Is this thing on?

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Is this thing on?


Though shadow overtake us, we are known
100 Likes! 250 Likes! Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts!
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Today 11:11 PM
The land of rednecks
Hello, I'm new here but not to RP. I've been writing for many many years. I prefer paragraphs to a handful of lines when I'm making posts, and I'll write anything from fantasy/paranormal to slice of life stuff. I'm not really that picky, but I am awful at playing male characters who are submissive. I've tried, I really have. I just suck at it.

I work entirely from home (even before the pandemic) thanks to working as a government contractor. Trust me, it's not as cool as it sounds–if it sounds cool to begin with, lol. When I'm not working hard, I'm doing my best to relax and usually failing since my blood type is C for coffee. Books are the only thing that manage to slow me down these days, and I read a little bit of every genre, but when I'm unwinding at the end of the night it's typically a fantasy or science fiction book. I'm a huge R.A. Salvatore fan.

I think that's pretty much it, but feel free to ask questions.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! Good to see another fantasy and sci fi fanatic out there, and I hope you love it here. :D
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! Good to see another fantasy and sci fi fanatic out there, and I hope you love it here. :D

Thanks! Oh yeah, fantasy and sci-fi all day. Now I'm just hoping they don't ruin Dune with the latest movie adaptation they have going on, but it looks promising at least.
Thanks! Oh yeah, fantasy and sci-fi all day. Now I'm just hoping they don't ruin Dune with the latest movie adaptation they have going on, but it looks promising at least.
Haha oh man tell me about it! I'm hopeful though :)
Welcome! I am the great druid, Drizzle Yus Amustsay, and these are my mighty swords, Sprinkle, and Icecreamdeath.


I'm sorry, that joke was born from a handful of lines :P Welcome to the party ^_^
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