tired lurker
Hello there! I have a craving for a poly relationship between MC and three more writers! ANY GENDER IDENTITY WELCOME!
The idea in my head is all four characters are different magical species, but were sent to a magical school as kids. Our muses grew up together and there's been romantic tension between the group for years now. They're all in their third or fourth years in college now. Although their parents wanted them to go universities that were specie specific (ex: a vampire going to a university where only vampires are admitted) but they all said no. To ensure they could stay together they enrolled in at the University of Oxford. As Oxford is one of the oldest universities in the world, it holds many secrets that regular people do not know. The founders of Oxford weren't actually humans.
Oxford has a special building for magical beings that regular students who are humans do not know about. The building consists of a lounge area on the first floor where students can hang out and study. Floors 2-10 are dormitories for students. Our muses would stay here because it allows them to be themselves without worrying that a human might accidentally find out.
Examples of species:
vampires, demons, angels, demigods, werewolf, faerie, witch/wizard/mage, alien etc.
Example of tropes:
goth/emo, athlete, theatre kid, gamer, nerd/geek, popular kid, rich kid, mysterious & quiet, etc.
Oxford majors:
A-Z of courses | University of Oxford
MC: (to help with how you plot yours!)
Full Name: Cornelius
Species: Half-Demon (Human mother / Lucifer as his father)
Trope: Studious/well polished nerd/know-it-all
Major: History, junior/third year
Age: 21
Date of Birth: October 30, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: London, England
Current Location: Oxford, England
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Sexual Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Position: dominant switch, top leaning but can bottom
Occupation: Full time student, part time history tutor, part time student tour guide for Oxford
Living Arrangements: Lives alone (or with your three characters!)
Language(s) Spoken: English, French, Greek, Latin
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: Jet black that has a red undertone in sunlight
Hair Description: pin straight, thick, a few inches past shoulders with several layers at towards the bottom. Middle parting with hair layered around the face to frame it. Hair is often put up in a messy bun or a sleek high ponytail. Most people don't make fun of him for these hairstyles because they fear him
Eye Color: Honey brown irises that turn to a chocolate brown near the pupil. Red irises when extremely hungry or extremely angry,
Facial features: almond-shaped eyes, straight nose with a swooping nose bridge, full lips with the top and bottom lips being equal in plumpness, high cheek bones, sharp jawline
Height: 6'5"
Build: Slender yet has defined muscles & a six pack. 60% legs / legs are very toned with thick thighs and a round bottom
Piercings: Standard ear piercing in each lobe, tongue piercing, left eyebrow pierced, septum pierced, nose piercing on the left right nostril, contemplating a d*ck piercing
Clothing style: wears a lot of baggy clothes that never hug his figure or show it off. Mostly wears black, white, different shades of red, and grey. Wears business casual for his tour job and when tutoring. Can be persuaded to wear more adventurous outfits (like leather outfits or fight fitting ones) by YCs
Usual Expression: Unamused, annoyed, angry
+if you have seen this post before, this is the third website I have posted it on, as the other two places do not seem as active so I decided to post this craving in multiple places!
The idea in my head is all four characters are different magical species, but were sent to a magical school as kids. Our muses grew up together and there's been romantic tension between the group for years now. They're all in their third or fourth years in college now. Although their parents wanted them to go universities that were specie specific (ex: a vampire going to a university where only vampires are admitted) but they all said no. To ensure they could stay together they enrolled in at the University of Oxford. As Oxford is one of the oldest universities in the world, it holds many secrets that regular people do not know. The founders of Oxford weren't actually humans.
Oxford has a special building for magical beings that regular students who are humans do not know about. The building consists of a lounge area on the first floor where students can hang out and study. Floors 2-10 are dormitories for students. Our muses would stay here because it allows them to be themselves without worrying that a human might accidentally find out.
Examples of species:
vampires, demons, angels, demigods, werewolf, faerie, witch/wizard/mage, alien etc.
Example of tropes:
goth/emo, athlete, theatre kid, gamer, nerd/geek, popular kid, rich kid, mysterious & quiet, etc.
Oxford majors:
A-Z of courses | University of Oxford
- Long term writing partners
- Literate writing partners who write 300-1k+ words per reply
- Writes in 3rd person POV
- Willing to be in a group PM here or a server on Discord so we can plot/worldbuild
- communicative partners!!! I know we get busy and need breaks but I need partners who can tell us what's going on whether you're not feeling or busy! Please don't ghost us
- Respects boundaries
- Willing to do 20/80-50/50 smut to story! Although I prefer a lot of story so we can make this long term and interesting to us!
MC: (to help with how you plot yours!)
Full Name: Cornelius
Species: Half-Demon (Human mother / Lucifer as his father)
Trope: Studious/well polished nerd/know-it-all
Major: History, junior/third year
Age: 21
Date of Birth: October 30, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: London, England
Current Location: Oxford, England
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Sexual Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Position: dominant switch, top leaning but can bottom
Occupation: Full time student, part time history tutor, part time student tour guide for Oxford
Living Arrangements: Lives alone (or with your three characters!)
Language(s) Spoken: English, French, Greek, Latin
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: Jet black that has a red undertone in sunlight
Hair Description: pin straight, thick, a few inches past shoulders with several layers at towards the bottom. Middle parting with hair layered around the face to frame it. Hair is often put up in a messy bun or a sleek high ponytail. Most people don't make fun of him for these hairstyles because they fear him
Eye Color: Honey brown irises that turn to a chocolate brown near the pupil. Red irises when extremely hungry or extremely angry,
Facial features: almond-shaped eyes, straight nose with a swooping nose bridge, full lips with the top and bottom lips being equal in plumpness, high cheek bones, sharp jawline
Height: 6'5"
Build: Slender yet has defined muscles & a six pack. 60% legs / legs are very toned with thick thighs and a round bottom
Piercings: Standard ear piercing in each lobe, tongue piercing, left eyebrow pierced, septum pierced, nose piercing on the left right nostril, contemplating a d*ck piercing
Clothing style: wears a lot of baggy clothes that never hug his figure or show it off. Mostly wears black, white, different shades of red, and grey. Wears business casual for his tour job and when tutoring. Can be persuaded to wear more adventurous outfits (like leather outfits or fight fitting ones) by YCs
Usual Expression: Unamused, annoyed, angry
+if you have seen this post before, this is the third website I have posted it on, as the other two places do not seem as active so I decided to post this craving in multiple places!
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