MxF Just shut up and get in.

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MxF Just shut up and get in.


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Today 7:14 PM
What, you think I'm rude? I saw you eyeing me. You were thinking, 'bet that guy can put out multiple paragraphs'. And you know it's not filler either, but quality, story driving composition.

You tried, but couldn't hide the surprise in your eyes when you saw the size of the options available to you. A guy who can spin a Victorian monster tale, a modern fantasy, even dive into marvel universe action. And don't forget those dystopian future settings.

Regardless of where the story ends up, you know there's going to be a man right there living it with you. Not some skinny jeans wearing beta male, but the kind of man that would rip the throat out of those who would threaten what is his.

So, are you gonna get in or what? Let's hear what you got.
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