Just your friendly, marauding neighborhood witch...

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Just your friendly, marauding neighborhood witch...

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Hello all! I'm new here, just getting to introduce myself now. This place looks quite interesting and has a lot of people on it, so I just wanted to check it out. Some things about me as a roleplayer. Been at this for a while 10+ years definitely. I love fantasy! Love it! I'm rather friendly and I'm getting better at being more straightforward on what interests me and what doesn't. Really I was just looking for more places to stretch my writing muscles, plugged adult roleplay forum into Google, and here I am. I'm a multiple paragraph writer and I hope to be able to show a bunch of you what I can do.

Anyways, I'll have other threads up for you lovely people to get to know me better, but I guess I'll answer some ice breaker questions, have a few favorites here, and hopefully you can answer a few of mine. (Sorry, I love ice breaker games.)

Favorite Color- Red
Favorite Season- Summer
Favoirte Number- 5
Favorite Animal- Snake
Favorite Food- Steak/Lobster
Favorite Candy- Chocolate covered marshmallows/anything chocolate
Favortie Flower- Rose

What is my Hogwarts House? -Slytherin (Might be a bit topical, but I grew up with these books, sorry.)
If I could have any super power, what would it be? -Mind reading (I feel it would make my life so much easier!)
Am I a morning or night person? -Night, you'll see me on here at crazy hours.
Which Disney/Cartoon character was I inexplicably afraid of as a kid? -Not sure if this counts... The Banshee from "Darby O'Gill and the Little People"

A few extra questions for you, if you wish to answer these or any of the questions above, I'd love to know, I'm curious!
What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
What's rocking your world right now?
If you were endlessly wealthy and didn't have to work, what would you do with your time?
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum, VikingWitch! I do hope you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing!
Welcome to IS!

I LOVE your username!

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
-I'm not too adventurous when it comes to food. I did have this watermelon flavored popcorn once though… spoilers: it was gross

What's rocking your world right now?
-Hard to say. I got some decent sleep last night if that counts lol

If you were endlessly wealthy and didn't have to work, what would you do with your time?
-I'm… a very boring person. I would just stay at home and chill with my cats, write, and play video games. Maybe build up a nice book collection and have a nice mini library in my home. Collect some weird things.

Anyway, that entertained, I hope you find some wonderful partners to create some amazing stories with :)
Hello VikingWitch, welcome to I.S. very cool intro, I don't think I've ever seen anyone challenge and request information from people before. Very neat.

Favorite Color- Red
Favorite Season- Winter
Favorite Number- 1
Favorite Animal- Monkey
Favorite Food- Korean/Chinese
Favorite Candy- Sweedish Fish
Favorite Flower- I don't recall the name of it.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? Bugs
What's rocking your world right now? Streaming, and starting a streaming service. Being made an Affiliate for Amazon was amazing.
If you were endlessly wealthy and didn't have to work, what would you do with your time? Game, workout and write.
@Seravian I don't think you're boring, some of us just have simple wants and needs. Nothing wrong with that at all. Watermelon popcorn does sound rather gross.

@Nobilis Thank you! & I also don't think you're boring, your icon looks cool!

@Redfren Thank you! People should do that more, this is fun to do and a great way to know someone that you might interact with in the future!

@EverythingIsFine. Oooooooo! Perhaps, sounds quite interesting. Link me?
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