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Welcome to Anexiia!
The World

Welcome to Anexiia, otherworlder. There are few places more harsh or beautiful. A perfect place for an adventurer. Beyond the glow of a bustling city often lies an underbelly darker than any den of demons. I am aware that you did not ask to come here, but you are here regardless. The Goddess has deemed you worthy of this opportunity. Right now, you stand in Maribea, outpost of the Sylvian Kingdom. Here, you are safe from the hordes of demons, and the military empire of Edorough. Now slow down, I know you're likely confused. I mean no harm to you, for I am simply the messager. My only goal is to make sure you understand the position that you are currently in. After that, you are welcome to do as you please.
First, I should likely inform you that even on an island like this those rags you're wearing won't be suitable protection. I am not a charity, so you're going to have to get creative. As you are one of the Reavers, a person summoned here, it is my understanding that you will see in interface of sorts in your vision that will show you your 'statistics.' I know little of what that means, so I hope you're knowledgable enough to get it more than I do. You can also access your inventory at will. Inside should be a paper known as your Soul Cast. On it displays all of your personal information and statistics.
You're able to summon it? Good. You'll want to get used to make items appear and disappear by placing them and taking them out of your inventory. People like us don't have that luxury, but it's not like I'm spiteful. Just make sure to take note that I may be missing something. A curious mind walked five years ahead of a dull one. Hm? You're curious about the Goddess I mentioned? Well the Goddess I serve is the Goddess of Eternity. A servant of balance in all that exists. Neither good nor evil. Her omnipotence knows little bounds, feared by even the gods of destruction, she holds all the fabric of the universe together.
You want to talk to her? Sadly, you'll have to take my word for it. Reavers like you are often moved from world to world to help maintain balance. How you will change that balance... well... that's up to you. Good and evil is always a matter of perspective, after all. The burning light and distant shadows are always within reach if you're willing to work for them.
Today is quite the occasion. This is the first time in my lifetime I've seen two Reavers come in a single day. Oh? You want to meet them? Well they ventured into the city a few minutes ago. I'm sure you'll recognize them when you see them. Do be careful, and be sure to ask around to get a better hold on the world. I do not mean to force you in any way, but I do suggest at least showing the Sylvians some respect. They are the reason you Reavers can do as you please when you're summoned. Good luck, my friend. May the Goddess of Eternity bless you with good fortune.
The isolated summoning town of all Reavers, protected by the Sylvian Kingdom. This moderately sized town, populated by a mix of former adventurers, and those who wished to get away from the drama and wars of the mainland. In exchange for being left out of politics, the Sylvian Kingdom does not send soldiers to defend them. The former adventurers have proven to be more than enough to handle the threats of the native creatures of the island. Outside of the town of Maribea, the island is covered in a decent amount of relatively weak creatures. A perfect place for a beginning adventurer to have a difficult task in taking them down, yet still be entirely possible for any class of Reaver. The bars are filled with drunks, and the streets filled with local shop owners. Maribea has it's own self-regulated economy, and the majority of the people there respect Reavers. There have been Reavers known to settle down and never leave this place. Reavers whose names were all lost to history.

Home to the Sylvian Kingdom, as well as the Elven cities of Illevia and Aerinite, Aevelastra has been home to warring factions for hundreds of thousands of years. At this current moment, Aevelastra is home to a large scale was between the Sylvian Kingdom, and the elven citizens they had attempted to coexist with. Military actions have kept the monsters relatively clear due to soldiers clearing them from their path on the way to battle. This land is home to the Grand Forest, kept lush and strong by elven magic, along with causing the life of beings such as wisps and dryads to cultivate. Hidden within this legendary forest is Gaia, an ancient elven warrior turned goddess, who now blessed the elves that live there, and lends her power to the protection of life within. Her existence has made it all but impossible for the Sylvian Empire to make meaningful strides toward ending the war.

A once distraught land, brought to order by a group of rise-up nationalists. One hundred and fifty years ago, this place was filled with suffering farmers and greedy nobles. After a rebellion, the nation was completely reformed. The land began to rebuild at an astonishing rate as most of the prior slaves and servants worked together to build strong cities, far better than anything the land had ever seen prior. Impenitrable fortresses. The most notable of which are the new Imperial capital Eseia, the gateway war city Greiwood, and the only structure known to be comparable in defense to the Black Citadel, Fort Akrivei. Less defendable, though still world renowned is the trade town of Ebonshire, the world's largest and most profitable trade town. The product that leaves and enters this city accounts for 70% of the world's recorded trade. Now, all movements from citizens leaving and entering cities requires papers given by the Empire themself. Any unauthorized personnel will be imprisoned or killed, though the latter is more likely.

Few outsiders would ever decide to move to the land of Ariovale. Ravaged by war thrice as harsh as Arvelastra, half the land consumed by desert, and filled with demons. A land that is home to Ikagua. A land that is a haven for those scorned and enslaved by humans, and hell for anyone who would dare disrespect them. Entire cities have been brought to rubble, and been left unrepaired. Food shortages plague every city here. The only conventionally enticing thing here would be the ancient mines hidden within this land's mountain ranges. Mines told to house limitless treasures, unfound and unexplored by anyone. Many believe they are a myth. They aren't, though what hides inside them remains to be seen.

There is nowhere told to be more dark and sorrowful. Even the residents, old servants of the Demon Lord continue to suffer in their sorrow over the death of their leader. Once the most powerful force in all of Anexiia, there is little left here but broken dreams. Despite this endless sorrow, this land is home to the Black Citadel. A castle built from obsidian and magma, brought to existence by the former Demon Lord's magic and devoted worshippers. The ground of this land has been replaced with black stone, a mineral that Meridian, a massive sea dragon, and the former Demon Lord's pet eats on a daily basis. This sea dragon roams the coasts and is known to kill anyone who dares approach his master's hallowed land. If the sea dragon wasn't enough, anyone attempting to siege this land will have to avoid massive whirlpools the appear around the island at random, able to suck in and sink even the largest of military vessels. Within the cages of the city, it is said that numerous monstrous demons are kept in captivity, unlike anything the world has ever seen, ready to be released on anyone who dares try to defile their dead master's keep.

The Races
There is no doubt that consisting of 75% of the world's population can make you confident in your superiority. Humans can be found nearly anywhere, known for their ingenuity, and unpredictable morals. Often villianizing demons and beastkin, along with worshipping angels, these people have the ability to slowly master physical combat, as well as magic. However, their short lifespan makes it nearly impossible for anyone aside from a prodigy to do both, and even then, once something is mastered, the human who did is likely old and weak. There have been humans who have used magic to increase their lifespan, but it has almost always ended in more loss than gain. An average human can live up to 95 years.

Protectors and guardians of life, all accepted within elven cities are duty-bound to protect that which they value. Life of the plants, and animals. To kill an animal is heresy, and all those that do so shall be punished. That isn't to say there aren't those who disagree. Banished elves, who have a crest burned onto their arm that labels them a killer of life. These elves are known to take up jobs as adventurers to get by. How humans treat them varied greatly day-by-day. No doubt these exiles have seen all the loving and depraved ways of both the elves and humans firsthand. Elves find a natural ability to calm and tame wildlife, the only people able to do so aside from Reaver Rangers. There are tales of an elven Reaver Ranger who was able to tame a dragon. Whether it's true or not? That's still to be discovered. An average elf can life up to 2000 years.

A humanoid race, known in history for being some of the most vile and disgusting creatures alive. Known for sadism and hatred. These things, however, were generated by human fear. Originally having a different name lost to history, humans have given them the same name that they give to horrifying beasts of power. Making these people seem synonymous with monsters. As a demon, if you weren't born in Ikagua or Aeternum, your life was likely akin to hell. If you were able to survive to become a teen, things would not get easier. Slave traders had more justification from their society to capture you, and your head would give any adventurer a good reward. Years of torture breeds bitter hatred, and these people were feared for a reason. These beasts boast both mild magical resistance, and immense physical strength. Even the places a demon is born in safety are not ideal. In Ikagua, you are forced to take up arms against the humans, or you are cast out into the desert. In Aeternum, the constant sorrow from your elders seeps into you, making depression almost impossible to avoid. An average demon can live up to 500 years.

A people known to be a step up from demons, but still far from humans. The people of this race have human bodies, and animal features, such as abnormal ears or tail. These people are often bred and sold to be the pet of anyone who can afford them. Your looks typically determine who you are sold to. The beastkin have the same ability to master anything as the humans, along with some attributes from the type of animal their body represents. An average beastkin can live up to 200 years.

Worshipped by the Sylvian Kingdom as goddess', these rare girls are kept in seclusion, in the most private areas of the most fortified castles. They typically live a life of luxury. These special girls are the only people able to use divine magic aside from Reavers. Able to resurrect the dead, they or the social enemy of demons. Demons often resent them for supporting humans to get the luxuries their kingdoms offer. The only fate worse than a demon living in human lands, is an angel living in demonic lands.

The Reaver Classes
There are few more resilient than a skilled warrior. Unable to use any magic, these champions are able to take blows from people far stronger than them without faltering. The pain remains, but as everyone it bound and struck, a warrior will always be the last to fall. Able to use the heaviest of armor, the physical strength of these Reaver Warriors grow faster than anyone else's. Able to take a strike from hammer, before smashing their opponents skull with their fist. Nobody starts that way, of course, but if you're to choose this class, you'd best have the conviction to get up close with any horror you have to face.
The only person who could ever contest an elf with a bow. Reaver Rangers are often seen as perversions of elven fighters, as once they level up, they can do all an elf can, and beyond. These masters of elven craft can tame animals, and can learn alchemy just by watching someone perform it. Elven Reaver Rangers are known to grow to be the most legendary elves of all time. The history books in the elven archives recorded two of them being able to tame their own forest dragons. Unlike normal Rangers, this elven variety is worshipped as heroes in Elven cities, until the Ranger has shown herself to be against their value of life.
Lords of deception, most Reaver Rogues decide to pretend to be another class to avoid citizens distrusting them, whether or not that trust is deserved. These people are masters of poisons of all kinds, from paralyzing liquids, to curses imbued on their blades. Rogues find it far easier to lie to others convincingly. Along with this, there is no one that can contest a Rogue in footwork. Getting by traps? Picking locks? Pickpocketing a noble for his money? Too easy. These deceptive people are able to use shadow magic, and lore of magic that allows them to sneak around even easier.
The physically weaker of the Reaver classes, these magic users are considered gods of their craft. Reaver Sorcerers are able to learn spells at their level just by looking at them. Unlike the rest of the world, these people do not require length incantations in order to cast a spell. Only the spell's name. There is no magic beyond their reach, so long as their level is high enough. Any race can become a Sorcerer, but demons may find this class especially dangerous. Once the humans find out about a demon who can wield powerful magic, the entire Empire and Sylvanian Kingdom would be out for your head. This is not an easy path to walk, but if you survive, while hated, you will likely be one of the most powerful people on the planet.
Additionally, you're welcome to make your own subclass under these! Feel free to get creative!
The OOC Stuff
Hello! This is my first time making request thread on a site, so I hope mine is adequate! Time to get into the chat on what I'm looking for, rather than just describing the world. As the title of the thread says, I'm looking to play a futa or female against a female character. I'm comfortable with both story and romance oriented stuff, as well as smut oriented stuff. I'm comfortable with doing both, but for this I'll keep them separate. I'm going to list some vague ideas to build upon. I'll increase the amount as time goes on.
If you're looking for Story and Romance!
Traditional Story
As stated above, this is a pretty generic premise. Our two characters, having just come from another world, will meet on Meribea after being summoned. Together, we'll discover the world and it's secrets. We never really know who we can trust, aside from one-another. We're partners, and no one can break that. It takes a long while and a lot of life-threatening situations to get stronger and increase our levels. Still, we do it by sticking together. It's no surprise we eventually fall in love.
OP Protagonist(s)
Unlike all of the Reavers before us, we start above the traditional level cap. The moment we choose our classes we're given end game gear. Well, I suppose it's time to go find our path in life, and now that we're together, we're invincible. After all, the only person that could contest us now is each other. Time to have some fun!
Keep in mind with both ideas for our characters, you do not need to play a Reaver. You can play anyone you feel like playing. I'm open for any ideas or discussion!
If you're looking for Smut!
In regards to kinks, my only limits are vore, scat, and vomit. Almost everything else is on the table. This includes incest, any-con, slavery, degradation, etc. There are numerous options for a smut centric thing, and it doesn't have to involve a Reaver. Though to make this clear, if we're writing smut, I write as a Dom. Want to write as an angel getting captured by a demon girl before she's abused? Let's do it. Want to write as a Sylvian Princess who fell for her caretaker, and begs her to have sex? Let's do it. Want to play as a Reaver Rogue who fails at a low level and gets sold into slavery? Let's do it. Point is that I'm open to any ideas you may have in regards to this world. Just shoot me a message in PMs and we can talk about it!
Possible Character Ideas
Haruka Izukami

Age 31
Warrior Class Reaver
Dark Knight Subclass
Tank Role
Neutral Good
Haruka was formerly a Japanese office-worker, mostly anti-social due to her appearance seeming to be more aggressive, mostly due to her eyes. Now summoned into Anexiia, she intends to make more of her life than she did in the real world. A small obsession with getting levels as efficiently as possible, and trusting no individual faction, she intends to become the strongest Reaver alive, and enforce her own moral system on the world around her. While mostly just, she is impulsive and is prone to anger easily. Haruka often holds grudges for long periods of time. Below her stoic demeanor is someone who wishes she had an easier time getting along with others, and values her close friends above herself.
Maou Aeterna

Age 798
Demon Lord of Aeternum
Hybrid Class
Neutral Evil
The Deceased Demon Lord of Aeternum, Maou Aeterna. The person worshipped by all demons in Aeternum, and mourned greatly. Within the humans, she was known as a brutal and merciless killer, acting only to take over the entire world and massacre the human race. Within the demons, she is known as a goddess and warlord, the first to create a nation of demons and defend it against those that hated them. Taking the land at the center of the world by force, and turning its ground to obsidian. Her death was caused by a human hero and her party of friends. It is said that demons have been perfecting a way to resurrect her, and a new hero will need to rise to stop her from taking over the world. Is that the truth, or is that simply hateful human hyperbole? Only time may tell.
All of Maou's items were considered as powerful enchanted relics after she died. Her demonic sword given to warrior of the hero's party, and passed down to the now current Empire. Her bow taken by the ranger of the hero's party, and passed down to the elves. Lastly, but certainly not least, is her red and white jacket, taken by the hero after her defeat, and passed down to the Sylvian Kingdom. The Empire and Elves keep theirs sealed away, while her cloak is worn by the Sylvian King as a status symbol. This is another reason the demons hate the humans so much, as all three items are demonic objects of worship.