Jack and His Characters

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Jack and His Characters


Man Of Mirrors, Sanctums Rebel and Wine Lover
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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What defines a character as myself?

Let's look at the symbolism and artistry of me, Jack.


To you I may seem evil, a devil in the details but I am simply a liberated spirit. Not confide in the religious dogma of the foolish nor the societal limitations of freedom. I'm a simple philosopher, a storyteller. What is the philosophy of this point of view? Lucifer or as the religious call him, satan is not what you think. He is a symbol of that, "Lucifer is a symbol of enlightenment, independence, and human progression and is often used interchangeably with similar figures from ancient beliefs, such as the Greek titan Prometheus or the Jewish Talmudic figure Lilith."

How does this relate to me? Call me a type of forbidden fruit. I am the temperament of free will and bargain of soul. I want nothing more than to free the minds of the sheep, to help them/guide them to self development. An elysian flower in a field of decaying ones. A teardrop of happiness. The path of hardship leading into enlightenment.

I love the poetic side of death, the reality of life and a creator of anti heroism. So I take the form of a devil inspired to write and plot the necessary themes of my point of view through story and character arc. As so I list also a few of my characters below.

Characters of Jack [In Development]

Evolet Aset


A mysterious woman of centuries old experiences, some call her the embodiment of Isis, where others the devil's wife. Despite the names, she is a powerful magick user and occult librarian.

Alastair Apollyon


A vampire of old, Alistair is one of the elders of the vampires and often mistaken as the Devil. A true vampire made by ancient magick from a deal with the Deceiver. He cannot be killed by mortals. He is beyond the classification of good and evil and finds solitude more fitting than his lesser brethren.

Race: True Vampire/Higher Vampire [Because of the rarity of higher vampires, as well as the unique abilities they often possess, classification can be extremely difficult. Fortunately, encountering one is an incredibly rare occurrence, with most people going their entire lives without encountering one knowingly. Not all higher vampires are dangerous to humans; many avoid human contact, and some even work altruistically, if clandestinely, to aid humanity.] - Witcher classification of a True Vampire


It shall always begin with his awakening.


*In a coffin, locked by supernatural hunters who use powerful magick to keep it sealed*
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