Any I've Got an Itching for a Story...

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Any I've Got an Itching for a Story...

Ami Procoppio

Queen of Nothing
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Obviously, I'm here to find some good plots for me to jog down the road of, because hey, creative writing is definitely an acceptable outlet... so here's essentially everything you're going to need to know about me before we potentially become writing partners. It's a lot, but it's probably all important.

1. Me

I've gotta start out with myself first. I like to write, and when I've got that spark of inspiration that hits me just right, I will write a lot. I'm not against people writing less than me, but I also can't form a reply that will make me happy out of a one-liner. When I RP, I generally have a rule of no less than 400 words per reply, but that's just a personal preference. Starters tend to flux towards the 800-900 word range, while if you give me 150 words to work off of, it might wane towards 200-350. I also prefer people who understand the basics of the English language, so I can understand the point they're trying to convey to me.

While I am more than happy to change Ami's personality, sexuality, etc., there are a few things that I will point-blank refuse to change about her.

I. Physical Appearance/Age. Ami will always remain 5'8" and 130 lbs, she will always have long red hair brushing the bottoms of her shoulder blades, and she will always be pale and splattered with freckles. She will always be at the ripe age of 19; please keep this in mind if you propose a setting of a bar or a club. This is non-negotiable.

II. Moral Values. These are also my personal moral values, and thus, I will not change under any circumstance whatsoever. She is strictly against killing but is not below violence, believes that sexual assault of any degree is fit only for the scum of the earth, will immediately shut anyone down who dares try and trample on someone else's rights, and abhors peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Also, she's vegan, but won't judge your food choices.

I like to assume that I have fairly okay grammar and decent spelling, but like everyone, I'm not perfect. I do, however, always put passion and love into everything I write, and I expect you to match at least half of that energy. I'm not going to waste time with someone who's only continuing the thread out of obligation.

2. The Thread Itself

I have been and always will be a story-orientated person, 1000%. I am not against smut, per say, but I'm not the best at writing it, either. If you feel that what you write would tip the scales into the kissing and beyond scale of things, please give a heads-up ahead of time. It just really helps me out to prepare myself mentally when I'm drafting up a reply. I tend to write with only one main character interacting with one other main character; if I tried to handle more than one, my writing would probably run on for over 1000 words, and that's not ideal.

Please note, I have a life. I have other sites, other forums, outside of the Inner Sanctum, and I work multiple jobs to support myself. If I truly care about a thread and want it to be a representative of my best work, I will spend up to a week writing and honing a reply; so please, be patient with me.

3. Plots

The only part that actually matters. I am, of course, open to negotiating these a little bit, and am also open to any ideas you may have, so most of these are pretty vague. Organized by long-term/oneshots. All of these are one-on-one threads, and could be with any gender. I highly dislike it when people ghost- way not cool. If you plan to be gone for the foreseeable future, at the very least, give me a headsup. If you're at all interested, don't hesiste to PM me (or drop a reply down below)!

these would, potentially, span at the very least thirty posts- essentially the length of a novel, or a long novella​

I. An Alternate World

(If you're ever read the Wicker King, it's basically that except less extreme)

Ami begins having hallucinations of a world that overlaps with the real one, and if she doesn't stop them soon, they're going to lead her directly into danger. As her best friend, you're obligated to help her fix the problem that's chipping away at her fake world- the rise of a Demon King, who will envelop the world in darkness. She's sure that once you vanquish him, her hallucinations will disappear...

II. One Last Friend

(Basically a rip-off/not as good They Both Die at the End)

Two people are told that this is their last 24 hours on earth at the same hospital, just across the hallway from each other. In sheer desperation, they become friends, and run the streets of their city one last time before going to sleep one last time.

III. Down By the Water

(Set in the HP universe)

As a forest fire erupts and the paramedics distracted by another emergency, Ami sets out to extinguish the massive flames, and to find the source of the destruction.


I. Shelved & Canned Tuna

As a lightning storm strikes, the power goes out at the local grocery store. As the powerful storm begins to rock the earth, canned foods beginning crashing off the shelves, erupting and splattering food everywhere.

II. More Than Friends

Following a break-up with their longtime partner, one goes to the other in need of solace and a shoulder to cry on. After too much crying and ice cream, the other admits to the victim of heartbreak that they've liked them as more than friends for a really long time, now. Chaos and fluff ensue.
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