Group RP Jabberwock's Dream OOC.

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Group RP Jabberwock's Dream OOC.


White Knight extraordinaire.
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Mists of Avalon
All right everybody.
This is for character sheets, OOC discussion, questions and comments.
Any story/world questions can go here, even if you're not participating.
Do you have a template that I can follow?
fairy tales.
going by your avatar, I'd go with an OC version of Big Bad Wolf
This looks really appealing. I always enjoyed the mixed genre of fairy tales and detective/noir stories. Like the Fables comics, for example, were a lot of fun to read. However, I'm used to making character sheets for game systems; since this doesn't seem to have one, (unless I'm an idiot and missed something) I'm not entirely sure what to include on a character sheet here. Should I just write a background, a description of what the character can do, or just whatever I feel I should include, or what?

I'm new around here and don't know anything.
@Riffraff , @Ai-in Ayan ,

Character sheets are up to the players.
I have run across that what one prefers doesn't match another.
This being my thread, I say your character sheet should match what you would want.
Basics are a must if you do one.
Name, age, race, occupation, height, eyes, hair.
Who are you, what are you, why are you.
Let us know your character.
Alrighty. Currently creating the character. Comment on it and tell me if they are good to go. I have a question but i cant fin the prompt where it was based from. . .
ML ; Clint - Witch Hunter #Full.jpg
I know this is Clint from Mobile Legends... I just want Pepper to have the costume without the guns
Name: Pepper Piper
Origin of Name:

  • Pepper - from the tongue twister Peter Piper....
  • Piper - from the Pied Piper nursery rhyme
Pepper, if not on work-mode [which is always], is rather playful and friendly. He exhumes an aura of someone who is going to give you a wonderful night if the cards are played out right. If he deems that the person he is talking to is trust-worthy, he usually shows parts of him that is usually hidden ie. love for blood, affinity with the dark arts, hit-man for hire.

Underneath such cheerful and innocent exterior is the cold-blooded "investigator" he is. When it comes to work, bet your ass he will be the one "interviewing" all sorts of people. He will either befriend his target or just kidnaps them and threaten them to spill the beans before it gets nasty. He does not fight head on and would rather be in the shadows and attack from behind.

Usually found in the kitchen creating food masterpieces or experimenting on potions. Ask what it is before drinking or taking a bite. Another vice of his, if one could call it that, is his obsession with architecture. And his appreciation with said structures is not because of aesthetics. His appreciation lies on the floor plan and how effective the structure could be used. Hidden rooms, torture chambers, escape routes, those are the things that would make Pepper excited.

His loyalty to those he deemed worthy is undeniable. He will go out of his way to make sure that the people he cared for are safe.

Abilities: [Am so naming his abilities just for the heck of it]

  • Play Me a Song - His magic lies heavily on his music playing. Instead of chanting, he usually casts his spells using his flute or any instrument he gets his hands into. To differentiate his magic casting from simply playing, the snap of his fingers should be noticed. It is like a switch for him to turn his magic on and off.
  • Two Worlds - Traps anyone who hears his song in a nightmare-like state for a minute. Including him.
  • Dark Chest of Wonder - Created a barrier in which those inside could not use their magic [Including him]. The only way to destroy the barrier is when a certain amount of blood is spilled. He uses this when he knows there is a forward/warrior on his side.
  • He has a trinket with him that talks sass to him in any given opportunity. Pepper, when asked what it was, would usually answer that the sassy spirit is his familiar.
  • Said trinket knows magic more than Pepper himself.
  • Said trinket is actually a shrunken head.
  • Pepper is scared of dogs. He would jump to an elevated area and bring his flute or dagger out in defense.
  • Usually mumbles quotes when finishing the investigation.
  • He hates getting himself involved with children. Well, after the incident where a town would not pay him, he usually back down from when children is in the mix.
  • In first meetings, if he thinks that the client is a douche, he will serve them Death Wish. Death Wish is not a poison but a type of coffee said to be the most powerful caffeine in the world. If drank, one is said to be awake for three days straight.
  • Does not actually fight. "I am a mage. I will get my spine snapped like a twig if I enter a battle."
  • Hates Robin Hood [or any related name for him]. Thieves in general [includes but not limited to Ali Baba, Aladdin, Robber Bridegroom]
  • Would gladly join in hunting down witches and fairy god mothers
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Sorry for not being active on this. Today is my day off so I will work on my oc
Name: Peter Jackson

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Age: 21

Race: wolf

Looks: look at picture

Backstroy: he is a innkeeper that he inherited the inn form his parents. He keeps the riff raff out. He gets a bad rap because he is a wolf but he is nice to a fault
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Pepper is in and an acknowledged character in this world
Nice, but try to work YC into the narrative and story
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