Is this a bit Narcissistic?

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Is this a bit Narcissistic?


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Today 12:39 PM
Hello all! I've been writing for over ten years. I started out writing in wolf RPG's and worked my way to single character role-plays using a chat-based system where I would have a character for years and roleplay with one to multiple partners at a time. This chat based system most often, and personally preferred, was used in the format of paragraph role-play, third-person. I left after being on this particular program for nearly 10 years due to utter stupidity and people being jealous of who I RP'd with or tried to control how my characters should act or do. I feel like no one should ever tell you how your character's story should go. I enjoy writing and hope to one day publish a story of my own - I just have to sit down and write it...

I really enjoy all types of role-play, but it has to be detailed and in paragraph to multi-paragraph style or otherwise I feel like I have very little to reply to.

I usually play characters that are fighters, so that means I tend to go for action adventure type RPs.
Lately, I have been playing characters or desiring to play characters that are a little more reserved and less knowledgable on how to take care of them.

I'm very easy to get along with, plot with, and more frequently than not, I tend to run with just a basic idea or concept of a theme and role-play through it in free-form. I feel like over plotting can make things too rigid and make it impossible to bring in other aspects, possibilities, and true character reactions which can alter a plot-line entirely. I like to have fun and include all aspects of life to my RP.

So I hope someone will be interested in RPing with me and if you feel like I would be good for an RP idea or plot, invite me! :) I'll have some characters up soon enough.

Thank you
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