Character(s) Irin's Table

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Character(s) Irin's Table


Autistic · Handle With Care
Corrupting Influence 250 Likes!
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The Exenith

the beauty of sight…

Lila Bodmer - Blind Musician
  • age: 20
    gender: cis female
    sexuality: bisexual
    race: human with canid features (tail, ears)

    extra: lila is completely blind, relying on her other senses entirely.

    origin: lila was written as a learning experience and to scratch a specific itch i have. i have no characters that don't share my exact traits, so i wanted to play something different when writing lila. i, of course, am not blind, so writing a blind character is a fun way to learn more about something that i cannot fully understand.
  • height: 5'6
    weight: 165
    build: pudgy. not enough to be overweight, more than enough to be completely non-threatening.

    skin: paleish tanned
    eyes: extremely bright gray, dulled
    hair: brown, shoulder length

    outfit: large black knitted sweater at basically all times of the year, even when it's really hot out since she is nigh immune to temperature. gray shorts. usually wearing an animal-themed hat with long ear flaps. opaque brushed lens shades.

    other features: short fluffy tail matching her hair, usually hidden away due to people harassing her in public. canid ears as well as human ones, usually hidden by her favorite hat.
  • traits: outgoing, extroverted, peppy, naive, positive, confident
    values: everyone deserves a second chance, kindness will always win, everyone is special
    motivations: to define herself by more than her blindness, and to explore her passion for music

    likes: birds, soft sounds, pleasant textures, kindness, making friends, fun secrets
    dislikes: pressure, hatred, second chances being misused, being left out, bombshell secrets

    strengths: kind, passionate, confident, disciplined, accepting
    weaknesses: blindness (obviously), physically weak, sensory overload, stubborn, naive, completely incapable of a poker face in any situation ever

    fears: being seen as a burden, being discarded, spiders
  • weather immunity: lila is, for lack of better phrasing, completely immune to any weather. she wears her hoodie in 120 degree heat. she wears her shorts below zero. she can stand out in the rain, walk into a building, and the second she passes the front door she's completely dry. she's not magic in any way, shape, or form, she just quite literally doesn't give a shit about the weather, nor do her cells. that being said, she still prefers cold temperatures, even though hot temperatures don't bother her.

    enhanced senses: due to being blind, lila relies on her other senses. this is both a positive and a negative for her, because she can't turn them off. too many sounds will overwhelm her. too many smells will overwhelm her. fuck it, give her a hug and she might shut down if there's other things on her mind. she's running a modern processor, no graphics card, on a motherboard from 2002.

    memory: lila has very strong memory, able to accurately recall things from exceedingly far off experiences.

    echolocation: by snapping her fingers or making short clicks with her tongue in quiet areas, lila can "see" things around her. the slightest disturbance ruins that though, so when she says be quiet so she can see, don't snicker.
  • history: Lila went blind from natural causes at the age of 5. While at the time this devastated her parents, Lila grew up perfectly fine, leaning into a passion for music, making friends, and completing her schooling without any major hiccups. Minor amounts of bullying maybe, but she has lived a completely normal life. The only supernatural ability she has is her inexplicable immunity to weather, but nobody seems to actually care about it. As far as reality is concerned, it's the way things always were, and the way she is. Nothing strange about it.

    Nothing at all.

    Otherwise, Lila is a normal person. Passionate, outgoing, with an affinity for hot drinks like coffee and hot chocolate, foods, and new experiences. Completely harmless, but still doing her best.

    storylines/threads: none currently.

…conveyed through song.
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cracked reality, and the song that follows…

Evelyn Winters - Universal Vagabond
  • age: unknown, over 20. not even SHE knows what her age is.
    gender: cis female
    sexuality: demisexual
    race: human (augmented), cyborg (if you buy that terminology. she's still completely human, she is just also machine. yeah okay cyborg lol.)

    extra: eve has been augmented in various ways. at her core she is a normal human, but she has enough cybernetic implants that she cannot reliably hide them if someone is looking closely with a specialized machine, such as CAT or XRAY. Even a weigh station will reveal she's not what she seems.

    origin: Eve was designed as a character specifically for one of my settings, Blank Slate. If you are interested in learning about that, check out my request thread. :)
  • height: 6'5
    weight: 290
    build: muscular, relatively thin. most of her weight comes from the massive amounts of cybernetic implants and enhancements.

    skin: paleish tanned
    eyes: extremely bright gray, dulled
    hair: silverish-gray, short (chin-length bob)

    normal outfit: black collared button-up shirt, black undershirt, cargo pants.
    accessories: gray augmented combat boots, gray fingerless gloves.

    other features: evelyn has various scars adorning her body, both from previous combat and recent trauma.
  • traits: introverted, quiet, a bit rude at first, standoffish, stubborn, non-trusting, easy to bother.
    values: trusting people will only get you hurt, keeping people at arms length is best for both parties
    motivations: to build her life back from the ashes after her universe burned down, and to try to lead a normal life now that she has the chance.

    likes: fire, solitude, naps, firearms and other weaponry, clothing, people who dont fuck around
    dislikes: annoying people, loud noises, broken glass

    strengths: self-sufficient, intelligent, powerful
    weaknesses: heavy, about as subtle as a nuclear bomb, extremely dangerous to be around, worried about the people she's close to, but simultaneously keeps people away as best she can so she doesnt get attached. also, an EMP will shut her down temporarily, so there's that.

    fears: people getting hurt for associating with her, memories of her old friends, the future
  • heavy cybernetic augmentations: evelyn has an INSANE amount of cybernetic augmentations. billions and billions of dollars worth in modern money. as in, if the government finds out she exists, they will nuke her house to try to scrape her corpse up with a spatula to reverse engineer the ashes without risking her becoming agitated. (half-joke)

    passive: massively increased intelligence, durability, and speed, connection to the internet on the brainstem level (so long as she's connected, which... every current standard was phased out by the time she got her augmentations, so. oops!) she also does not get tired in a traditional way, but requires a LOT of water to function properly, and when dehydrated will shut down since she cannot turn off the cybernetic implants.

    mobility: increased strength, speed, durability, and overall power in every limb.
  • Warning: Her backstory is subject to changes. This may not be the final rendition of her character.

    CW: Mentions of abuse, trauma, and death.
    history: Evelyn was born to a family of 8 in a part of New New York's Slums. Too many people with not enough money to purchase food for all, her early life was hard. At the age of 19, she moved out without a plan, ending up being taken in by a PMC director. He gave her everything she wanted- for a simple price, let him transform her into something beyond human, mind intact. Desperate for food and a place in the world, she agreed with shaky hands.

    Over the next 4 years, the director created the very first of his line of super soldiers. All of the glory of human instincts, with the power of a war machine. It was beautiful, to him. One person could end wars with the power of the atom bomb. Of course, her first reaction to waking up with a completed set of augmentations and finally free will, was to kill her tormenter so thouroghly that not even the ashes would tell anyone what happened to her. She would prevent anyone from ever being subject to what she went through, contract or not.

    Following her freedom from both her family home and the clutches of a warmonger, she got a job as the captain of a space vessel after scoring flawlessly across the board during the entrance exams. Upon being introduced to her crew- who would soon become her new family- she was elated. She had purpose, she had family, and she had the power to protect them from everything thrown their way.

    That's not to say that being a ship captain is easy, however. After years of combat, the starry-eyed girl has turned into a jaded, exhausted shell of her former self, almost numb to the horrors of combat. Pirates attempting to steal important cargo, combat when called upon to fight for her civilization... It's simply been too much for her.

    storylines/threads: blank slate

…of desolate, crushing silence.
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