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Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts! 100 Likes!
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Under your bed
My name is Daemon on here, but my real name in the outside world is, William, but I prefer Michael Arron Black; it's a name I've used several times for different characters. Uncreative, but the appelation just rolls of the tongue with ease. Plus, it sounds much more menacing than...Will or William. I don't need much to be menacing, I stand 6'6" and weigh 220lbs. I'm pretty stocky; enjoying carying and lifting heavy objects so it's built my good arm up quite a bit, plus the 6 mile walks a day, twice a day, has built my former linebacker physique back--somewhat.

When I was 19 and in the prime of my life, a cogenital birthdefect imploded an AVM in my cerebellum. An AVM is a large ball, thinkink of it as a large rubberband ball that over the years through stress, chemical imbalences, physical trauma--all chipped away at it it. Snapping the bands one by one until one night after I gothome from putting applications in anywhere I could find or think of, I felt sick. I didn't eat much but I laid down. I woke up later that evening, met a girl who was the neice of my sisters friend; went to help redecorate and made it about 25 feet before falling to one knee, then to then collapsing fully.

Wel some guess work my sister thought I was having a stroke. Not unreasonable when only one side at least tries to stand and function--and the other falters and does really nothing, just be limp. So I get dragged to the car, and by this point all I could hear was my rapid heart beat in my ears; couldn't move at all, speech was slurred and steadily dissapating. I'd say it took 3-4 minutes to get to the hospital. I couldn't talk at all by then, I was fading in an out like an old man watching T.v.

The doctors checked me all over, drug tested me and did I think a CAT scan--that's when they found the bleed. I was hemmoraging severely. So severely that as I was getting on the stat flat they told my family to prey--he did not think I was going to make it. But, I'm stubborn, I heal quickly and I have sheer force of Will. Now, I am a religious man and I do believe God saved me. For what I still don't know and that was 11 years ago.

There are a couple things you should know about me as a writer/roleplayer and aspiring author, if we are to write together. I promise, I won't make it longwinded and the points are valid (in my opinion at least.)
Things To Know About Me
}(1){ My name William, you may call me 'Will' or 'Kross'. The latter is a long story, I really do like the name, Kross. It reminds me of friends that passed on, my faith, and love for a symbol that has been emblazoned on shields. I hope to talk to you soon about a couple ideas; Ones a Slice of Life/Drama/ Romance/ Tragedy--the other is a Medieval Fantasy based off of "Dragon Age.".

}(2){ I do not write PG-13 stories. Rather it is violence, drugs, sex, mental health, physical abuse and so on, I write them out in full detail. That said, each theme, element or component needs to have a purpose.

}(3){ I am not here to write smut (I hate that word). Now, given, I can see where you are coming from. A lot of people just want to write sex scenes, or fetishes, BDSM, and so on. It's tedious to me.

I believe these scenes can be powerful depictions and give insight into the character; especially if performed in the right way. I will elucidate this furthermore in #4. (#3 Continued)

}(4){ When I do write about violence, sex, drug abuse, alcoholism, physical/emotional/mental abuse--what have you, it to further character development. You can't write about a struggling alcoholic that becomes volatile and abusive without inferring alcohol, abuse--just the same, you can't write about a nymphomaniac without having sex scenes.

Now, you may be thinking " you can do all that without those instances. However, I like to argue it gives a character more depth. We may not like the depth; he beats his wife, she shoots up with heroin while pregnant, etc. Moreover, you can get a lot of information from watching how a person has sex, how they do drugs, etc. That is why I do sex scenes, violence, and wars, battles, or struggling with your own inner demons. It humanizes characters in a way that other methods just can't because you just don't have that experience. (#4 Continued)

}(5){ Scenes like sex, drugs abuse, neglect, violence have their purpose--mostly. I won't say everyone is a plot-driven individual, but I certainly am. I love making stories. Especially ones with consequences; ups and downs, tragedy, and drama.

I just don't like it when all my ideas are being shot down because my partner feels inadequate, is a pompous ass, or stuck-up to the point they won't at least try it. (#5 continued)

}(6){ My sex scenes vary wildly. I am a Dom in real life so Submission and Control are all too familiar to me. That said, I don't force, push or otherwise coerce individuals into my lifestyle; what it means, what you'd have to do (no matter how embarrassing,); I may ask or suggest something and it may not even be full-on domination, it could just be blindfolding or what have you. If you aren't comfortable, just say so, I'll drop it, and we can find alternatives. Yet, one of my pet peeves is someone automatically rejecting an idea without fir utilizing it to some degree.

}(7){ I didn't think I needed to add this, but here I am; several of my partners have found issue with me for various reasons both on this site and a couple others. So there is that. My rep hasn't eluded me too much. I do have a tendency to perform oddly. if annoying in that I have OCD, Aspergers and a few others. Needless to say, I will correct you; spelling is a pet peeve of mine. Large words like 'elucidate' I understand but mixing 'There, Their, and They're'. Simple words especially English, British or American can be frustrating when mixed,

**Please make note, I am not a grammar Nazi. Just a guy that wants a good read and help craft a story.

}(8){ Now, this should come as no surprise, but please--Please make your posts in paragraph form and post length. I would love writing up a sorry with someone, that can keep up with my long posts. I'm not saying write 12 pages in Word like I did. 3-5 sentences, and at least 3 paragraphs--and don't skimp on the detail, character emotions, thoughts; aspirations, dreams.

}(9){ Certain roleplays limit characters. For example; if we're in the 1920's, women couldn't do anything (There's always a workaround, however--if we're playing 9th-century Roman invasion of England; the Celts were a predominately female standing that held the highest stations. Again, there's a workaround.

}(10){ Character creation should be done in full; it helps me--or you depending on the GM, to decipher the weakness, flaws, and drawbacks of each character. It also features merits, accolades (in some cases powers and abilities,), as well as appearances, visual representations to recall how a character might react think, act, feel, what they could look like. It truly helps. Especially if you are like me and have a short-term memory loss which impedes you.

}(11){ I really enjoyed your enthusiasm for wanting to join my last RP; It was full, but, I have a new slot open. I will go in-depth as to what the plotlines are. For now, please focus on this list. It has an insight into my personal accounting of my personality as a whole. I've been told I can be imposing and that I am a driven individual. While I am I'm 'driven' in the sense that I seek out or create my own roleplaying games. I'm not imposing unless you've done something to warrant my ire. I am a fair man, who will readily compromise, and you seem to like, in the right cases, would make concessions as well.

Better late than never!

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