"Ladies and gentlemen... I've traveled over half our state to be here tonight."

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"Ladies and gentlemen... I've traveled over half our state to be here tonight."


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Today 3:23 PM
Just kidding! If you're like me, and introductions are a struggle to get through, then you might relate to my use of a quote from one of my favorite films (that being Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood, starring Daniel Day-Lewis).

So what can I tell you about myself? Well, my username is yet another reference to a film—or, rather, franchise—that I'm particularly fond of. Mad Max! For the purpose of having something to call myself, I've combined the titular main character's surname with the beginning of my given name. As such, you can call me Rob!

With that being said, my pronouns are 'they/them'. I'm a twenty-four year old American living in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, and out of my twenty-four years, I've spent eleven of them role-playing.

Now, I won't claim to be anything I'm not. I'm a slow writer. I can only produce a handful of paragraphs at a time. I've been known to ghost when my anxiety runs high. Sexual content triggers me, so I'm not the biggest fan of romance. However, I'm a fairly chatty person, and I don't demand much of my partners. I like to share music and artwork while I make fun little Pinterest boards for my characters. I like historical fiction, dark fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and just about anything with zombies, vampires, or werewolves in it!

I can't think of much else to say, but I think I've said more than enough as is, so I'll leave it at that. I can't wait to get started!
Hello and welcome. Enjoy your time with us.
Welcome! :D
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the site.
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