MxF In search for a partner

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MxF In search for a partner


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Today 7:44 AM
  1. Paragraphs+Grammar - I appreciate those who go into great lengths when it comes to writing. Detail is a must, as well as reasonably good grammar and punctuation. I understand that simple mistakes and typos can be made at times, so I'm not too extreme on it. Just try your best, and so will I.
  2. Characters - Although Lagertha is the main character that I write with and would prefer to stick to, I can also go out of my comfort zone and play other characters. Just ask who and I will gladly tell you.
  3. Limit - Please note that I try my hardest to stay out of the 'sexual side' to roleplaying. I am not against it, I just prefer not to go there. If it happens, it happens, but don't expect it to just appear so suddenly. It's not my cup of tea, sorry! Swearing and gruesomeness don't bother me on the other hand. I will happily write with females too! :)
  4. Themes: I can do about everything, but my favourites are: Horror, Medieval, Mystery, Fantasy, Action, Adventure.
  5. Time - Please be patient with my responses. I work a lot of hours and also have a busy lifestyle outside of work. I will try my hardest in responding, but I don't rush. I like to take my time, especially if I am writing a large amount. I will never push anyone for a response neither. If I am going to take longer than a week, I will let you know in advance.
  6. OOC - I will happily talk to you outside of the roleplay. I enjoy chatting and making friends of all kind! Send me a message at any time. :)
  7. Plot - The main thing everyone is probably wanting to know the most about. I really don't like saying what I want the story to be about, and not have any thoughts or ideas coming from my writing partner. I find it unfair, so I would prefer to come up with one together in a private chat. I am very respectful when it comes to sharing ideas and will absolutely give anything a go, even if I don't completely agree, not until I try it out anyway. I hope everyone else can see it in the same way, haha.
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