Any Jeremy's Fantasy Plots

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Any Jeremy's Fantasy Plots

Jeremy Bentham

Lone Wanderer
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Hello everyone, this thread is going to be where I throw all my Fantasy plots.
If you see anything you like just let me know, feel free to send me a message with any questions you have.
This thread will range from Lord of the Rings, to Legend of Zelda, to Elder Scrolls.
Of course, plenty of room for Original Works as well.
Fantasy plots may include but not limited to: Adventure, Action, Smut, Romance.

I'll update this thread with new ideas as often as I can, so enjoy your browsing!
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-The Third Age-

An Adventure RP with touches of Romance, maybe some smut, and no small amounts of action.
If you've seen the Lord of the Rings movies, then this will make so much more sense.

Set during the War of the Ring, this is the story of the 6 who followed alongside the Fellowship of the Ring.
One by one they came together, fighting side by side.
On his way to Rivendell, Berethor, a citadel guard of Gondor is attacked roadside by Nazgul.
He would have been slain if not for the aid of the elven lore-master, Idrial.
Telling him of the Fellowship and their quest to destroy the ring, Berethor sets out to join them, determined to protect Boromir per the wish of Denethor.
Making their way into the Misty Mountains, they come across a ranger of the north.
Introducing himself as Elegost, he tells them he was separated from his dwarven companion.
Agreeing to help the ranger find his friend, they discover the little axe master fighting off a cave troll.
During the night the two were separated when an orc pack raids their camp, Hadhod, chases after one of the orcs who made off with a very important map.
With the map back in hand, he opens it, showing them the secret entrance to the ancient dwarven city of Khazad-Dum.
Elegost notes how he saw tracks leading up that way, appearing to be 9.
Idrial speaks up, noting the Fellowship must be trying to pass through Moria. Wasting no time Berethor asks Hadhod to lead them to this secret door.
With the door still destroyed from the Watcher in the Water, Berethor knows they're not far behind Boromir.
Making their way through the darkness of the mines, they meet up with the fellowship at the Bridge of Khazad-Dum.
There they see in the distance as the 8 cross the bridge, Gandalf facing off with the terrible foe of both flame and shadow. A Balrog of Morgoth.
With the bridge now destroyed, they find another way out, still in pursuit of the Fellowship.
Their journey nearly comes to an end as they stand riverside to the Anduin. Watching as the current carries Boromir's body downstream.
Idrial convinces Berethor that the ring still moves closer to Mordor, and that Aragorn will need all the help he can get.
Following behind the Three Hunters, they make their way across the Gap of Rohan.
Coming across a burning village, Berethor leads his company into action.
Helping drive out the hoard of Uruk Hai, they meet Morwen, sheild-maiden of Rohan. With her help they rid the village of Uruks.
Her home and family lost, she tags along with the team and travels with them through the Riddermark, finding the people of Edoras evacuating.
When the wargs strike, Berethor joins with the Rohirrim in driving off this fowl pack, there they meet Eoden, ridder of the Riddermark.
During the fight with the warg pack, Aragorn took a tumble off the cliff, his body out of sight as it's consumed by the river.
Thinking he's dead, Berethor and his company tags along with Theoden and Eoden as they ride to Helms Deep.
The darkest night of their lives awaited as the 10,000 Uruk Hai marched upon the doors of the Hornburg.
They fought valiantly but could not drive off the forces of Isengard.
Victory was at hand as the White Rider rode into action with reinforcements. The uruks fleeing into the hungry forest of Fangorn.
With unfinished business with Sauruman at hand, Gandalf gave Berethor instruction to ride to Osgiliath, they will soon be needed there.
Berethor, Idrial, Elegost, Hadhod, Morwen, and Eoden made their way to the city of Osgiliath, a city in ruin.
Fighting alongside Faramir they made their stand against the orcs, but they were outnumbered once again. A forced retreat was at hand.
Falling back to Minas Tirith, Fellbeast riding Nazgul began picking them off, once again being saved by the White Rider.
Night fell and war soon began. The battle of their lifetime was about to begin.
Fighting alongside Gandalf the White, they made their stand in the siege of Minas Tirith.
Their attention being pulled as the horns of Rohan blew from Pelennor Fields, making their way out of the city to help Theoden clear the fields of orc.
Despite nearly losing the city, a spark of hope lit as the charge of the Rohirrim drove off the ranks of Mordor.
To their backs, an army of Haradrim and Mumakil. To their sides the corsair ships docked.
Regrouping as best as they could, they made their stand in this graveyard of kings.
The hordes closed in, Orc and Man fighting in unison against Gondor and Rohan. Defeat was certain until the sons of Gondor returned home.
With the fragments of Narsil reforged, Aragorn wielding Anduil, flame of the west, led an army of Gondor's fallen soldiers, soldiers of the dead.
Sweeping over the battlefield like a wave, the army of the dead brought a swift end to the siege. Victory, was at hand.
Fulfilling his side of the bargain, Aragon set them free, letting the dead army rest in peace.
The ring still moving closer and closer to it's destruction in Mount Doom, all Frodo needed was time. They were about to give him time.
Uniting the forces of Gondor and Rohan under the banner of the King, Aragorn marched upon the Black Gate, forcing out Sauron's armies.
It is there, standing at the gates of death itself, the company of Berethor stood together with the force of Rohirrim and Gondorians.
This, this is where their fate shall be decided.

So now that you get a gist of the story, if you're interested or have any questions, please message.
This could be a group RP as well as for 2 people.
-For a Few Coins More-

Set in a medieval-fantasy world, from LOTR, to Elder Scrolls, or something completely original.
This is the story of a stranger wandering into a small village one stormy evening...

Shrouded and silent, he's nothing more than drifter to the townsfolk, but they dont look highly upon drifters, nor who he would soon reveal himself to be.
Getting himself a room at the local inn, making himself a seat in the corner, he silently watches through the night. As the night goes on, a group of suspicious men make their way to the bar, and its time for this stranger to go to work. It is revealed that he is a bounty hunter, and he's in town after these men. After a moment of bloodshed, the job is nearly complete. During his brief stay at the end, he encounters a bar-maid, a helper around the Inn. A lovely lady who seeps into his rough exterior. The hardened, gritty, and lonely man is drawn to her, even so much that he returns to the village after collecting his reward just to see her. The two share a drink, and a few stories, maybe more. Before he knows it, he's accepted a contract from her.

Thus the two embark on an adventure together, and along the way, they grow on one another, from feelings, to desires, to trust. They work together to carry out her mission, to survive, and to come together as a team. What starts out as just another contract for him, sparked a part of him he thought he'd lost long ago.
-A Kingdom of Deceit-

When the Emperor is betrayed by his court wizard, banished to another dimension as his kingdom is ruled by the wizard in disguise, a hero must rise...

For generations the kingdom has lived in peace, prosperity, it flourished into a capital of trade, wealth, education, and military might. But in the shadows of the throne, a plot shrouded in mystery arises. The court wizard, loyal friend and servant of the Emperor, casts a spell banishing the mighty Emperor into a timeless prison in another dimension. With the throne for the taking, the wizard casts a spell upon himself, a disguise to take up the face and name of the royal monarch.

When the plot is uncovered by the wizard's apprentice, she tries to bring it to light but before she could, the court wizard found out and she was executed for a crime she did not commit. Her lingering spirit appears in a dream, telling a young hero of the plot. He then embarks on his quest to undo the evil deeds and restore the rightful ruler to the throne.

Along his quest, he meets a companion, the two work together, rely upon each other to take on the forces of deception.
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