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JayRae's Character Sheets


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This is probably going to be a very long thread, as I have many different characters for your viewing pleasure.

Below you will find every character I have made so far, and as I create new forms, I will post them down below. Not all of my characters have been posted as of yet, mainly due to my own procrastination on bringing them to a level I feel is detailed enough to be interesting.

If you'd like to roleplay with one of these characters, or learn more about them and their motivations, don't hesitate to inbox me. I'm always happy to ramble over my creations, aha.

On a side note, just because a character is part of a bigger fandom (Overwatch, for example), doesn't mean I'm not willing to try them in a non-fandom roleplay, or try them in a different fandom setting. Of course, we'd have to talk further to make sure that it was possible first.

Happy reading!​
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Fandom: Misc

Name: Alexei Dietmar Burke

Species: Human/Mutant

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Alexei has the patience of a saint, which becomes incredibly useful when you have Carol yelling at you over how she has a soy-latte with caramel sauce, and you forgot the chocolate sprinkles on the top. Not only that, but he's quite a gentle man, who attempts to talk his way out of most scenarios. Confrontation is not is strong suit, which is probably for the best seeing that those who usually want to pick fights with him have too many teeth for their own good, and could snap his spine like a matchstick.

Appearance: With brown eyes and straight hair, Alexei weighs 12 stone 9 pounds, and is 5ft 6. He usually styles his hair into a small quiff, nothing too extreme. He wears glasses, as he is short-sighted. He can't be classed as sporty, as he dislikes activities like football and rugby, however he does have some muscle in his arms thanks to the nature of his work; this goes for his everyday business, and his otherworldly activities.

Usual outfit: When he's working, the uniform is black trousers, a crisp white shirt and a red waist apron. Otherwise, his outfit could be a reinforced leather trench coat, a gasmask and goggle combo, and a top hat to finish it off [Reference 1] [Reference 2]. The entire vibe screams steampunk, and though the hat may not be the smartest attire compared to a helmet, the rest is practical; his ability allows him to cross astral planes, and enter dimensions only writers could dream of. Some of these atmospheres are unbreathable without his equipment. Not only that, but if a demon built like a bulldozer comes rushing towards him, the mask allows him protection against claws and teeth.

Weapons: His portals (more on those under specifics) can be used as weapons, and though, like previously mentioned, he doesn't like fighting, some creatures don't have enough brain cells to hold a conversation of reason. Therefore, he must resort to violence if he wishes to survive. One way he can do so is by disorientating the enemy, hopping through portals to evade attacks. Another is, if he's able to coax them partially through a portal, cutting it off and severing limbs, torsos, and even head. This, however, is incredibly messy, and he prefers to have a clean kill, or an unconscious target.

On his right arm, he has fashioned a gauntlet with the ability to harness the way he creates portals, and turn the energy into short beams that can burn the enemy upon contact [Reference 3]. Extensive use of this tires him quickly, and if he's fought for too long without a break, it becomes more difficult/nearly impossible for him to use it or open portals to escape from combat. Alternatively, he has a pistol on his left hip, for mercy kills, or when he doesn't want to risk getting stuck in a different dimension; this is very much his last resort [Reference 4].

Specifics: He works as a barista in his own business. At least, this is his cover job. This means that he works long shifts, and doesn't specialise in any particular part of the shop, unlike his employees. He's developed his strength from lifting heavy sacks of coffee beans, and he has a soft spot for animals, specifically birds. Now, onto the more interesting side of his career.

In his spare time, which is all too rare, Alexei takes it upon himself to explore these other dimensions, and write down what they are like in a journal. His abilities consist of him being able to open portals to any place of his choosing, be them to other places of existence, or just from one room to another. His power doesn't just limit him to just himself, however; many a time he's had to transport multiple creatures across planes, for multiple different reasons.

Background: Alexei had a normal childhood, apart from being bullied thanks to his name (and having the ability to open portals, obviously). Many times he was called a girl, and called names like Alexandra. At the age of 8, he needed glasses, and from 11, he first displayed his unique abilities. He only figured out how to properly control them from the age of 13; from then on, he explored different worlds, a dorky teenager attempting to understand everything around him. It was surprising he didn't die straight away.

Fast forward 15 years, lots of self-defense classes, two degrees in Engineering and Management, and a very close relationship with his local hospital, and we have our final product. More than once, Alexei has been approached by different government agencies, but thanks to his antics happening away from Earth, none are able to stop or retain him in a private facility.

Relationships: He's close with both of his parents, and visits them often. Due to the fact that he runs his own business, as well as being a part-time explorer, this may be 3 times a month at most. This also means he does not have a partner, and lives alone. He does have a pet budgie though, who answers to the name Aphrodite. Don't worry; if he ever knows he'll be gone for long periods of time, the nice lady next door bird-sits for him.

As an older mutant with more experience, Alexei has taken on the role of temporary caregiver to quite a few young mutants in his time. From the age of 20 until now, he has taken care of 7 different children; all had unique powers, and all were different ages coming to him and leaving him. He has photos of all of them, and considers them to be family. The shortest time one has spent with him was a year, and the longest was three years. If any were to ask about them, he'd be more than happy to talk about how amazing they were, and how they overcame many obstacles to be able to control their gifts.

His first name originates from Russia, however his middle name is from Germany. This is because his mother is German, and his father's mother was Russian, though his father was born in England just like he was. As far as he knows, neither of his parents have any abilities like himself, though his late Бабушка (Grandma) often told incredible stories of creatures that roamed world's like ours, but oh-so different.

The colour of his portals vary with his mood, acting like a giant mood ring. It's usual state is a deep blue, but can shift to red, yellow, green, pink, and even black or white. His mask, as well as allowing him to breathe in different atmospheres, also pick up the dialect of whoever is speaking, and reflects it back, changing their words into English, Russian, or German, depending on what translates best, and consequently reverting his own words back into whatever tongue was just spoken. He received this technology from a government facility, after agreeing to not snoop around inside buildings such as Area 51. Unlike his normal voice, the mask is a lot more robotic; of course, the translation isn't always perfect.

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Fandom: Misc.

Name: Emerson Figura Vivio. Often he is simply referred to as Em, or if he takes on the form of a female, Emma.

Species: Shapeshifter

Gender: A shapeshifter can take on any form they wish, however Emerson prefers to take on the shape of a male whenever he is not changing.

Age: Age is only a number, one that Emerson forgot a long time ago. He looks like he's in his mid-twenties, though that could be simply a ruse helped with his shifting abilities.

Sexuality: Emerson is attracted to everyone, both sexually and romantically; many times he's been in relations with demons, angels, and even humans, with no real sway in their gender. Depending on their sexual preferences, he will either stay as Emerson, or change to Emma. Only a few like when he looks like one gender, but has the opposite genitalia.

Personality: Emerson is a flirt, one who knows that he looks good, and will definitely use this to his advantage. Many have mistaken him for an incubus/succubus because of this, which may or may not be correct. He can often act immature in front of humans and other demons, and this is because of his personality and general cheeky nature; it's amusing watching a human quiver before him, only to grow confused as he laughed at something childish.

His entire species is defensive of family, and are loyal to the point of death; Emerson is no different. If someone, no matter who or what they are, impresses him enough that he grows to like them, he will always be in their corner, no matter what may come for them. To be a friend of Emerson is to have a very powerful ally indeed. It is also very hard for him to grow to dislike someone, but if you do, you better grovel if he comes knocking at your door.

Appearance: He stands at 7" 3, which can be seen as short in the Underworld. When among humans, he may keep this height, or shrink an entire foot to blend in a touch better. As Emma, she remains her height as a demon, but becomes 5" 8 if attempting to blend. Surprisingly, he has a slight tan, but this is probably due to the fact that he spends a lot of time on the surface, rather than in the darkness like his fellow demons. Emerson enjoys making deals with humans, but only doing so for 'favours'; the idea of taking somebody's souls is a cliché, and only worth it/appropriate if you wanted them for a slave when they died, or if you ate the damn things.
Emerson has short brown hair, and a well-groomed beard that he believes compliments his appearance [Reference 1]. Emma, on the other hand, has long brown hair that curls around her face, and a dainty hourglass figure [Reference 2]. Unlike his fellow demons he prefers a natural eye colour, so sticking with blue they can subtly change shade depending on his mood. His body is lean, more suited to running than lifting heavy objects, but this is due to the nature of his abilities; while he can be used for power, it's all about ratio. If he's in one of his favourite forms, a dragon, then of course he can knock down a wall. If he's something else though, such as a snake, then there's no chance.

When in the presence of other demons he adopts a pair of horns, the same shape as a male impala's but often shorter, so as not to impale anybody behind him [Reference 3]. Compared to the size and shape of other demon's horns, he believes that his are quite conservative, and aren't as flashy.

Usual outfit: Unlike what humans think, the clothing does not stay with them, and often can be shredded by mistake if they do not take them off first. However, it is possible for him to shift into a human form and look like he's wearing clothing, when in reality he's changed his body to make it look that way. This is a pain though, so often he only wears jeans and a belt, which can easily be removed. Much to the delight of whoever he is attempting to woo, or just general courtiers who can't keep their eyes (or hands) off him, his body is well-formed and looks like one who'd regularly go to the gym. He doesn't wear shoes, and it's rare to see him in a shirt, unless he's trying to make a good impression, or attending a formal event. In the human realm though, he will put an effort in and wear black trousers, a white shirt, and a decent pair of smart shoes.

Weapons: Are you kidding? Emerson is a weapon; shapeshifters have been used by royal demonic families for centuries, due to how volatile they can be. To be able to change at an instant to defend someone, and their unwavering loyalty, were traits that were highly sought after. Usually it was a family of shapeshifters that belonged to a royal family, meaning that one lineage would defend another until it fizzled out, however there are rare cases of shapeshifters being kidnapped and forced through training programs from very young ages. These only really happened when a family were not tied to anyone important, and instead were private mercenaries; the children were easy targets to kidnap and brainwash.

To return to Emerson, there are a few forms that he prefers to pick when in combat. His favourite is a deep crimson dragon, with flames, claws, wings, and a strong hide to protect against both magic and melee attacks. It's his go-to shift, just because it works well with most situations. However, he is also prone to go for a large, wolf-like creature, the size of a bear and just as deadly. This creature works well in the cold, unlike his dragon, so isn't rare to see if he's in a Tundra area. Finally, there's one more form that he enjoys travelling in; a beautiful Brazilian rainbow boa, which he likes turning into once he's tired. Then he will often wrap himself around a comrade's shoulders and neck, and be carried like a scarf [Reference 4].

Specifics: Emerson is an only child, which meant that when he was younger, he'd often have to entertain himself. His father is a royal guard for a family who lives in a wasteland of ice, meaning he is high up and often the entire family can go to special events. It also meant that Emerson grew close to the young Prince that he was destined to grow up and protect; even now they are close friends, and he has the highest priority. This means that if you are having a crisis, and the Prince is also having a problem, then you are going to have to wait.
When Emerson has been injured, then no matter what form he's in, this injury will also appear. Sometimes, switching to a different shape is a bad idea, depending on how bad the injury is, simply because it could cause further damage; this is often the cause of many a shapeshifters death while protecting their client.

While his father is a shapeshifter and a member of royal guard, his mother is a skin-walker, which is a type of witch famous in the Navajo culture. She also has the ability to change, however can only take on the form of a particularly large wolf. While there are shapeshifters that prefer a female form, just like Emerson prefers to be male, it's incredibly hard for any shapeshifter to hold one form for such long periods of time, so to go through pregnancy would be incredibly difficult. To change while pregnant could be disastrous for the unborn baby. This is why shapeshifters often have carriers from other species; a good example being Emerson's parents. The carrier doesn't necessarily have to be a shifter too, but it's helpful.

Because of this slight flaw with pregnancy, and the high demand for shapeshifters as personal bodyguards, the species as a whole have started to die out. There have been efforts to pull shapeshifters away from the old profession, and instead create a small village for them to regrow and repopulate, so that the future does no lose their impressive powers.

Relationships: Due to how much time Emerson spends on the surface, he doesn't see his parents very often. However, this does not mean that he has a bad relationship with them; in fact, he will always visit them if he's in the area, and tell his mother tales of the world above, and how much it has changed since she was last up there. Other good relationships include the Prince, and other people that he's made deals with in the past that have interested him.

Extras: Emerson can be deemed as a sexual being, so knows all of his kinks quite well; his weak-spot is his neck and ears, and even just touching one of these in a sexual manner can cause him to become aroused. This can range from light stroking to actually wrapping your hands around his neck. He has a strangulation kink, which can certainly make things interesting.

When it comes to demons, angels, and some even believe humans, there is a legend that states that all have soulmates, and can find them through looking into their eyes. Some never find them, and spend their entire life searching, whereas others do and settle down to start a family. Some will search, and find another lost soul who, even though they were not destined to be together, still find comfort in each other's embrace. Unfortunately for shapeshifters like Emerson, this does not apply to him. He has no set shape, no eyes to call his own, meaning he is forever wandering, unable to find who was born to be with him. It's sad, and perhaps this is why he is constantly exploring, searching for the one he wants to be his own.

Because of his travels, Emerson is well-skilled in languages and culture. This makes him a good person to have around if taking a trip to the ground above, especially if you personally don't know the language or how to blend in.

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Fandom: Misc.

Name: Maeve (Mae for short): Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Meadhbh, meaning "intoxicating." In mythology, this is the name of a warrior queen of Connacht, the wife of Ailill.

Species: Angel, or at least, she's humanoid with big, fluffy wings.

Gender: Female.

Age: Her approximate age is... Well, she's old. She hasn't been around since the Earth was made, but she was created at some point after Lucifer's rebellion. Maeve looks like she is in her late 20's, roughly 27.

Sexuality: Her morally righteous compass stirs her towards not developing any relationships of a sexual nature, not without a ring on her finger and a vow to remain at her side. However, she doesn't see the physical form of others, but prefers to know the emotional side of them; their combat skills will sway her decision also.

Personality: The term 'all work and no play' must never have reached heaven, as Maeve uses all her spare time to train. She is hard-working, self confident in her abilities, and straight to the point. Some may say she's a little blunt, but this has made her an excellent teacher when it comes to new recruits on the field.

Appearance: Standing at 6 foot 10, she's around the average height for a female angel. Angels are usually much taller than humans, but can be short if they lack mana when growing. Her hair is a dark red, appearing brown when in darker settings, which only contrasts with her pale complexion further. That and her steel-grey eyes juxtapose the typical blonde-hair blue-eyed vibe that most angels give off, especially in human culture. Thanks to her mana abilities (more about mana in Extras), no scars mar her face, though many lie beneath her armour, and more litter her soul than she'd like to admit.

Usual outfit: Maeve's battle attire is like nothing you'd imagine an angel to wear; its black, strong plating covers her entire body, whilst leaving gaps for her wings and legs to move unhindered. Her gauntlets are clawed at the end, allowing a brutal and bloody death to any who threaten her in unarmed combat. When not in her armour, she wears a light tunic that's also in darker shades. The typical white attire most wear simply washes her out, which is why she prefers the shades usually worn in the Underworld. It's safe to say that she pulls them off beautifully though, as well as any angel in white.

Weapons: Most warrior angels have some sort of melee weapon, be it a mace, sword, or axe, that is blessed to provide much pain to demonic entities it comes into contact to, be it the blade cutting their flesh, or them even attempting to wield the weapon themselves. Some may even carry items such as throwing knives or bows, if they are not confident with their mana conjuration skills. Maeve prides herself in her abilities though, and as well as using a sword in battle, she can use multiple mana incantations. More about these will be listed under Specifics.

Specifics: Her most used spells are as followed: her bow, the ability to heal herself and others, to create a temporary shield, and wards that shock, burn, freeze, or trap the enemy. There are many others that she has at her disposal, but all of these require mana, some more than others, and some of the more complicated incantations require more time and preparation to cast. For example, her bow will be easy to create and hold onto, compared to a rune designed to hold onto and bind a strong demon.

Background: Maeve joined the army of God as soon as she was able, though her caretakers attempted to persuade her out of it. It had nothing to do with her gender, but rather with the fact that they'd previously lost a 'son' to demons in a night-time raid.

(The term 'son' is placed in quotations as no angel is born, per-say. All are created by God, or at least in his image, meaning all are technically siblings; all are different, just like humans, and are crafted by angels. Much like in the human world, there are different jobs angels to go into, and three are briefly mentioned here: being a soldier, working as a guardian/caretaker, and crafting angels to grow up and work under their Lord.)

While she isn't one of the oldest angels, Maeve is one warrior that is feared among the community dwelling in the fiery pits of the Underworld, otherwise referred to as Hell by humans. She's a soldier of God, and often makes sure that if she's given a job, it's done thoroughly, be it a raid, an assassination, a kidnapping, or even a torture. To say she's loyal would be an understatement.

Relationships: Even though she is confident, this does not mean she has many friends. In fact, the closest relationship she has is probably with her sword, which doesn't make things easy. Maeve finds making and keeping friends hard, thanks to her distrust in others. If they can fight and hold their own, great, but if they try to chat with her, unless they saved her life in some way, then they may as well be talking to a brick wall.

Extras: 'Mana' is the term for the energy angels use when casting certain abilities, such as Maeve and her bow. Usually, it is consumed via a drink widely available in the clouds, though it can also be derived from human foods, and substances found in the Underworld. However, most angels try not to eat anything unless they are desperate, as the idea of mush traveling through their system is disgusting and unholy. Mana is also responsible for energy levels, which is why angels running low can be lethargic, and easy to capture.

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Fandom: Creepypasta

Original name: This is unknown, as aspects of her old life were forgotten when she died and became a Creepypasta.

CP Name: Red Wolf - She earned this thanks to the peculiar mask she wears [Reference 1]. She is often just referred to as Red.

Species: Creepypasta/Proxy

Gender: Female

Age: Red was born in 1849 and died at the age of 19, but acts like a stereotypical adult. Don't let her young appearance fool you; she's reaching 200 years old.

Sexuality: Straight. This is partly due to the era she was born, as in Victorian times (1837-1901), liking those of the same gender was a sin.

Personality: Quiet, smart, and loyal. These are the reasons why, out of all the people the Slenderman could have picked for his first proxy, he chose Red. That, and the fact that he was partly the reason for her demise. Ever since he brought her back, she has always been by his side, eager to do whatever he has commanded of her, even if it's kill an enemy or dispose of evidence.

Dying has removed most of her inhibitions, and being under the command of a demon has meant that her morals are based around him and what he desires. Anyone who dares speak against him will feel her wrath. Unsurprisingly, a lot of his personality has reflected onto her, as her revival left lots of gaps in her memory and consciousness that needed to be filled in.

Appearance: Pale skin and light blue eyes, with dark hair that has been cut just under her ears. This is useful, as it means that it stays out of her face when she's running. Her appearance can best be described as that of a doll, made of porcelain that can easily break, but as long as she's close to her Master, he can heal any cracks and injuries she may sustain. Red stands at 5" 2, with a thin frame thanks to an unbalanced/non-existent diet from a young age.

Usual outfit: Her clothing mainly consists of dark shades so she can blend into the night, her mask being the only truly bright thing in her life. Usually, she dons a black hoodie when working, but if she's at home, then her Master enjoys seeing her in a traditional dress, one that either finishes just below the knee, or is floor length. To wear such attire would be impractical if she were out, but Red enjoys being treated like a lady when she's with the Slenderman, especially when he ties their favourite blood-red ribbon in her short hair. It's probably a reminder of where she came from too, which is why she is just as elegant in a dress as she is disposing of her targets.

Weapons: Her weapon is a fire-axe; this is purely for the reason that she can wield it easily, and because she dislikes knives. Apparently they make things much too personal, and she prefers to bash people's faces in with a sharp blade. It can also go on her back easily, as she has made a sheath to keep it in while she isn't using it.

Though this may not be classed as a weapon, Red is extremely agile, and quickly picked up the skills required to climb up buildings just like they were trees. This means that she's incredibly useful when a target is safely inside their house, and the other proxies are unable to enter without using brute force.

Specifics: Even though Red was brought back with Necromancy, she isn't exactly immortal. She can still be injured, she still bleeds (though it's a dark shade of red, closer to black because of the lack of oxygen), and she can still eat, but this is optional; when around the Slenderman, she can function off his own energy, feeding from it like how he feeds off the fear of his victims. If she is spending time away from him, due to a mission or something akin to that, then she will have to eat to regain her energy.

Because she was the first proxy, and the first resurrection, Red obviously has some things wrong with her that wouldn't be seen in a much more modern Necromancy. Upon injury, she has the tendency to crack, much like a china doll would [Reference 2]. This means that the blood would ooze through the fractures, creating a horrifying image for whoever attacked her.

Background: Red was born during the period that Queen Victoria was on the throne, a middle child of a very poor family. She became one of many maids to a rich Lord living in the countryside close to London, just so that she could have a proper roof over her head, and so she could try to support her family by sending what little money she was earning their way.

The Lord of the house was a strict man, as was most at the time, but he wasn't the problem. It was the son who began to cause her grief when he returned back from his private boarding school during the summer. He would attempt to drag her to bed, much to her protests, but never quite succeeded because of some distraction or another. Finally, after 3 years of working in the house, he managed to steal her innocence, and get her pregnant, much to her dismay.

It's believed that her misery and the growing child inside of her was what summoned the Slenderman to her location, feeding on her pain and giving her horrid nightmares and hallucinations. Red and the other staff feared that the spawn of something evil had taken root inside of her, because that was the only way to describe all of her fits.

As soon as the Lord of the house found out about her being pregnant out of wedlock, he told his son to deal with the mess he had made. This was what spurned Red's death; he summoned her to his bedroom, on the third floor of their house, and pushed her over the balcony where she plummeted to the cobblestones beneath. She died upon impact, only for her new Master to take pity and bring her back to serve beneath him, just as she had in life.

Relationships: Red is wary of all new people, mainly because they could jeopardize any mission she may be on, or threaten the safety of the mansion, and consequently, the Slenderman. However, those she trusts have got an ally for life, one who will cover their back and block a bullet for them.

The closest person in her life is unsurprisingly her Master, the one who granted her (partial) immortality and gave her a purpose. There is no other bond like that of a demon and their proxy, especially if it's their first one. Because of this, she is often regarded as the 'Mother' of the household, able to calm down any temper the Slenderman may have at the time as easily as the sun soothing the cold bite of the wind.

Extras: Humans always amuse her, and if there are no missions set for her, she will happily find one and follow them, simply stalking them until they either notice her, or become boring to watch. Depending on the outcome, she will kill them, or simply leave them be. If they die though, the corpse will be brutally beaten, and missing a vital organ; the heart. These always are taken as a gift for her Master, wrapped in a bow and presented like a bouquet. Who said romance was dead?

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Seeing as Blizzard hasn't given exact dates for everything, I've tried my best with all of the dates below. For Alchemist, I am assuming that the current game takes place in 2076. For references to where I've gotten my dates, just ask.


Fandom: Overwatch.

Name: Willow "Alchemist" Moore.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Age: 34, Born in the year 2042

Sexuality: Bisexual. Prefers men over women, but won't turn down a female's advances.

Team: Talon.

Class: Offense.

Personality: The Alchemist is incredibly motivated, and once she has her mind set on something, she will work tirelessly towards. Sometimes that something is a new formula for her chemicals, sometimes it's a conundrum created by Talon for her to solve, but more often than not, it's an objective placed before her in the form of a mission.

One of her strengths is her intelligence, but at the same time, it's a weakness; she has a quick tongue, and her obsessive nature combined with her IQ has meant that she can get into situations which are hard to escape from without getting injured. It's not uncommon for her to attempt something on the field without telling her teammates, so those working with her need to be prepared for a sudden push, or to defend her back if she miscalculated.

Surprisingly, seeing as she's on Talon's side, Willow wants to help the world become a better place in the long run. Much like Widowmaker, her mind has slowly warped the longer she stayed with Talon, however unlike the spider, it wasn't a typical brain-washing. She still has emotions, and though she lacks in empathy for her enemies, she can be reasoned with, so trying to connect with a common interest is the best way to avoid getting scorched.

Appearance: Standing at 5" 8, she's just above the average for a woman. Her natural hair colour is a light blonde, on the edge of being platinum, but it's usual to see multi-coloured streaks decorating it (the same colours as the different toxins she uses; more on those later). She has pale skin, which isn't surprising considering she's from England. Her eyes are brown, dark enough that in certain lights they look black. There are no scars marking her face, but she has a very noticeable feature (if her hair wasn't memorable enough). Her entire right arm is bionic, thanks to an accident with her work.

Usual outfit: Her normal outfit consists of a dark boiler suit, with flame-retardant gloves and pipes snaking around her right wrist, up into her bionic arm, which then attaches to the tank on her back. This holds three different chemical creations. Each has a specific colour and ability. The pipes are connected to a gun, similar to a flamethrower. She wears a double filter gas mask and goggles, to protect herself from the noxious gases she uses [Reference 1].

Weapons: The three different chemical mixes in the tank are purple, blue and green. Respectively, purple is a blend of oils, that will light an enemy on fire if the flame on the front is lit. It is her main attack.

Blue is an hallucinogenic, causing whoever inhales it to begin attacking their teammates, as their vision becomes warped. This is her second attack. It isn't effective against those with a face mask or filter. This includes characters like Soldier 76, but it all depends on the skin/outfit they are wearing. For example, if D.Va is in her mech, it doesn't affect her, and if Tracer is in her T.Racer skin, the gas is blocked.

Green is an acid, and can melt armour and plating. This is her ultimate, and can only target those close to her.

As well as having the hallucinogenic as a secondary attack, she can sprint like Soldier 76 can.

Specifics: All of her chemicals are completely safe to handle, even with bare skin; they only become reactive upon hitting a flame. This means that against Mei, Willow will become ineffective, and have to run away to reignite the flame on the front of her weapon.

Her arm is one of the improvements that she has gotten whilst working in Talon. She gained it via an accident with her green, acidic chemical; it didn't react in the way she'd expected during the early stages, and exploded while she was holding it. It caught her right arm, eating away the muscle there, and effectively crippling the entire limb. She wanted to be on the field, but with such a disability, doing so would be dangerous, therefore she had it replaced. Not only did it make her more effective in the long run, but it also meant that Moira had another guinea pig for a short period of time.

Background: Hailing from Britain, Willow used to work as a chemist, creating different medicines to treat the sick. After the attack at King's Row, when the Null Sector bots came and destroyed her business (Willow was aged 27 at the time, 2069), she promptly decided that she could do more than just heal the wounded caused by such fights. Instead, she could prevent the illness before it even started to spread.

With these goals in mind, she began to train, using her knowledge to create chemical weapons with the ability to burn her enemies. She started from scratch, but her persistence and perseverance meant that she put on muscle mass quickly, and learnt endurance and developed stamina. However, instead of going to Overwatch, she strayed to the side of Talon; she was no hero, and had always leaned towards the darker parts of life in her past. Not only that, but with Overwatch being illegal through the Petras Act, there was no way she could have joined them anyway.

For the first few missions she was a part of, they weren't interrupted in any way; that was good, considering she was still getting used to everything. However, the first agent who tried to intercept her had no idea of what he was getting into. Soldier 76 had stopped their delivery in Dorado, and Alchemist had become obsessed from the moment she saw him. This was the start of a long journey between them, one involving both successful and failed attempts to woo/kidnap the older man.

Relationships: As previously stated, Willow wants a relationship with Overwatch's Soldier 76. However, any interaction must be left on the field, or if she were to kidnap him, because a Talon soldier in the clutches of Overwatch would be a recipe for disaster. The older man always tries to shut down her advances, but she isn't easily deterred.

The person she's closest to on her own team is probably the Reaper, because they share a lot of traits and morals which the others don't have. Not only that, but he was the first person she met in Talon, as he was technically the one who recruited her. Plus, she can pick his brains about the infamous Jack Morrison, the Golden Boy of the old Overwatch.

Apart from him, she gets on fairly well with Moira, only because of their smarts and common interest in science.

Extras: She has a tattoo on the lower half of her back, one which, if you were to ask, she'd explain was a complex alchemy table, based more on the philosophical, rather than scientific, side of alchemy [Reference 2]. She got it when she was younger, around her mid-twenties.

Ever since her attention got directed towards the Soldier, Alchemist has been working on a new formula to try and mimic that of the super soldier serum. It's pink in colour, and while it certainly improves stamina for a short period of time, it isn't long-term like what she is hoping for. Not only that, but it has an unwanted affect of increased libido. Further tests are required on that one before it's used on the field, or that'd be a nightmare. She's also working on a way to adapt her suit so that if she's lagging or injured in any way, it'll administer a shot of Moira's healing juice; again, this is still a work in progress.

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Fandom: Furry

Name: Ivy Farbrook

Species: Satyress

Gender: Female

Age: 2,528 human years, so roughly 21 satyr years. Look under extra for more information about the aging process.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Ivy is shy, much like a deer (which is ironic, considering her lower half is that of a fawn). She's also incredibly naïve, and will try to help anything in need. Trying to think the best in people is most often than not her downfall, and though she dislikes hunters and the weapons they use, she won't hesitate to help one if they become injured.

Appearance: She has soft brown eyes and long, toffee-coloured hair, with a sweeping fringe which sometimes falls in her face. Her ears and legs are the same colour, with shades of dark brown and white decorating the legs. Flowers adorn her antlers and curl down into her hair, joining the odd strand of ivy already living there.

Usual outfit: She wears a floaty white top, coupled with a brown belt that pulls the material in a way that highlights her curves. The top is rather lowcut though, so to avoid embarrassment, she's used ivy leaves to cover up the patch.

Weapons: Ivy isn't the sort to fight, unless her forest is in danger, or she's being threatened. She has a staff which allows her to heal minor injuries, or fix broken branches or crushed flowers; it isn't particularly powerful, but it's fascinating to watch her coax a rose into bloom. She, much like previous generations, is unable to weave a spell without her staff, but can ask her brethren for help if she can't defend herself.

Specifics: Ivy is the 13th generation to watch over the forest (more about that in her background). Her surname comes from the woods she inhabits; Farbrook Forest. She isn't the only creature that lives there either; if you become injured, pray that she finds you before anything else does.

Background: Who knows how long the satyress has lived among these trees, helping the sick wherever she can? Her mother was the same, as was her grandmother; they are the protectors of the forest, their home, and everything that lives inside it.

As long as the world has been here, and trees have grown, spirits have lived inside these vessels. Like an animal or human, they have souls, and were content to live in harmony with humans... Until they began to cut the vessels down. They had to find a way to protect themselves, and so the guardianship of Farbrook Forest began; a spirit would volunteer themselves to protect their brethren, be born from the wood that had held their life force, and raised by the previous guardian until they'd reached maturity.

No matter what forest you go in, there is always a guardian. Some are deities that have always been the protector, whereas others are generational; all have their own unique forms, shaped by what the first spirits saw and wanted to look like. Just because a satyress guards Farbrook Forest, does not mean that one guards Elder Grove.

Relationships: She is close to the trees, as they are her fellow siblings; she can call for their aid if needed, and she takes care of them if the vessel is injured. Besides that, she isn't "close" to anybody, bar a few animals she had helped. Humans rarely come so far into the forest and require her assistance, so she hasn't been able to make friendships. She dreams of the day that one will come in and sweep her off her cloven feet, like the stories whispered about princes rescuing princesses.

Extras: Every 10 human years is around 1 month for a satyr, meaning that 120 human years is 1 satyr year. An older guardian will raise the new protector for around 2,000 years, the longest being 2,160 (18 satyr years), and teach them how to protect the forest the best they can. For the first few satyr years of their life, they rely solely on the other guardian and their brethren in the trees to take care of them, as much like a human infant, they can not walk, talk, or will their magic into a proper spell. A spirit will rarely take a physical form unless needed, so they must grow and learn like a child. A satyr typically lives until 118 (14,160 human years), the last years being dedicated to raising the new guardian.

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Fandom: Misc.

Name: Tempest Gravedigger

Species: Samsaran ( Samsaran - PathfinderWiki)

Gender: Female, at least in this life.

Age: 74. However, as Samsaran age much like Elves, this would give her the appearance of being in her mid-twenties.

Sexuality: Bisexual. With her many lives and memories filling her head, it's sometimes hard to differentiate between male and female, so she has no preference.

Class: Cleric.

Personality: Tempest could be seen as a typical cleric, wishing the best for everyone and disliking unnecessary violence. She likes making sure everyone is happy and healthy; fighting always stresses her out, due to the burden of making sure no one gets grievously harmed, or worse, killed. This fear does not extend to her enemies, however, for if anyone attacks her party, or goes after someone she's fond of, they will meet the hard, blunt swing of her shovel.

Unlike many clerics, Tempest has an interesting side hobby. Ever since she was young, she has had a fascination with the dead. This may be because of her parent's business of being professional embalmers, which she has adopted and continued, or it may simply be an obsession that she cannot shake. As it is though, she has managed to resurrect a very simple creature, a skeletal rat, that she has affectionately named 'Bones'.

Appearance: Tempest stands at 6" 3, weighing 155lb. She has light blue skin and dark blue hair, with bright white eyes that house no pupil, much like every Samsaran. Though she looks thin, thanks to her height, she has the ability to carry quite heavy loads with her; underneath all of the robes, Tempest has muscles that can only come from honest work. Her hair is usually pulled up into a partial ponytail, with the top half scraped out of her face. The rest tumbles down her back, curling this way and that.

Usual outfit: When working at her embalming profession, she wears basic robes, ones that are modest and can easily be washed if any undesirable fluids were to get on them. While adventuring though, she opts for something a little more protective: chain mail, arm guards, and a steel chest plate cover her top, and hide trousers her bottom. Thick, armoured boots reach up to her knees, protecting her shins from any dirty blows, and she wears a thick, leather belt around her middle. From this dangles a money pouch, and a white loin cloth on both her front and back. On top of this entire ensemble, Tempest wears a white cloak; both the belt buckle and pin holding her cloak on are emblazoned with the same holy symbol, a broken hourglass.
No matter what she's wearing, she always has a circlet on her head, with a deep blue/purple gem in the centre.

Weapons: Tempest has three physical weapons: a shovel, a light mace, and a light crossbow. All three have a white ribbon wound around their handle, and are blessed by herself to strike true. The shovel is often held like a staff, though it holds no other worldly powers. While in combat, she also holds a round, steel shield, that can block many physical and magical attacks, such as fireballs.

Specifics: When talking about powers, Tempest is a cleric who receives her powers from the deity she worships, Shyka the Many. These powers include being able to channel both positive and negative energy; positive heals the living and hurts the dead, whereas negative does the opposite. She can choose who this can affect, so those she is fighting against are not effected, but those she stands beside can be healed.

Another power she holds is the ability to command the undead, due to her necromancial tendencies. She can raise one undead servant, after a long ceremony spanning over a night. Not only that, but with one touch she can either stabilize someone who is bleeding out, or inflict light wounds.

Some of her other ranged spells include casting light on a nearby object, detecting magic in the area, purifying food and drink, causing fear in an individual, being able to mend basic items (magic items can be fixed, but will not retain their previous abilities), tracking an enemy, or casting shield of faith, that gives the wearer increased armour.

Background: Both of Tempest's parents are from Tian Xia, a distant land where Samsaran are more commonly found. They still aren't abundant, but it isn't as strange to see one there. The pair moved to start their business, meaning Tempest was born away from her home country. She still has the ability to speak Samsaran, and follows the same religion as her parents.

Her deity, Shyka the Many, deals with reincarnation, entropy and time, making them appropriate for a species that also reincarnates upon death. Shyka also deals with death, destruction, madness and magic, the arcane, catastrophe, the divine and insanity. This makes them perfect for Tempest, a loyal worshiper.

Relationships: Tempest was very close to her parents, enough that she carried on their business even after they moved back to Tian Xia. To her knowledge, both are still alive and well, and proud that she is a devout follower of Shyka.

To anyone else, she's happy to create friendships and bonds that can last their lifetime. However, thanks to past lives, Tempest knows just what sort of pain she'd go through upon seeing their ultimate demise; it's why she tries to protect her friends as much as she can, even if it means risking herself in some way.

Extras: Not only is the broken hourglass a holy symbol of Shyka, but the colour white is also seen as their holy colour. This is why Tempest wears so much white, and why all of her weapons are adorned with a white ribbon. Not only that, but Shyka's preferred weapon is a light mace; the one Tempest has is rarely used, thanks to her preference with the shovel, but she still carries it for sacramental purposes.

Her shovel was gifted to her from her Father when they left, and told that if she trusted in its strength then she will always stay safe. The circlet was from her Mother, a family heirloom passed down between the Gravedigger women. She wears it with pride, as she knows that as long as its one her person, she will be looked over by her own ancestors and their knowledge, and by the loving gaze of Shyka.

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