MxF Legends still untold

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MxF Legends still untold


Imagination's Ambassador
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-=STATUS=- SEEKING PARTNERS (Last Updated 10/30/2022)


Greetings! I am Legend. Wish to know more? Ask and read and thy shall receive!

-=About Me=-
  • I'm a descriptive writer with 15+ years RP experience.
  • I write in 3rd person.
  • Post length to expect will predominantly be around 5 paragraphs with room to adjust based on material given and inspirational muse.
  • Post frequency: Honestly, I try to aim for at least one of two posts a week for my partners. This gives me time to mull over a well thought out and detailed response as well as brainstorm new ideas with my partners.
  • However, life is and can be busy. I have many responsibilities for work and at home. That being said, this is a hobby and daily life trumps rushing posts that I intend to put much effort into.
  • That said, I am also patient partner by nature and will not hound or chase down replies if a few days have went by. After a week if no communication has been given I may PM to inquire if interest still remains.
  • I will always be available for communication through PM for brainstorming story progression, in fact I highly encourage it.

-=What I'm Seeking=-
  • A long-term descriptive partner that wants to create a story with me.
  • I hope for post length that is similar to my own but quality over quantity will rule the day in my eyes. I won't fault anyone for the occasional shorter post that is well written and drives plot.
  • A partner who is willing to seek out communication with me to drive the plot. In the end we are supposed to be partners and I appreciate a partner who takes the driver's seat once in a while and not just fly autopilot through the story. Don't get me wrong, I love creating plot hooks but I also enjoy being surprised by content or ideas that aren't mine.
  • We are partners, and I value your opinion and interests! Share them with me and we can try and incorporate what fits the story.
  • If something is bothering you or you feel yourself losing interest let me know; I'm a big boy I can take it. If it's a small hiatus you seek we can always archive a story for when your muse returns

-=What to expect in our story=-
  • Our story will be thread based. After all; great works should be shared with others.
  • The story will be written in the 3rd person perspective.
  • The ideas I've described for the stories below are not set in stone! If you have an idea you believe will mesh with one of them let me know.
  • If you've come looking for quick smut you might as well skip this thread. Romance in most of my writing tends to be slow burn but to a satisfying end. I enjoy an intimate scene as much as the next person but it would be nice if the relationship at least feels somewhat organic. If my partner prefers a fade to black I'm ok with that is well.

Seed: (Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, World Building)
Synopsis: The great forest of Arynalas holds all manner of mystery to man. Legends say that it's the gateway to the feywilds and all manner of wild beings. What is known, is that Ambarona - the tree of the world - is dying. The colossal once living canopies have shed and withered, leaving behind a foreboding husk of what it once was, and the heavy question of what this means for the rest of the world.

Ideas / Brainstorming: At the last moment before Ambarona's demise, a unique being(s) (YC, MC, or YC and MC) have bloomed from the trees final pod and are blessed with the essence of the world. They were given through premonition the location(s) where the The Great Ones planted the seeds of other world trees. Now, MC and YC are to set out into a world that they don't understand to save races of people that could in the end destroy it.

The character(s) born from Ambarona would have characteristics similar to beings of the feywilds. Dryad, Eladrin, ect. Possible pairings opposite to this could be just about any of the popular fantasy races although humans, elves or half breeds would be prefered.

Beacon: (Sci-fi, Action, Mystery, Romance)
Synopsis: Far in the future, thousands of light-years from their dying Earth, human Terran's have established a loose Confederacy of colonized worlds. During exploration of the edges of their new dominion of space, an exploration vessel has broadcasted a message that their survey of a mysterious fringe world named Baku' Ro has unveiled an ancient temple and labyrinth suspected to be constructs of an enigmatic race. That was before all contact to their vessel cease.

Ideas / Brainstorming: Two new vessels are sent to Baku' Ro to investigate. Shortly after the arrival of a science vessel and battle cruiser escort. Both Spaceships are set upon by an alien warship of incredible power and veracity. All human souls onboard both starships attempt to reach the escape pods; few succeed. The few survivors remaining attempt to unearth the secrets of this temple and in the process; meet its guardian. Will their discovery herald the beginning of mankind's greatest chapter; or foretell its violent, bloody end?

I was envisioning MC being an Alien on the world that YC has landed, although I do not have to be. In terms of pairing most likely YC would be a human with the possible occupation of Scientist, Archaeologist, Mercenary Soldier, ect. YC meets a Preserver. A keeper of knowledge and protector of the temple. Not hostile to either YC or any other survivors, you ask of him assistance in your parel as your assailants descend from the skys to finish what they started. He may not only hold the key for your own survival, but potentially your whole race.

True Crime: (Semi-Modern (90's), Crime, Noir, Romance)
Synopsis: It's no secret that the Punchinello Crime family runs most of New York City. They control it all; racketeering , guns, drugs and even have most high level law enforcement and city council members in their back pocket. With the city having become a cesspool of corruption a federal agent is sent to infiltrate the organization and bring the Punchinello crime family down.

Ideas / Brainstorming: Through backdoor channels, bribes and blackmail the crime family is being granted access to an mysterious new experimental drug. Little do they know, one of the shipments is been handed over by an undercover FBI agent who is to infiltrate the organization as they seek out employment opportunity as a representative of the supplier.

The thoughts for MC is that he could potentially be head of security for the crime family with a military background and shady past, or perhaps a member of the family itself. YC would be the swave undercover agent out to uncover and collect enough hard evidence of illicit activity to bring the whole organization crashing down. YC would spend a lot of time in close proximity with MC, maybe trying to lead him on to make him drop his guard. Maybe these feelings slowly become more real?

Through the Cyan Vale: (Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, Romance)
Synopsis: The village of Barovia cowers in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, Strahd's home and fortress. The castle stands atop a great spire of rock, invincible and ever watchful. Every night thousands of bats fly out from the castle to feed. It is said that Strahd sometimes flies with them, and that Barovia will never be safe until the evil in his castle is destroyed.

Ideas / Brainstorming: A small group of trusted companions on adventure are lured through the mists surrounding Strahd's domain and discover an oppressed land where most have succumbed to despair. They are told tales of a dark lord of the land unwaveringly searching for his dead beloved. Few could ever know that one of the companions bear an uncanny resemblance for the one whom he seeks.

Based on the D&D adventure Curse of Strahd. The thoughts for this story involves a group of 4-5 companions that arrive in these lands and will set about trying to right some of evil that has set root in Barovia. I figure that we could create and control 2/3 characters each (mix of men and woman) for the story in a mixed class fashion. (Fighter, ranger, wizard ect..) I'm thinking these companions may be close friends. Perhaps a pair are entangled romanticly. Possibility for love triangle and drama, mixed this in with a crazed vampire lord and his evil denizens and we have ourselves and adventure with wide possibility; and based on the setting anticipate stopped hearts, cracked spirits, and numbed souls.
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