Any [ Let Me Be Your Perfect Disaster | Looking for RP partners ]

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Any [ Let Me Be Your Perfect Disaster | Looking for RP partners ]


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Wow, I actually haven't been properly online here in a good while, whoo!

Aand, I suppose introductions are in tow so: yo guys, I'm Fudge, I'm nineteen, and I never fuckin' learned how to read ✌ This is the last year (well, five months more to go, if you want the specifics) I get to use this line so please forgive me (also, I just did a quick preview of my post and turns out, none of the emojis I've entered are showing up so... rip ✊)

Right, anyways, I'm Fudge, I'm nineteen - a certified college babie who's stressing over exams coming up in two months time because it be like that sometimes. My pronouns are they/them, please be respectful of that (however, I will put it out there: he/him and she/her are fine with me too though I guess, it depends on how I'm feeling, being genderfluid and whatnot.)

Fun fact: I wanted to type this post out in lowercase for the aesthetic but I'm on my phone right now and auto-capitalization is on so... there goes that.

Another fun fact: I've recently discovered two (well, three actually) new music artists, Louis Tomlinson and Oasis, and holy hell, I am in love! I totally recommend giving LT's new album, Walls, a listen - I promise, you won't be disappointed!

Anyways, I digress (have been wanting to use that phrase for a while now dhsksn.) Oof, lemme get into my role play style and preferences:

I am a literate role player but my first language is not English so please pardon any occasional minor grammatical/spelling errors. I'm a multi-para role payer i.e. my posts are usually anywhere between 200~1000+ words depending on the kind of role play we're doing, the scene we're on, what I have to work with, etc. Right now, however, I'm more so looking for more casual role plays, y'know? Averaging maybe about 500 words per post, yeah?

I prefer taking on the male role but am willing to switch up anytime! I'm very pro-LGTBQIA+ and love a good m// role play! That doesn't mean I'll turn down requests for a m/f or a f// though so don't be afraid to ask. I don't have much experience with mtf/m or any variations of such but I'd be down to try!

As for smut, hm... I like playing the dom more than the sub but that is confined to scenes sexual in nature only! My boys can be sassy, gruff, sensitive, reticent - their personality out of the bedroom won't necessarily always align with the way they are inside it! So yeah, I like playing the dom but fuck it if I don't love some good switch/switch and dom/dom action in my role plays so brownie points for you if you'd be willing to incorporate it! But then again, my characters love cute subs too ❤️ Just... don't make them too shy/introverted please? Give them some bite, some snark, some spine - powerbottoms are so hot.

I should also mention: I kind of have a thing for the authority figures being submissive: for instance, in a cop/mafia lord or even a regular citizen/mafia lord pairing I would prefer for the mafia lord to be submissive and their counterpart to be the dominant one in the relationship. I don't know, I like going against the tide sometimes dhdjsaj

For the sexual things I'd be to role play, uh... I'm a pretty open person, actually and am honestly down for anything! I could list a few of my favourites though:
CG/L (with DD/LB being on top), daddy kink
• Praise kinks, dirty talk
• Restraints of any kind (cuffs, gags, blindfolds, suspensions, ropes, edging)
• Pain kinks (hair pulling, spanking, temperature play, knife play, rough sex)
• BDSM in general
• Roleplay
• As long as it's consensual, you can talk me into role playing just about everything

Stuff I absolutely refuse do includes:
• R*pe, non-con and dub-con
• Sexual torture and abuse
• Extreme degradation/humiliation
Master/Slave or Pet
Doctor/Patient and any of its variants
• Incest
• Scat (watersports is fine if done tastefully)
• Furries
• Age regression
• Vore

My smut to story ratio is a good 30:70. The plot is way more important to me than the smut and I will never do a story that's predominantly sex because it gets repetitive and boring after a while.

That being said, romance is my driving force when it comes to role plays and I love myself a nice love story, one that makes you fall in love with the characters while they experience it too, y'know?

Other genres/themes/ideas I'm absolutely down to role play are:
• Sci-fi, cyberpunk, steampunk, futuristic
• Formula 1 drag racing shit
• Historical AUs (arranged marriages, war and peace, love affairs)
• Action, adventure
• Apocalyptic scenarios; especially if it's a Bird Box-esque storyline where Muse A and B are ex-lovers/friends who meet again in a supermarket (or ooh, when one of them's injured and the other finds and takes care of them?) while out collecting supplies
• Royalty AUs (yeah, sure, there's the age old knight/prince thing but I'm more of a... prince/finacée's brother kinda guy shsjs)
• I absolutely adore arranged marriage plots!
• Battle royale (think Hunger Games and Maze Runner)
• Modern AUs
• Maybe am escort/escort or prostitute/prostitute RP? I'm not really sure where to go with this but I do know I see it as a f// so...
Muse A is a seductress who mercilessly toys with men's hearts with no intention of giving her heart back; Muse B knows A through a mutual friend and just wants to learn more about her, maybe flirt a little, maybe fall in love
• Hogwarts AUs (I'd be down to play as students but the teaching staff is always more interesting to me)
• Organized crime (love a good cop/mafia thing going on; honestly, anything having to do with gangsters makes my blood boil in the best way possible; like, imagine a Modern AU prince/mob leader!)
• A/B/O universe (with A/A and A/O being my favourites)
• Werewolf AUs (with the Alpha having a human mate; am willing to add in other supernatural creatures like vampires and shit too!)
• Hybrid characters
• Rivals to lovers is really hot especially in a college/academic setting but I've come to absolutely adore friends to lovers too. And exes to lovers always makes me cry so it's high on my list
• College AUs where OCs are both pretty popular (think frat house captain/football team captain)
• Honestly, I really want to do a bad boy/bad boy College AU where OCs do not get along and both have certain *cough* reputation. So how do they cross paths? Well, I reckon they bum a smoke off each other every once in a while but maybe... a bet? Maybe their friends make a bet with each other then separately or maybe they make a bet with each other - anything, really
• This is loosely inspired by two characters from HTGAWM but like, a cheerleader/punk pairing where they're both up to no good ??
• Spies and government agents, Area 51-esque shit, personal bodyguards, assassins, thieves
• Secret relationships, forbidden love
• Ok so here's this: Muse A and B are part of this group of friends and are secretly dating, they haven't told their other friends this because they aren't sure how they'd react, and the story continues with their their friends trying to set them up with other people 'cause they don't know the two are actually in a relationship :')
• Summer romances (think rich, snobby kids on their vacation homes in Italy or something - a good/bad kinda pairing; or maybe a group of friends going camping/on a road trip years after they graduated and two of said "friends" aren't really on speaking terms anymore)
• This is a little bit dark but Muse A and B (strangers, friends, ex-lovers - can be anything) spend their last days together; they're both planning on committing su*c*de together but as the day approaches... will they actually do it? Or have they found a reason to stay along the way?
• Legal age differences are in my good books too
• I'm such a slut for the brooding/innocent pairing where Muse A is a literal sunshine and Muse B is known for being short tempered and vile but are absolutely fuckin' smitten for A and of course, start letting their walls down around them
• Hollywood rivalries where total divas are involved!
• I'm currently extremely taken with band romances? Like, two members of an all girls/boys band fall in love and of course, because of the "straight" agenda, can't actually be together so cue their management starting stunts and closeting the fuckin' shit out of the poor couple
• Cute high school coming-of-age romances make me uwu so fuckin' hard
• Ok so I really like one-night-stand-that-turns-into-more RPs too? Like, OCs end up getting married but wake up in different places and try to find each other; one of OCs is some hotshot famous dude while the other isn't really and they get married in Vegas; it's just...ugh, cute please
• Ghosts, ghost hunters, psychics, witches, the supernatural, magic
• Horror, thriller
• Closed polyamorous relationships, love triangles/squares
• Angsty heartbroken/heartbreaker thing. Heartbreaker/heartbreaker is really good too.
• I really want a RP where Muse A has gotten out of a toxic relationship and they meet Muse B who's recently gotten into a toxic relationship, and the story would follow A picking up on signs that B needs to leave their lover pronto before it's too late, and it'd just be such a soft, healing story ):
• Soulmate AUs
• Probably so much more I can't think of right now

I don't play as canon characters, by the way! OC/OC is the only thing I'm up for, for now - might change in the near future though, who knows. And with OCs, I love playing multiple characters and will most likely introduce side characters because well, the world goes stale with just two people manning it, no?

Aesthetics matter a lot to me, sorry . So character sheets are an absolute must; I love making them detailed and fleshing out the character before the role play starts. I like colour-coded dialogue and properly-paragraphed posts. So... y'know, please be willing to put in the effort towards that side of writing as well - it helps keep my interest! Oh and one more thing: realistic FCs only! And please, for the love of God, know who your FC is - I love those extra gifs and pictures of OCs!

Aah, I would've spent more time formatting this post too but it's currently half past eleven here and I've got classes tomorrow morning so I technically should be in bed by now but I had to wrap this up beforehand!

And you know what else does: OOC talk! I'd love to be able to shoot the shit in the chat with my role play partner, y'know? Like, it'd be a huge plus if we can get along :D (also oof, nothing personal to the creators/admins of writerssanctum but the emojis on here are really ugly oop—) So expect a good music spam because you bet I'll be making playlists for the songs that remind me of OCs dhsusj. Not only that but I'd appreciate if my partner would help a bitch out during plotting and shit too 'cause I mean, you need two hands to clap, right?

One last thing I forgot to mention: the least I can do is one reply per week but since this is going to be a casual role play anyway, I'm sure I'll be able to do more! And I expect the same from you: minimum of one reply per week but if that's not possible then do let me know, I'll understand (plus, don't worry, I'm like, super patient.)

Psst, by the way, I only role play in third person and expect my partner to do the same!

Yeah, I think I'm done with my rambling now, yeah? Pretty sure I've mentioned just about everything; if there's something that's still missing, don't hesitate to ask me! The most I'll do is bite, eh? (Jkjk, I'm babie.)

So yeah, if you'd be interested in role playing, do drop me a PM and we'll see what we can work out. And y'know, I'd love if you could introduce yourself a bit in the first PM you send me; maybe even attach a writing sample, haha, I'm joking, unless...?

All the love ❤️
- F xx
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