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Today 1:59 AM
Hey everyone, not too sure what I'm looking for now a days. Somehow stumbled into erotic roleplays and been rolling around in that, but I also like to write and fancy myself some sort of poetry and amateur writer. Few people have ever seen my stuff and fewer still have given real feedback.

I do enjoy a good stimulating role play but find myself struggling to keep them up due to fickle flights of fancy and odd stress-y depress-y mood swings that sap the life out of even the most vibrant of things. This place seems more keen on the writing aspect of things than the word porn which will be a nice change of pace if I can get something going :).

I've got loads of interests from fantasy to sci-fi and even historical fiction. If there's a place to put "finished" pieces I may post some there for the curious to poke around in

Till then time to dive into the rabbit hole and see where I end up.
Welcome to the Sanctum! We're happy to have you here. :)
Be sure to take a peek at the site rules, and if you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM. ^_^
Many welcomes.

Greetings, from what I affectionately term as 'the madhouse'.
Hopefully you will be able to find a space to call your own here. There are many writers ranging from enthusiastic first timers, to those who do it for a living. All genres and creations are welcome, although you will probably find that most here lean towards the darker aspects of their chosen genre. That's not to say there is no fluff, just that you might find it has razor blades in it.;)

New request threads are popping up all the time so its worth checking the first couple of pages, if your not finding quite what you want...or putting up your own of course.

Any problems hit up our lovely staff, that's what they are here for. More generalised queries try popping into chat, there is usually a long term resident lurking who will help if they can or point you in the right direction.

Looking forward to seeing you around.
All the best.
How're you doing everyone, Its been quite some time since I've been out of the game but feels good to start writing again, looking forward to some great experiences.
The Bard's Tale Forum should be a place to put finished work. If you have questions about what belongs in any forum, you can refer to the PM you should have gotten from the mods when you joined for a handy link, or click Forums (very top banner under the nice logo for the site, second tab) then scroll to the forum labeled "About Us" and click on "A Simple Guide for Sanctum Dwellers". This site is a little different than I am used to, but people here seem nice if a little dark/smutty (half of which Nyx already pointed out). Hope you have fun and good luck as a fellow newbie. :)
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