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ISO: semi-realistic The Last Of Us


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Little Bit About Me!
  • 22
  • Agender, she/they
  • been writing for 13ish years now, mostly experienced in fandoms but with some worldbuilding experience (looking to improve)
  • 3rd pov only, anything else feels weird
  • Oc x Ca or Oc x Ca, very difficult to convince me to do Ca x Ca
  • 2-3 paragraphs average with 6-9 lines per character, depending on mood can go up to 5 paragraphs
  • typically M x F for my end but will gladly do any/all pairings for you!
  • Doubling only, it feels really wrong on my end if you're just playing my interest ^^" It feels so unfair to me
  • Disabled with a typically free schedule, although can become suddenly busy, will let you know if that's the case
  • At least 2 responses per week if my drive/health is exceptionally low, strive to reply every other day at least though
  • Preference for semi-realistic or anime faceclaims, I try to stay away from real life actors/fandoms as much as I can
  • Favorite rp topics include Fandoms/Fantasy/Apocalypse/Romance, generally ask for romance in every rp (love slowburns, make me work for it!)
  • OORP chatter is so much fun, I love plotting/headcanoning/gushing about each other's characters
  • Will do smut as long as there's buildup/it makes sense, is discussed beforehand and plot takes priority. Essentially 60/40 story to smut
Looking For
  • 3rd POV
  • Doubling
  • You willing to play my love interest, typically thought of by myself
  • Semi active replies, at least 3x per week
  • Semi realistic/anime faceclaims
  • Minimum of 2 paragraphs per character
  • Being okay with 2 paragraphs being my regular reply
  • Effort put into your oc and making sure they're well balanced
  • Someone open to worldbuilding, helping carry the plot and to come up with ideas
  • Help playing side characters/building interactions, please help me to create them as well
  • Plot over smut (60/40) but with willingness for sex scenes, as as there's buildup and it's discussed
  • LGBTQ+ friendly
  • Triggers/Kinks/Limits to be discussed in pms and thoroughly
  • Romance for my end
  • Long term partners
Character Desperate To Use
  • right now I'm looking to play my prostitute Maisy specifically in a zombie apocalypse/simply apocalypse setting, I'm very open to the setting as long as it fits with the government basically falling and the end of the world. She's essentially an information broker set into a quarantine zone setting who knows how to work the system in order to keep afloat and get what she wants. I'd be more than happy to adjust when it comes to the things she has/living arrangements in order to fit the world we build together. I'm looking to pair her with one of my many oc ideas that I ask you to play, most likely being a hardened soldier who's 10 years older than her. This storyline will have the potential for a lot of smut but I want there to be buildup first, really make her work for it and turning it into something more than just casual sex. As for her business I'd prefer to skip over the sex between her/clients because this is a story driven concept.
Specific Plots/Ideas
  1. |Apocalyptic W/Zombies|
    heavily inspired by The Last Of Us and preferably inserted into that fandom, I'd be willing to discuss/adjust the setting and the specific type of zombies or even turn it into an apocalypse setting without infected at all. This would take place in a quarantine zone and potentially one of the last strongholds controlled by what's left of the military, currently struggling to maintain control while fighting with another faction inside of the QZ. I want us to build the setting/infected/system/opposing faction together but ultimately the way survivors are treated simply shows their lack of power in such a situation. I'd like it to start and center around the QZ for a good chunk of time before the possibility of moving it outside/destroying the zone, especially since I haven't come up with any concrete plot ideas for such a life so we'll have to collaborate a lot more there. My desired pairing involves a prostitute Maisy and a male soldier, I already have an idea/concept for the both of them and will be asking you to play the soldier; either I can fully write him out or give you specific traits/little details I want you to include in your portrayal. As for your pairing I am completely open for any and all ideas whether you have a set character in mind for a love interest or want me to make you someone, I love creating characters so it would be very enjoyable. I have quite the list of potential love interests for your side if you're interested, as I have a ton of side characters designed for this specific plot. I want our characters/love interests to intertwine with each other as well even if they don't end up particularly close.
  2. |Wizardtopia|
    set into a realm full of magic and wonder, filled with magical creatures and ruled by wizards and heavily inspired by wizard101. Full of various realms of wonder this story would take place with two new wizards who have just begun/have been on a journey of knowledge. This particular collage would be reserved for those eager to learn and willing to put in the most time and effort and divided by magic types which we'd come up with together. Essentially it would be a combination of our oc's learning magical spells, going on quests, building a magical reputation and eventually saving the world. My pairing is pretty much up in the air right now but I'm torn with an all powerful love interest and a love interest who tragically lost his partner, who searched far and wide in order to bring them back from the dead. When it comes to your pairing I'm open to anything and sadly don't have too many ideas or even any side characters developed yet, since so much about the world is up in the air. This would be the heaviest worldbuilding concept as there's a lot to develop together.
  3. |Gods & Demons|
    set in a realm without humans and where only gods and demons reside, a peace constantly threatening to be lost and held together by the man deemed Emperor; neither god nor demon. I'd prefer a more oriental culture that combines them into one diverse culture but I'm totally open to whatever you're most interested in yourself, as long as it has a strong fantasy feel to it. I'd like to split this realm into 8 different regions not including the demon realm, ruled under the Heavens. While the majority of these realms had submitted under the Heavens control some still act independently and answer to no one. Each realm would have it's own ruling clan and heir. The demon realm would be split into an undetermined amount of realms each ruled by a specific demon clan who answers to the demon king, despite this so called peace there would be disloyal clans plotting against the demon king in order to go to war with the Gods once more, upset at their banishment to barren lands. Slowly there will be disruptions and conflicts across the lands until an all out war takes place. My desired pairing is a daughter to the Fox god's leader paired with the Emperor himself, it would be a long slowburn with the seemingly emotionless man who really is just indifferent and unaware of his surroundings. Potentially I might change my oc from a fox god to something else if I can remember my other ideas, but I'm totally open to developing the Fox god's together and our oc's being related or even your oc being the designated heir. As for your pairing I am open to anything and do have a few side characters if you're interested in choosing from, however they're still under development. If you're interested in the Emperor idea my plan for him is that he's desperate to be free from his burden, constantly running away from his burdens or simply remaining in his palace. Due to this there will be a replacement in place which can be thoroughly discussed, I have two potential ideas for his rise. Plotwise everything is up in the air and I'm looking for someone interested in worldbuilding and helping to come up with more specific ideas and events.
  4. |Humans & Werewolves|
    this is a rather dark plot where werewolves are treated/classified as pets and don't have a justice system, which leads to a lot of abuse and a lack of rights. Most "owners" don't treat them right whatsoever and simply use them as slaves. This plotline would take place during an uprising for equal rights and would slowly progressive until they earn their freedom as a race, I'd be very open to switching Werewolves to monsters so you have a lot more versatility like neko's and whatever else you're into. A big part of this would involve an underground illegal ring where werewolves/monsters are forced to fight for their master. My pairing involves one of these Werewolf fighters and a college human woman, set where her specifical program is allowing these "pets" to be brought and allowed into their own program. I'd like to work on developing relationships between the fellow "pets" and humans alongside a slow but steady plot, but I'm completely open to any pairing/idea on your end as well. After all I'd love to build this world together and I don't really have much for it, except a really sad and tragic ending which I would like to change. I do have some ideas for side characters and possible love interests if you're interested.
  5. |Pandoras Avatar|
    set into this wonderful world I'd love to build around it more, maybe even include different tribes/evolved species and conflicts. I'd be more than willing to play any canon character for you and I wouldn't mind following either movie plot, although I don't have any book knowledge. My specific pairing involves the next Tsahik in a tribe located deep in the mountain (I'd like to have more variations will colors, have a bit of a headcanon for lighter colors) who ends up falling with an outsider "fake" na'vi who works their way into the clan. I'd love to provide you with a love interest as well and I have quite a few side character ideas. Plot wise I'm very open to developing the story and building the world together, that just makes it so much more fun!.
  6. |Star Wars|
    while I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to canon stuff I absolutely love the world and all of the potential pairing ideas and storylines! Pairing wise I have far too many ideas to choose from! I'd also be interested in Darth Maul but not just following canon stuff, doing something in between
  7. |Cursed Princess| W.I.P!
  8. |D&D Concept|
    now I don't actually have an idea for this one or have any actual experience with DnD but I love the idea of it, would love to experience it without the dice and stats as long as there is a turn system and power balance involved. I was thinking it would be fun to adapt Baldur's Gate 3's idea of mindflayers whether we have a party infected or we come up with something else. I'd love to bounce ideas and build a story together from scratch. I have a large amount of potential pairings for this, so many I wouldn't know where to start! Probably a tiefling with an oathbond paired with a broody formerly enslaved elf.
  9. |Humans & Mamano's|
    set in a fantasy world split into 3 human kingdoms ruled by separate kings and one Mamano kingdom ruled by a queen, these creatures are inhuman with various animal features whether its small like a gijinka or anthromorphic. An immortal race that simply revives after they're killed, at the cost of their memory over time and without rules. They follow the strongest and will only back down if defeated in battle, with their own form of military and scholarly pursuits just beginning. Humans have been at war with the Mamano for centuries and refuse to even consider peace, instead mistreating this race and giving them barely any rights into their cities where discrimination is inevitable. For the humans to hold their own against these immortal creatures they accept blessings from God, allowing them immortal life unless they are killed inside of a city/village/human civilization. I have a lot of ideas and this is my most developed world full of side characters/possible love interests/plotlines including a Mamano disguised as a king and even a group of Mamano worshippers turning humans into Mamano. There are lots of classes for characters to be, magic and even a stronger class of Mamano known as Maou who are basically royalty themselves. I'd love to develop this world even more as well as to add things from you and ideas to carry along the plot. I have 3 potential pairings to choose from on my end involving a human explorer with an experienced explorer, where she becomes a Mamano later, a pair of Mamano who leave their kingdom on search for adventure (M tags along because he didn't want F to go) or a Mamano envy of her queen sent to investigate the only mamano accepting kingdom paired with the king there.
  10. |Fantasy Loss|
    set in a fantasy world and revolving around a facility we'd build together, where our oc's leaned and were taught some form of fighting whether magical or not. They would've been taken in potentially at a young age and this would've been their home, whether they were tragic orphans or chosen by the master here because of legendary potential and willingly leaving their family behind for a better life. Their master would've been the most powerful man in this world, a legendary hero renowned around the world who had since retired in order to train the younger generation. This perfect world would be cut too shortly when a former student chose the path of darkness and came to end him, to take his legendary weapon for themself. The entire place was burned to ashes, everykilled killed except for 3 (possibly 4) survivors. There's lots of room to build here and paths to go but revenge seems like one of the best options. My pairing involves former students and orphans in their own right, F would've become very attached to M to the point where he became their entire world. M would care a lot for F but was torn when it came to feelings, having their own childhood friend who he formed a very strong attachment with. Totally up to you whether M was involved with this childhood friend or not, would like to plot more because I don't know how I want it to go exactly. I have a few ideas for sidecharacters and stuff but I'd love to collaborate more with everything.
  11. |Fantasy & Ancient Gods|
    set in a fantasy world where the gods once ruled in peace and created the various realms and magical races, a time of peace and beauty. However some of these gods were not good and eventually the gods went to war until nearly all were wiped out, the few remaining went into hiding. Evil still seeks to find and kill these gods as well as the hidden places filled with their power and souls. Our characters story would take place while visiting one of these hidden groves and discovering children bestowed with powers tied to this tree of the gods, becoming very close and concerned for these orphaned children. Forming a special bond they would've become a family until evil seeps into this village and it is destroyed, however the big bad leaves with the belief that this god was destroyed. In truth the children these characters had grown to love sacrificed themselves so that both oc's would live. Their stories begin after this village was rebuilt and they finally had a lead, heading to a specific town where they are granted an audience with the man who destroyed their happiness and just out of reach. Yet even still they join his faction in the hopes of finding the right opportunity for revenge, sent away to the worst operation and the lowest rank possible. Would include eventually becoming chosen by a separate god/goddess and with lots of room to build/adjust/plot with each other. My specific pairing would include one of the chosen who had a complicated upbringing and would've been really hit hard with this grief, paired with a childhood acquaintance former dancer who now took to mercenary work. He'd be rather happy to see her again despite them not being considered friends at the time and concerned over the obvious change in her, without anything else really to do he'd tag along without knowing the full story. This would be an incredible slowburn seeing as he is a player and quite the flirt, he genuinely wouldn't have romantic feelings for her but would care a lot. She would end up falling for him along the way so that would hurt because she didn't understand why else he'd be so dedicated to her cause, something she hadn't shared the full story about. Would definitely involve trying to ditch him/leaving him somewhere else because this isn't his battle or his problem, it's something she doesn't know if she will survive and refuses to put that on him. Would eventually take him to this village though where he'd learn the full story.
  12. |Digimon Tamers|
    these games and the anime were my childhood, I absolutely loved them and would love to do a more grown up version of this. I'm completely open to how they end up in this world but I'd like to focus more around the life of a tamer and raising Digimon/fighting in tournaments. I'm very open to coming up with a bigger story and have some ideas on a world with the central conflict, but I'd love to build this together and see what awesome ideas you'd have as well or things you want to contribute/add.
  13. |Shall We Date?|
    based on the various discontinued games I have a lot of potential plotlines: ninja/assassins/feudal japan/fantasy/potentially a few more. Since it's essentially based on these games I have a specific cast of characters/side characters to choose from for love interests or I could gladly make a brand new one just for you! This is one I'd prefer you message me about to hear more about the basic idea that I would love to build/develop together.
Fandoms Most Interested In
so my list of fandoms is much more diverse than this, but these are the ones I'd be most tempted to say yes to. I am willing to play a different fandom for you if you'll do the same, specifically from one of these.
  • |DC Semi-Realistic|
    my knowledge isn't the best and while I haven't read the comics I've watched various shows, mostly including Young Justice (nearly completed) and Teen Titans. I'm more than willing to put in the work when it comes to implementing comic characters/ideas as long as you're patient, mostly I'm looking for semi-realistic faceclaim system. I'm looking for Batman/Nightwing/Superboy/Kaldur'ahn/Kid Flash/Red Arrow/Kid Devil/Jason and I'm willing to play anyone.
  • |Marvel Semi-Realistic|
    my knowledge varies and I've seen most of the movies but it's been a long time so I apologize in advance. I'm only looking for X-Men personally right now but would be happy to incorporate the avengers into this. I'm looking for semi-realistic faceclaims. Crush wise I'm desperate for someone who'd be willing to play Daken for me and to incorporate him into the movies/x-men evolution, but I'm open to Wolverine/Nightcrawler/Angel.
  • |Aggretsuko|
    I'm looking for a gijinka version to this and I'm open to playing anyone. I'm looking for Seiya
  • |The Dragon Prince|
    I'm caught up with the show but don't have any book knowledge, willing to play anyone except for Aaravos

  • |Baldur's Gate 3|
    I've only seen playthroughs of the game and while it's unfinished, I love the concept for it so much. I'm looking for Astarion but have a bunch of other love interests as well. Would love to create a plotline based on this with our own story and characters.
  • |Dragon Age 2|
    I haven't gotten far in inquisition yet but I've watched playthroughs/all the romances, personally I would like to do 2 on my end. I'm specifically looking for Fenris, Zevran or Iron Bull.
  • |Dragon Raja|
    While not far in the game I've seen playthroughs and have book knowledge.
    Crush wise I'm very flexible, looking to share the mc's role/backstory
  • |Pokemon|
    I've played up to Legends of Arceus but haven't gotten the newest game yet. Crush/willing to play varies on region but I'm mostly looking for Guzma, possibly Piers
  • |Mass Effect|
    I've seen playthroughs for each game, looking for Garrus or Mordin
  • |Stardew Valley|
    looking for Sebastian
  • |The Arcana|
    looking for a poly relationship with Asra/Muriel or simply Asra.
    Would want to discuss the story so we could make it equal/work for both, really I'd just want my oc to be his love interest from back then and your oc could've been a platonic soulmate.

  • |Hunter x Hunter|
    finished anime but not caught up with the manga, spoilers welcome. Willing to play anyone and I'm looking for Hisoka or Feitan.
  • |Black Clover|
    so far behind it's not even funny, but spoilers are welcome. Looking for Yami
  • |Inuyasha|
    finished so many times with a bit of manga knowledge. Currently only looking for Sesshomaru
  • |Gangsta|
    finished the anime and read the prequel about Marco, not caught up with the manga but I pretty much know the biggest spoilers. Crush wise I'm very flexible
  • |Kamisama Kiss|
    it's been a while but I have finished it, would probably need a rewatch. Looking for an oc with a similar storyline.
  • |Tokyo Mew Mew|
    finished forever ago and excited for the reboot, only looking for Kisshu

  • |Alice In Borderland|
    caught up with the show and have a little bit of manga knowledge, want to use semi-realistic looks and looking for Chishiya
  • |Euphoria|
    caught up so far, looking for Fez
  • |The Walking Dead|
    in the beginning of s10, NO SPOILERS! Looking for Daryl
Last edited:
Completely redone and updated, if anyone knows why spoilers keep multiplying please let me know TT^TT I can't figure it out
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