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Today 8:38 PM
Hello all who happen to read this! I'm really feeling pretty awkward while writing this. But I am awkward overall so I guess I'll just start by saying what I'm looking for.

I am not the best writer but I try my best to write as much as I can sometimes it's several paragraphs long other times it's around a paragraph? maybe a little less. I try never to write a single sentence. My grammar/punctuation skills aren't the best but I've been getting better at, at least adding periods. I also have the extension Grammarly so that helps some alas it's only the free version. What I'm mostly getting at is if you are not able to handle someone like me who has a hard time with such things you probably wouldn't enjoy rping with me :(

I'm looking at creating stories so, at the moment I'm not really looking for sexual rps I mean I will write it out but I'm mostly looking to create a world with someone I'll update this thread if that changes but I'm craving stories

Some thread ideas but I'd be open to discovering others

Like the Spoiler says I'd love to make a RP with someone based around stardew valley we don't have to use the same characters from the game series but I'd love to do something with this and this fanfiction i read that expanded the magical side of stardew valley
If I'm the farmer that moves in i'd probably be playing a female Who she ends up with is up in the air could play out some love triangle things could even have some of the village people fall in love with each other instead if we want to play more then one character.

Like many movies out there i'd love to do a roleplay around this I'd like the play the Pauper currently

I'd like to do a group of people getting together of all ages to try and survive and form a bond like family in a way? a couple of people in the group can fall in love and whatnot

I'd like to do an RP that's in a VR world theres a manga i like its like sword art and 1/2 prince Its called only sense online your able to be in the world and not nessisarily have to fight things you can level up by becoming a crafter for different things and stuff we could make our own vr world :3
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