Character(s) Kira Tsvetok

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Character(s) Kira Tsvetok


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Today 7:23 PM



━─━───༺ Mᴬᴵᴺ ༻───━─━

❛❛ A flower ❜❜

→ name
⊱ Kira Tsvetok

→ aɢɛ
⊱ 18 - 40 ( depending on rp )

→ ɢɛռɖɛʀ
⊱ Female

→ sɛxʊaʟɨtʏ
⊱ Heterosexual

→ քʟaċɛ օʄ ɮɨʀtɦ
⊱ -

→ ɖatɛ օʄ ɮɨʀtɦ
⊱ February 7

→ ʐօɖɨaċ
⊱ Aquarius

→ ʀɛʟɨɢɨօռ
⊱ Athiest

→ ʟaռɢʊaɢɛ(s)
⊱ English, Russian

→ aċċɛռt
⊱ Russian

→ ռatɨօռaʟɨtʏ
⊱ Russian - North American

→ ɛtɦռɨċɨtʏ
⊱ Caucasian

→ օʋɛʀaʟʟ ɦɛaʟtɦ
⊱ Healthy

→ ɮʟօօɖ tʏքɛ
⊱ O-

→ ʀɛċɛռt/ċʊʀʀɛռt օċċʊքatɨօռ
⊱ -

→ քast օċċʊքatɨօռs
⊱ -

━─━──༺ Aᴾᴾᴱᴬᴿᴬᴺᶜᴱ ༻──━─━

❛❛ I didn't have to come here ❜❜

→ ɦɛɨɢɦt
⊱ 5'2"

→ աɛɨɢɦt
⊱ Average

→ ɦaɨʀ ċօʟօʀ
⊱ Blonde

→ ռatʊʀaʟ ɦaɨʀ ċօʟօʀ
⊱ Blonde

→ ɦaɨʀ ʟɛռɢtɦ
⊱ Long

→ ɦaɨʀ tʏքɛ
⊱ Wavy

→ ɛʏɛ ċօʟօʀ
⊱ Blue

→ sҡɨռ ċօʍքʟɛxɨօռ
⊱ Fair

→ ʊռռatʊʀaʟ ʍaʀҡs (sċaʀs, ɮʊʀռs, ċʊts)
⊱ Some Scars

→ ռatʊʀaʟ ʍaʀҡs (ɮɨʀtɦ ʍaʀҡs, ʄʀɛċҡʟɛs, ʍօʟɛs, ɛtċ.)
⊱ Light freckles

→ tattօօs
⊱ Flowers down her side

→ քɨɛʀċɨռɢs
⊱ Industrial, orbital, belly button, right nostril

→ ɢʟassɛs (ɨʄ aքքʟɨċaɮʟɛ)
⊱ She has them but doesn't rely on them solely

→ ċʟօtɦɨռɢ stʏʟɛ
⊱ Comfortable, Lighter Colors

→ ɮօɖʏ tʏքɛ
⊱ Slim Hourglass

━─━───༺ Aᴮᴼᵁᵀ ༻───━─━

❛❛ Different question, same answer. ❜❜

→ sʍօҡɛʀ?
⊱ No

→ ɖʀɨռҡɛʀ?
⊱ Sometimes

→ aɖɖɨċtɨօռs
⊱ None

→ ʍɛռtaʟ statʊs
⊱ Eh

→ ʍɛռtaʟ ɖɨsօʀɖɛʀs (ɨʄ aքքʟɨċaɮʟɛ)
⊱ Acrophobia

→ քɛʀsօռaʟɨtʏ
⊱ Her personality really depends on who she's with and at what times. She can appear to be all over the place and unable to sit still, and is only settled in certain situations or with certain people. She can come off as distant and possibly cold at first, but once she gets to know someone a bit more then she'll warm up to them and become more relaxed in their presence.

→ ʟɨҡɛs
⊱ She likes working on things effectively and efficiently. She also enjoys swimming during hot days to cool down or simply sitting down every so often to take time to herself. She likes being complimented, but she doesn't ever know how to properly respond to and thank them no matter how grateful she is.

→ ɖɨsʟɨҡɛs
⊱ Kira dislikes anyone that tries to stereotype her or others, and when she is being criticized simply for who she is. She might get a bit defensive if her English is corrected, but she is overall glad if someone does it out of obvious good will, and not ill intent.

→ ռɛʊtʀaʟɨtɨɛs
⊱ She doesn't exactly know how to feel about being called "flower"

→ taʟɛռts
⊱ Playing the violin, folding her tongue in half, performing a hand stand ( if that's a talent ), and playing the piano.

→ sքɛɛɖ
⊱ 7/10

→ ċɦaʀɨsʍa
⊱ 6/10

→ ɨռtɛʟʟɨɢɛռċɛ
⊱ 9/10

→ stʀɛռɢtɦ
⊱ 5/10

→ aɢɨʟɨtʏ
⊱ 8/10

→ ʄʟɛxɨɮɨʟɨtʏ
⊱ 8/10

→ ʀɛʄʟɛxɛs
⊱ 9/10

→ ʍɛʟɛɛ
⊱ 8/10

→ ʀaռɢɛɖ
⊱ 2/10

→ stɛaʟtɦ
⊱ 9/10

→ քɛssɨʍɨst օʀ օքtɨʍɨst
⊱ Both

→ ɨռtʀօʋɛʀt օʀ ɛxtʀօʋɛʀt
⊱ A bit of both

→ ɨռsɨɖɛ օʀ օʊtsɨɖɛ
⊱ Outside

→ ɖaʏ օʀ ռɨɢɦt
⊱ Night

→ աaʀʍ օʀ ċօʟɖ
⊱ Warm

→ քassɨʋɛ օʀ aɢɢʀɛssɨʋɛ
⊱ Passive Aggressive

→ aċtɨʋɛ օʀ ʟaʐʏ
⊱ Active

→ քʀօs
⊱ -

→ ċօռs
⊱ -

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ ʍʊsɨċ
⊱ Anything with good lyrics

→ ʟɛast ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ ʍʊsɨċ
⊱ Country

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ քʟaċɛ
⊱ Her home

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ ɖʀɨռҡ
⊱ Coca Cola

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ ʄʟaʋօʀ
⊱ Coconut

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ ʄօօɖ
⊱ Chicken Alfredo

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ ɢɛռʀɛ
⊱ Sci-Fi

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ քɛʀsօn
⊱ -

→ ʄaʋօʀɨtɛ aռɨʍaʟ
⊱ Cat

→ aʟʟɛʀɢɨɛs
⊱ None


❛❛ You sure you want to stay? ❜❜

→ ʍօtɦɛʀ
⊱ Kimberly Harris

→ ʄatɦɛʀ
⊱ Alexandr Tsvetok

→ sɨstɛʀs
⊱ None

→ ɮʀօtɦɛʀs
⊱ Anthony Tsvetok

→ օtɦɛʀ ʄaʍɨʟʏ ʍɛʍɮɛʀs
⊱ Natalie Tsvetok ( Biological Mother )
⊱ Rachael Harris ( Step Sister )
⊱ Nathaniel Tsvetok ( Half Brother )

→ sɨɢռɨʄɨċaռt օtɦɛʀ
⊱ -

→ ċɦɨʟɖʀɛռ
⊱ -

→ ʄʀɨɛռɖs
⊱ -

→ ɛռɛʍɨɛs
⊱ -

→ ċʀʊsɦ
⊱ -

→ ʟօռɛʀ օʀ ɢʀօʊք
⊱ Depends

→ ɖɛքɛռɖɛռt օʀ ɨռɖɛքɛռɖɛռt
⊱ Independent

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