Any Interest Checks, Several ideas pending...

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Any Interest Checks, Several ideas pending...


Bender of Images
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Today 12:53 AM
North Carolina

Hello all, I am Casey and I am new here at the Inner Sanctum. I have several ideas, all of which are long term commitment, high casual to advanced, and descriptive in nature. I would like post minimums to be at least one paragraph ( bare minimum), to multiple paragraphs, no need to write a book every time, a good and general description of things will suffice.

I would also like to add that I am an artist, and I am currently enrolled at AAU for my BFA in visual development. I love to do digital paintings and I also like to add visual aids to my rp's (when I have time to do so) though I am much better at making traditional art, but I am still learning.

I have several interests currently, and are as follows:

1.No Title (Western)

Wild West Genre centered around a boom town, and railroad, similar to the show Hell on Wheels. There will be a town layout, and maps of the surrounding areas and other towns close by. All buildings in the town are available for ownership and positions to be filled by characters or npc's. i.e. A saloon would be ran by the bar keep, and the brothel by a madame, etc. I will accommodate for players characters and other interests. If you would like to have a character in one of these slots let me know. I will make an available list based on services of the period, as well as character interests, or odd commodity.. If you will let me know if youd like a slot like this I will add you to the list, as well as the name of your business (if any) to add to the town layouts, to give everything better depth. Plot twists will be either manifested by me or by the stories progression naturally. I am open to any suggestions or ideas.

2. No Title ( Sci fi, military, war, universe exploration )

I have been wanting to do a Sci fi graphic novel for some time though I am having a hard time developing the story on my own. If you are interested and end up contributing to this and it does become a thing, I would be more than willing to give credit where it is due. I have a character planned out for this though I do need a few for supporting roles, as well as antagonists.

Setting: The timeline is set in the future, around 2200 or so. There was an alien confrontation a hundred years prior, though it was no secret. The government had made their presence known to the public a handful of years prior. A crash perhaps, or small skirmish, the details aren't set in stone. There will be several races, but I am not getting out of hand with this, two or three tops. Either through reverse engineering or sharing, technologies have advanced ten fold, cybernetics, bionics, nano bots, energies of all forms, energy weapons, fusion, and the likes. Major armaments companies, investors, politics, government agendas, espionage.

There was peace for a time, though the other races finally brak the silence and begin waging war for planetary control and material acquisition. All out espionage and war is rampant all over our solar system, as well as others. War machines of all types are developed and deployed. Soldiers on the front lines, or behind curtains, pilots, crews, clandestine missions with major pay outs. Soldiers of fortune seek personal gains on planetary conquests.

3. Rise of The Steam Machines ( steampunk / sky pirate)

The place: Port City

Port City is the main trading port in the Timmerill Empire. A bustling city full of trade posts, markets, small business, and is mostly comprised of working class citizens. A hodgepodge of buildings and shacks, almost one on top of the other. Most of the people that live here are poverty stricken, hard working, blue collar types, with only a handful of aristocrats and the wealthy are barely that.. The people of Port city work their fingers to the bone just to make ends meet. Many men, and women alike, work in the salt planes, or in the coal mines just north of the city in the mountains. The commute to both is by railcar. A set of tracks runs east to west and ties the districts of the city together, making it fairly easy to get around. Another set meets up and runs from the docks and shipyards, running north to the mines, and beyond to the inner empire through a mountain pass. Traveling by railcar can be difficult, as it is highly regulated by the Emperors troops. The city is in a police state and heavily regulated by the Emperor and his troops. Everything from common household items and food, and even medicine, are all regulated and rationed. Many have little, and only some have a lot.

The city is in constant turmoil and skirmishes between the Emperor and several resistance groups are commonplace. Everyone in Port city is fed up with the Emperor and his regime, but no one wants to aid the resistance for fear that it may cause problems for themselves. The Emperor has deployed steam driven war machines and large steam powered airships to combat these small pockets of resistance and everything has come to a head.

Times were hard in Port City and had been for a while. The poverty stricken people who called Shanty Town home had it the worst of all those who would call this port home. The Emperor, however, was not without problems of his own. Though his empire was financially sound as an economic powerhouse, and his amassed foot soldiers and gun ships were a formidable force, complete control over this great city seemed unobtainable..

The Emperor, Ashe Fontaine, had seized control of Port city and all of its assets during "The Great War" as it was to be called. He soon declared this new territory a police state, and regulated its inhabitants to extremity. Though he maintained his occupation over the territory, it has remained in a constant state of turmoil and chaos due to several pockets of resistance fighters. These factions aim to return Port city, and the people that call the city their home, to the freedom they once knew. However these factions struggle to unify against the Emperor and his troops, making it difficult to gain any real ground against him. If ever united, these factions could prove to be a real threat to the Emperor and his regime.

The Emperor has employed steam driven war machines to combat the resistance, and has had great success using these to his tactical advantage. Many have died, resistance and citizens, as bystanders fall in the skirmishes in the city streets. No mercy, or quarter is ever given, and morale for the resistance is at an all-time low, and little hope is to be had. These machines tear through the city streets causing major collateral damage, slaughtering innocent and freedom fighters alike. These machines are outfitted with high caliber artillery, flame throwers, and edged weapons, and can inflict massive amounts of damage to flesh and buildings alike..

Ashe Fontaine has also amassed great airships to regulate air-trade commerce, the seizure of contraband and various other commodities, and to hunt down and annihilate any resistance in the air. These vessels are steam powered, and are much faster than the airships of the resistance. However, they are bulky and loud and are not as stealthy as the air and wind driven ones that are common in the skies over Port City. Stealth is key for the resistance, and they go to great lengths to disguise themselves as common merchant vessels and strive to avoid the imperial ships at any cost.

I have much more info on this one if anyone is interested..
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