MxM ~Kiri's Box of Wants~

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MxM ~Kiri's Box of Wants~


Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts! Happy Birthday!!
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Today 10:15 PM
Hi there :3

I'm Kiri and welcome to my request thread!

First things first I suppose, I have a few plot ideas and some pairings I'd like to try out, but I am ALWAYS open to new ideas and fun things to try. I love creating fun and unique characters, so sometimes they may be just a little out there. But don't get to scared, they don't bite...well some do but only if you're okay with that kind of thing ^.~
I tend to rp mxm, but I'm definitely down for mxf and fxf. I got love for it all~
Most all of my character are switches. Mwhahha (They take after their dear creator after all <3)

What am I looking for in writing? Good thing you asked :3 I write and adjust to who I'm rping with. I'm not a big fan of one liners, but I do understand that sometimes it doesn't take much to get ideas and such across so don't think I'll be put off if you can only get a few sentences posted. ^-^ we're all here to have fun ya know. I'm not a stickler on grammar and such, because I'm not all that great at it either >.< Just be able to make sense and we're all good.

Some Rules because we all need boundaries
1. Please don't act like a tree and leave without at least letting me know. I understand things get boring. Been there just like everyone else.

2. I don't do rape and bathroom play. it's a no-go for me, so please don't even ask.

3. Even though it's not allowed I still want to emphasize. I will not play any underaged characters. Even if it's a side character (unless it's needed for plot development, but I will not put any effort in developing them as a character. keep em as a NPC)

4. I'm not going to be rude to you, so please don't be that way with me. Let's be friends k? :3

Dragon/ Dragon-Blessed
Shifter/Shifter (Alpha)
Captive Prince/Crown Prince
Survivor/Survivor (ZOMBIES??)
Demon/Demon Slayer

You can post here or PM me if any of the pairings interest you, or you have any ideas you'd like to flesh out with me.
I will be working on a Plot post soon~ :3

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I am interested in the shifter/shifter (alpha) as the non alpha shifter or in the vampire/witch pairing.
Dragon/ Dragon-Blessed
Shifter/Shifter (Alpha)
Captive Prince/Crown Prince
Survivor/Survivor (ZOMBIES??)

I would be willing to plot any and all of the above if you are still looking for partners. I am able to do multiple stories at once if you like, or we can just choose the one that clicks best with us if not. I'm typically only online in the evenings, though, so I might only be able to respond to each story once per day. Shoot me a message if you have the time!
Finally back and ready to write <3
What's this "Dragon-blessed"? I'm curious!
Soooo I have an itching for a Gay Porn Company type deal. (We'll blame the web comics I've been reading lately lol). I'm completely open to taking this idea as far and scandalous as we can. Just send me a DM and we'll plot it together <3
Briefly based around Lily Mayne's series
*If you've read Lily Mayne's Montrous series a plus...if not do go read them they are wonnnnnderful <3

Twenty years ago, monsters rose on earth and began a new age of civilization.

One where humans live in military-controlled, cramped and dirty cities along the coasts, and the majority of the United States is known as the Wastes. A lawless, desolate and dangerous place, teeming with monsters that have claimed the land for their own.​
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