Initial ramblings...

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Initial ramblings...


Apprentice Fatesmith
Local time
Today 6:10 PM
Hi. I thought, it is about time I actually write something about me...not that I know what to write, really... Well, here goes nothing.

I go by Kilravok when I am online and have been dreaming about being a writer since pre-puberty. Well, I've been dreaming about being a guitarist and a cgi animator and a martial artist and...well, I've been dreaming....

About two years ago, I decided to stop dreaming and actually do, which led to me actually writing more than the half-A5 page that I managed as a kid. Still not a book, but certainly a chapter. My main problem is that I run out of steam. Beginnings and endings are easy, but for everything from the second chapter onwards until just before the climatic end battle, I just draw blank. I probably should try planning rather than pantsing, but I lack discipline. Yes, I am a lazy bugger.
The genres I want to write in are Fantasy, Horror, Mystery and Erotic/Porn, and a mixture of several of the above.
Aside from the discipline, the main skill I lack is metaphors and subtlety, which especially hurts my ambition to write horror or mystery. This is not an issue of show vs tell, it is more that my mind is too literal and blunt. Even reading other works, it takes me hours or weeks of pondering to find the metaphors and subtleties, and even longer to understand them.

I tend to do things in phases. When I start a tv series or book series and it grabs me within the first half hour, I binge it until its done or something forces me to take a break for more than a week, then it can be years before I return to it. I have read all the Diskworld books in the house within a mere fortnight, the PERN books in a week, but I am ashamed to say, there were three years between them in which I read nothing at all.

I have so far started writing a total of ten books, most of which got lost in the great hard drive crash of 2016. Not much of a loss, I have never gotten much beyond the first chapter anyway. But I still take part in NaNoWriMo every November since 2017. One day, I will succeed...maybe this year...

I have been a roleplayer since age 11, but only the pen&paper format. I tried forum roleplay once and didn't really get along with it, mostly due to the number of people (more than five) and subsequently posts I had to wait for and then read and respond to. Chat RP is way easier, as long as there are less than ten people in it.

For music, I like Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Hard'n'Heavy, 60s, 70s and 80s Disco, 80s Punk, 80s Goth and the original NDW. Amongst and outside of those, I specifically like the bands Queen, The Beatles, Beach Boys, Manowar, Schandmaul, Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Freedom Call, Abney Park, Die Toten Hosen and E Nomine; not in any specific order of preference. It is very much in phases.

Meh....This has gone one for long enough and I keep rambling on...talking a lot without saying anything...

Hello. This is me. 'Nuff said.
Glad to have you in the community, friend!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! Or, back to IS... :D I hope to see you around!
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