MxF Lacy Longings

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MxF Lacy Longings


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Hello overyone! I'm Lace and I like to think of myself as a fairly decent and experienced roleplayer even though I'm new to this site. Those of you who take a look at my profile might see that I've been here for a little bit, but just when I created this account, some issues cropped up in my life.

But anyway, you're probably not here for a long rant about myself. You're here (hopefull) for the same reason I am, to look for a roleplay, perhaps even with yours truly!

I'm basically looking to write something sexy. I tend to write one paragraph, and more if the scene calls for it. I know that it's sometimes seen as a flaw, but I'm just not very good at writing long posts when there is an interaction with someone else. I do have a life too, which means that I probably won't manage to post every day, especially in the holiday season because I have my obligations. I will however tell you in advance if I won't be available.

For my roleplays, I like to have a fair amount of smut, held together with a story, preferably with romantic elements. I also enjoy darker stories, but there is a strong need for there to be love between our characters. I will always play a female character and have a strong preference for male characters. What you are behind the screen doesn't matter, as long as you're not someone who leaves the toilet seat up. That is my big red line.

Below, I'll give some ideas for the kinds of stories and pairings that I like, but I'm open to lots of different things. For your character, I have to admit that I don't have a very strict type that I like. There however are a few things that I enjoy. I like it when they feel like people and not just flat characters. I also like my men to be taller than me with broad shoulders and nice hands. Not overly muscular, or fat, or skinny, just in shape really. And one important thing, I'm not a fan of the whole massive member thing. I also like him to be as old as my character or older, up to (and including) middle age. I have to confess that I have a preference for Caucasian men, but of course, I could always be tempted…

My own characters can also vary quite a bit. I like to play all sorts of women with all sorts of personalities. I however won't play bimbos or the like. I also like to play realistic women, both in personality and in appearance. So, there will always be little imperfections.

For characters, I like to use photographic references or realistic art. I'm not much of a fan of anime and cartoonish styles. I love it when you come up with nice ideas, and will do my best to do the same. One thing that I've also been thinking about including at some point is theme songs for my character. But that's just me being silly I guess.

To make what I like a bit clearer, I made a few small lists for favoured kinks and the like:
- Tenderness
- Roughness (I know, this might seem to contradict the first, but I like them to be mixed)
- Dirty talking
- Cum
- Forbidden love
- Kissing
- Vaginal
- (Risk of) Pregnancy (to be developed in the story)
- Involving the surroundings
- Lingerie (who would have guessed, it makes me feel sexy. I especially love it if I'm given something)

- Vore
- Gore
- Filth
- Terms like 'slut', 'whore', and the like
- Rape
- Footplay
- Abuse

And now for what you've been waiting for: pairings! I'll be writing plot ideas later, so watch this space! In all pairings, the second character is mine.

Priest/member of congregation
Lord/peasant girl
Hostage taker/hostage

Unhappily married: Both of our characters have been forced to marry because it's the custom in their society, probably one in the past. Both also are in very unhappy marriages, thinking that they won't ever find happiness until they meet each other. Of course, divorce isn't an option, so they'll have to have a secret affair.

Beware of Pity: This one is based on the book, but with a bit of a twist. My character is suffering from some kind of disability and meets yours. They get along well, but everyone thinks that your character only pities mine, not that something is blossoming between them.

Serving Love: The basic idea here is that my character is your character's social inferior. This probably works best in the past, and could even go as far as my character being a slave in the ancient world or something like that. They however still fall for each other, despite the issues it might bring.

Locked Together: This is a series of ideas really, but it all revolves around our characters somehow being stuck together in a relatively small space. Perhaps an underground bunker, a small island, a secluded vallery, you name it!
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Interested! Especially in the KnightxLady pairing. If you are still looking for someone please feel free to pm me.
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