All Kore’s Request Shop (Craving FBI)

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All Kore’s Request Shop (Craving FBI)


Peachy Princess
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This thread is a new adaptation compared to my old ones, which I will have some very specific fandoms and interests! My name is Aziel or you can call me Kore, I am 26 and have been roleplaying since 2010! I am a married woman to a very beautiful wife and currently am going to be moving to a new state! My free time will be massive and I hope to start up a few new Roleplays! I range from Advanced Lit to Novella roleplay styles, so you can expect quite a bit from me! I hope you enjoy this thread and find something that you're itching to do!


I don't expect anyone to do anything more than what I would give but I do ask that replies are 3 paragraphs minimum and will always happily encourage more!

Doubling up, I'm big on both our backs getting scratched and I will always put forth the utmost effort to ensure your side of things are always getting just as much attention as my side of things, I just ask for the same.

Patience, as stated above I will be moving, while I can very much get a few replies out through the week, I also ask that you are understanding that I might not be on 24/7 to reply or chat.

⠀⠀⠀What to Expect:

Patience! I'm big on ensuring that my partners know that I am more than comfortable waiting for replies, I do not expect someone to constantly be replying to our Roleplays and I hope you know that even if I'm super excited for a roleplay of any kind, I am more than happy to wait!

Dedication! I love making things happen for the both of us, this includes ensuring that every desire and want you seek out for your pairing is fulfilled to the fullest! I do hope you enjoy though!

⠀⠀⠀Minor Rules:

Doubling up is a must, I prefer to ensure we both get to enjoy something!

Third person/past tense only please, I don't feel comfortable with first person point of views or anything like that I apologize!

If you're no longer interested just let me know! While I've been guilty to ghosting myself, I do try to get back to everyone when I can! I won't be mad, this is just roleplay after all!

Kinks, trigger warnings, smut to plot ratios are something that MUST be discussed, I want to ensure everyone is comfortable in our Roleplays.

⠀⠀⠀Real/Realistic Fandoms:
(If it has a * next to it, I'm craving it. The more * the more of a craving I have! If you don't see a fandom you like listed simply ask, I might know it! We also do not have to double up on the same fandom! It can be one fandom for one pairing and a different one for the other!)

Grey's Anatomy**
Completely caught up on this show.
Can play: Quite literally anyone
Looking for: Alex Karev, Owen Hunt

Completely caught up on the show
Can Play: anyone!!!
Looking for: Jubal Valentine

Harry Potter***
Seen it all, know every character!
Can Play: anyone!
Looking For: Severus Snape, Sirius Black

Game of Thrones****
Seen all seasons
Can Play: literally anyone
Looking For: Petyr Baelish


Have seen all of both
Can play: anyone!
Looking for: Sokka, Mako

Haven't seen the newest season that just released
Can play: Anyone!
Looking for: Armin, Erwin, Hange

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss**
Have seen the pilot and all episodes
Can play: Anyone!
Looking For: Husk, Asmodeus

Has seen it all!
Can Play: anyone!
Looking for: Miroku, Naraku
Currently looking for Demon Slayer rps to double up in! 💕💕💕 I've been binge watching the Entertainment District season sksksksk!!
Desperately searching for Demon Slayer, AOT, FBI and ALTA
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