and holding for a moment so that just his bulbous head remained within her before she relaxed, slowly sinking down on him oncemore, a moan passing her lips as a few inches of his length filled her oncemore. When her downward slide came to a rest she pushed herself up oncemore, her hips circling slightly as she came down this time, her sex twisting around his to coat it with the thin slime her pussy had begun to provide.


She always felt so sweet, but this moment was definitely the most glorious for this savage. With her arms and legs secure, his hands shift to her ass and he spreads her cheeks apart widely, fingers digging into the skin at either side of her soft little sex in hopes of making the going easier. He waits for what felt like an eternity, half expecting her to again become offended, but when she slid her way up his length he couldn't help but to groan in delight. She falls back on him, not too deep, splitting her walls around his shaft once more, and she is met by a sharp nudge as his hips rise up, digging his cock a little deeper before she retreats once more. This time, he meets her and arches his hips skywards, claiming her much deeper than she might have intended. His own hips sway, making his crown grind across one of her walls coarsely until she again was plundered by him. "Yes, this is what you need to be." He says as he loudly slaps her ass, leaving behind beat red handprints on her flesh a moment before spreading her wide again. She had learned that he could not be reasoned with, that nothing she did or said would stop him from claiming what he desired. He was not one to stop, to ever surrender, to accept any answer contrary to his. Now, a creature many revered as divine was serving his cock like a common harlot. He had no intention of allowing her to fulfill prophecy. She was his, and he would keep her under lock and key.


His is sharp pivot to ram himself deeper into her shy sex made her yelp in pain, but moreso surprise. His previous game, and even his order had unintentionally (or perhaps quite intentionally) tricked her into thinking that she was going to be allowed to control the pace, at least for a while. As his cock ground rudely within her and then plundered further she suddenly squeezed him tightly, her wrapped arms and legs clenching suddenly as she jerked herself upward, the walls of her puss contracting and gripping him as she tried to jerk away. Fire burned into her skin as he painted her ass cheeks with pain, the tingling pinpricks lingering long after his hands left them. Despite this, she again slowly lowered herself down on this throbbing member, which was made easy by his rock hard firmness, as though she were fucking herself on a warm, but unmovable statue. A soft sob bubbled in her throat at his words. So this was her destiny? This is what he wanted to mold her into, a wet sleeve of flesh for his cock. All this talk of freedom, of divinity, of religion, had it all been a farce? A manipulation? She stopped moving, staring into his eyes, her sopping sex gripping his organ tightly as though it was a hook that held her body in place, a hook that no amount of wriggling would free her from. She shook her head muttering, "What I am doing is not what I am."


When he feels her grip tighten around him he latches his lips on her neck and sucks so hard, marking her like before. By now the poor woman was marked in so many places that it looked like she had been with many lovers before being jealously hung from a tree. He tries to maintain his posture. The prior thrust had been out of instinct, he just could not help it. He remains solid and unwavering as she guides herself down again, allowing her to test the water, but again he can't help but to push up into her even when she had reached the point she seemed comfortable with. This causes him to groan, and she'd feel the all familiar twitch of his shaft as it's practically strangled by her body. She stops then and he growls in contempt, as if she had committed a great crime. "I do not care. Do not stop." He grunts as he slams his palms into her ass once more, spanking her harshly on the same exact spot, deepening the welt already left behind prior. "If you defy me again, I'll put you back down in the dungeon."


She shrieked loudly as his hands slammed down on the still burning cheeks of her ass, and this time when she rode his cock, clenching him tightly and thrusting upwards it was a reaction to the pain. She held there for a moment, clinging tightly, as the tightly stretched circle of flesh that was the entry to her sex seemed to chew the bulbous head that pressed there like a wet and toothless maw. In that moment, the debate raged in her head, obedience, or dungeons? If she thought for one moment that she would be left alone in the dungeon, she might have chosen it, just to be away from him, but the memory of man after man entering that tiny, dingy cell left her with little hope of that. At that thought she sank down again, groaning as she took him in deeper. Not wanting to stir his anger, she did not stop again, her rise and fall becoming steady and rythmic, her hips grinding towards him in slow circles as she rose and fell. Her juices coated him, all the way down this thick shaft, trickling even to lengths beyond where she had taken him into herself. Gradually she grew faster, though the shame induced tears could not be held back. Though her eyes were closed she could see herself clearly in her minds eye, her alabaster flesh pocked with red and purple marks from where his lips and harshly suckled her, the ring of bruise and robe burn fresh around her neck, and similar bruises around her wrists from a previous binding turning yellowish brown as they began to heal. What would anyone think if they saw her now, sobbing as she fearfully pumped her body up and down on the dark, massive organ, ravaging herself on an oversized cock? They would think that she was exactly the harlot he seemed to want her to become.


His grip on her tightens and he brushes his chin across her shoulder. It may have seemed impossible, but he became all the more solid as his muscles tense up. He was holding his breath sometimes, enduring these tight caresses of her sex as his dark flesh rudely spears her on her own accord. If any were to see it would be a rude sight indeed. The pale girl clinging to this monster for dear life, hesitantly drawing his flesh in and out of her sex, which was quite clearly stretched so fucking wide. He should not have fit but he did and soon enough he grabs hold of her tighter and starts to brutally take her. He brings himself up against her, hilting every last inch, tucking his flesh away into the deepest reaches of her cavern where he remains for a moment, grinding sloppily. His hands pull her up his length, halfway where she is made to linger as he rapidly plunges into her an inch or so, then he drops her once more, making sure to arch up so that her nether lips would kiss his pelvis. It was here that he begins to release. It was an utter explosion as his shaft twitches over and over... again and again and again, filling her sopping hole with so much heat that soon drools down his mighty shaft towards his fat, stuffed balls. When he had finally finished the mess left behind was absolutely disgusting. He pulls out of her slowly, and as soon as he does she was uncorked so to speak, and the cloudy gunk starts to drool. He places her back on her feet and grabs hold of her hair, pulling down in an effort to force her onto her knees. "Clean up that mess you just made, slut. Put your lips around my cock."


"No! No! No! She cries loudly as he begins to thrust violently, the sound of his groin slapping cruelly against her own as he forced her walls apart, jamming in every inch of his monster cock before grinding it to stretch her further and incite more shrieks of pain. A few sharp slams later she felt him begin to empty inside her , the gunk filling her to the brim and still coming, leading from her lips, smearing along the inside of her thighs as their hips ground together, and dribbling down from his shaft to those massive balls that seemed to never tire of making cum to decorate her with. A distinct popping sound was heard as he finally with draws from her, his cum having made a slight seal between her flesh and his. Even after he withdrew, her hole felt gaping and she could feel the ooze crawling and trickling inside her. He has no difficulty pushing her to her knees, in this day she had been hung from her neck then forced to perform a laborous act of fucking, she was considerable weakened by the time her knees hit the cold stone below. She sobbed before spreading her lips wide and pressing it onto his waiting organ, some of the thick, hot semen scraping off his cock and framing her mouth as she pressed her smally face upon him. As her tongue scraped the underside of his shaft, the salty seed that was coating him filled her tastebuds and slickened her mouth. tiny amounts still oozing from his tip. Suddenly, her disgust and self-loathing seizes her, and she is certain that she will be sick. She jerks her head to one side despite his grip on her hair, his stiff organ popping out of her mouth to flop againnst her cheek as she turns to gag and retch air, spitting cum from her mouth to the ground by his feet while she tried not to vomit.
Zarphiel grunts in such a gutteral way as he bears witness to those lips gliding along his sopping wet shaft, cleaning part of the rude mess that clung to his many dark inches. It was when she could not handle it that he laughs, she turning until his shaft flops with a bounce from her mouth, slapping her on the cheek as it swings from side to side. He steps closer and starts to beat her with his cock, free hand gripping it tight as he starts to swat her face degradingly with his messy shaft. The sound of her struggling to not vomit was intoxicating; he pulls on her hair to force her gaze back to his shaft, and he makes sure to promptly smack the bridge of her nose with its belly, rubbing the tip against her nostril on a path to her lips so the smell of sex would be stuck on her. "Put your mouth back on my cock. I did not tell you to stop." He demands as she's made to kiss his tip once more, hand shuffling up and down his girth, pushing out a little bulb of pre cum onto her skin. "You will not like the consequences if you defy me again, slave."


With every smack of his ever solid cock she could feel the sticky slime coat her own skin instead of his, the smell of her own juices mixed with cum now unavoidable as he smeared their mutual juices around her nose and on her upper lip. She tried to stop inhaling through her nose so not to smell it, but that did nothing to ease the salty, bitter taste in her mouth. Another bead of fluid was pressed to her lips as she whimpered, working to control the dry heaves that had shaken her from the task. She had opened her lips, tearfully preparing to do as she was told, her hot breath already surrounding his swollen head when he said so clearly the one word she could not bear. With all of her might she pulled away from him, his fistful of hair be damned, hissing, "I am not, and will never be, a SLAVE." She did indeed shout that last word, her voice as clear and resonant as when she was shouting down another Magister at the spire.


Zarphiel shakes his head and follows her as she backs away, but his grip was still tangled in her hair. Adjusting his grip, he presses his palm against the side of her face and attempts to push her down onto the ground until her cheek was pinned against the cold, unforgiving stone below. He stands over her, boot clad feet kicking away any attempts she might make to thrash or fight, and then he brings his fist down so fast, stopping right before it would otherwise crash into her. 'You must be a glutton for punishment. Have you not had enough of the gang rapes, the hanging? How is it tha you've made a simple task into something so difficult?" He starts to smack her with his heavy hand, bopping her this way and that, all while keeping her face utterly smushed to the floor. "You're such a fool that it makes me not even want to hurt you." He laughs mockingly. "Apologize, or I'll see to it that no less than thirty men ravage you before daylight."


With her face pressed tightly to the stone beneath them, she kicked and swung her arms at him until his swift boots made it clear her efforts where pointless. She didn't fall completely still until she saw that fist charging towards her with a speed and strength she seemd quite certain could crush her. She flinched as she prepared for the blow, drawing into herself and squeezing her eyes shut, trembling as moments later she opened them again to stare in disbelief as the blow did not land. Not that it stopped the barrage of stinging slaps that seemed to toss her around effortlessly, drawing pink welts of fire every place they struck. But no amount of pain struck her as deeply as the threat of thirty men rutting into her lifetime, much less one night. Her demeanor changed instantly, her resistance dying as her body went submissively limp. She didn't hesitate, "Please no! No!, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Let me try again, please!" She was begging. Begging to lick slime off a cock. Even hearing her own words made her stomach roll with revulsion, but nothing was more terrifying than the thought of thirty men.


It was pretty much a death sentence, thirty dark elves. She was smart enough to decline though, and her sudden change of heart makes him grin widely at her. "Oh? You're sorry now?" He asks coyly, while smacking her with his fingertips. "The next time you defy me, I will do exactly as promised. You are to call me Master, and you are to be a slave. Do not ever question this again." Eventually she would be an absolute slut on demand, no longer reserved or fearful of going too far. But for now she was still the prissy, cock starved slut she had been before she came to the ol' boy club to be passed around like a piece of meat that everyone wanted to dig their cocks inside of. He releases her hair and takes a couple steps back. By now his cock had softened a bit, but it was still quite big as it looms between his muscled legs. "Get on your knees and start sucking. I will tell you when I grow bored."


There was a distinct tremble in her stuttering pants as she frantically pushed herself up from the ground as soon as she was released. She said nothing at all as she crawled towards him, grabbing his cock at the base with a trembling hand and closing her mouth over it as fast as she could. Her terror at the threat was undeniable. This time when she sucked him, there was a desperation, her head bobbing quickly as she sucked hard, drawing him in deep and fast, gagging wildly against his leaking head on the first pass. Ignoring all pain in her jaw, all smells, all taste, she sucked him like a starving woman seeking to draw nourishment from his seed, her hand sliding up and down on his shaft and her tongue lapping around it when she would withdraw for breath. All the while, frightened sobs shook her, pale, firm breasts trembling as a bit of drool leaked from her lips to dribble upon them, her face a mess of tears and spit and seed.


Truth be told, he did not expect her to act the way she did. There was a quickness to her in the way she moved to her knees, one that was almost eager. Had he finally found the key to breaking her? Indeed it was better to be familiar with only one rapist than with a variety. Thirty men so vicious might even kill a normal woman, especially with the attitude Avalona seemed to harbor, but unfortunately this little elf could not die. She could suffer though. She could suffer indeed. The true surprise came when she started to suck him. He moans deeply as her head begins to instantly bounce on his lap, soft yielding lips slurping up on his dark meat, sinking down so far that she gagged like a whore. Zarphiel arches his back, sending his hips forth, solidly remaining still. His eyes widen at the sight. He had not expected this from her but it was a reward of its own. "Fuck, that's a slut." He grunts while offering a sloppy thrust when she comes down on him. His shaft had hardened up to fullness once more, and her throat is made to sink deeper than she might have intended for that one passing moment. Soon she was sucking up little spurts of pre cum which added to the taste of both the women he'd planted his seed within.


Even as he hardened and firmed in her mouth, stretching her jaw painfully and withering her pride she did not relent. Every new bead of precum that oozed onto her tongue, every bit of slobbery drool that leaked from her mouth, and every sickening squelching sound that was made as she sucked his obsidian member deeper and deeper into her mouth made her want to scream and revolt and retch and run away. But fear...the fear of being raped again and again by these large and cold and cruel men was enough to force her to continue, pushed her beyond her boundries. For the first time ever, she wanted him to cum. Though he had never precisely said so, her paniced mind seemed to assume that pleasing him, and quickly, would prevent his dire threat. Something about wanting it to happen changed her methods. She did everything she could think of to stimulate him, rolling her fingers along his shaft as she stroked him, scraping her tongue firmly against him as she bobbed back and forth, taking him deeper and deeper as her lips grew closer and closer to the base of his shaft. Finally she released his cock from her grip, wrapping both hands to the back of his thighs just below his ass cheeks and tugging, forcing herself to push his massive cock all the way in so that her obscenely stretched lips would kiss his groin, his full balls pressing against her saliva drenched chin. The gagging then was intense, her throat retching and sqeezing vilolently as is wide girth painfully stretched her tender tissues there, but she held on for dear life, not letting herself withdraw until she absolutely had to.


Zarphiel grits his teeth and plants his hands on both of her shoulders, gripping tightly. He bends at the knees to level his cock with the woman who was degrading herself on him, and from the way his muscles tensed it would be clear that he was having a great deal of trouble simply taking all of this delight. His mouth opens to exhale a long, drawn out moan when she'd switched to grab his behind only to drive her mouth down every last inch he had, hilting him down the tightness of her throat. She'd feel how it twitches in her mouth, flexing a little bit as the stern muscle offers its physical display of intrigue. His hand finds the back of her head and he keeps her pinned firm, hips grinding into her face, balls smothering her chin. She would smell profoundly the product of both herself and Zasstara with her nose all pressed to his pubic mound. When he was sure that her comfort had diminished completely he allows her to back off of his cock, allows her to breathe again, but the look he gives her speaks volumes. "You are to swallow it." He says firmly.


When his hand pinned her securely to his groin, her airway completely cut off and stretched by his organ, it was almost like being hung all over again, her lungs began to burn, her muscles flaring with panic, and the world becoming dizzy and dark as the meat that was lodged there. When at last he released her, a thin rope of spittle dangled between her trembling lips and the head of his dark cock as she draws for desperate breath, her chest heaving as she take and releases great gasps of air. Her slimy, glistening face stared up at him, catching that savage gaze, his words to her were in no way uncertain. She nodded in compliance, her expression mournful, her strained throat managing to rasp out a "Yes, Master." for good measure before her lips pressed to his head oncemore, licking it to coat it in more saliva before again forcing herself to take him all the way in, every inch stretching and tearing its way down her narrow throat.


Her breathless 'Yes Master' was what did him in. His expression tightens and his tongue runs its way across his lips. She dives down on him once more and his hips neatly jerk toward her, like shoving a sword in its scabbard. Once more his balls were kissing her chin, so fat and bloated as the weighty pouch plants itself on the pale one's silky skin. His hand rises to the top of her head, pulling a pony tail's worth of hair in between his fingers. His other hand joins, seizing another ponytail, creating twins. Balling her hair up into his fists, he begins to force her up and down the last three inches of his fat dick, hips riding along, battering her chin with his balls while making her nose bend against his crotch over and over. It wasn't until he was about to finish that he pulls back, letting her lips cling to the first bits of his girth so that his tip rested on the center of her tongue. Just to make sure she couldn't get away, he retains his hold in her hair as the first shot of seed lagged as his shaft slowly flexes. When the first shot is fired the rest follow rapidly, filling her mouth up with cum that might be a little too quick to swallow and there was just so much of it, at least a few big gulps of such sticky, thick seed. He releases some of her hair so that he could grab his shaft, slowly prying it from her mouth at an angle until her lips finally release it. He gives her a smack with his girth soon after, "thank my cock for feeding you. Now." He animatedly points the glaring crown, to which a stubborn line of seed clung to the furious eye, right at her lips. "And make it convincing. Not something generic like "Thank you, cock." I'm talking, let's hear some poetry."


Once on the battlefield she had overheard a group of rather uncooth warriors discussing their favorite conquests, and the term "skullfucking" had been brandied about. With her hair gripped in his fists like handles as he rammed his massive meat full hilt into her throat again and again, she finally knew truly what the term meant, again and again his heavy balls slapping against her chin as she urgently coaxed his release with her mouth. Somewhere in her mind she had hoped that he would release his seed while buried in her throat, so that she wouldn't have to taste it, and work so hard to force herself to swallow. But he seemed to read her mind and anticipate how he could make her the most miserable, withdrawing enough to ensure that her mouth would be filled to the brim and she would taste him fully. As the first jet of cum squirted into her mouth, splashing its strange salt onto her tastebuds she quickly swallowed, but then a floodgate seemed to open, jet after jet of hot, thick slime filling her mouth faster than she could swallow, brimming from her lips and trailing slowly down her chin. Frantically she sucked harder, taking massive gulp after gulp, even using her fingers to push what she had lost back between her lips, determined to give him no cause to assign that impossible rape. When he released her, she fell forward, the palms of her hands landing on the ground to brace her as she sobbed. She had come away from this bath dirtier than when she entered it, in so many ways, and now he wanted poetry? She was certain he didn't mean that literally, but she wanted to give him no reason to punish her. After taking a moment to think and draw ragged breath, she looked up at him, rasping out insincerely, but compliantly, "Thank you, cock, for all your gifts, and for nourishing me. I am grateful when you feed me truth of what I am to be."
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