Closed Let's Cause the End of the World (Take 2)

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Closed Let's Cause the End of the World (Take 2)

This is a group Roleplay I started a while back. Unfortunately it kind of fell apart. This is a second, hopefully more organized attempt.

The original thread is here. Please read the full first post before continuing:

To make things more organized, I'm going to be limiting us to 4 users (Including myself) playing at most 2-3 characters each. I'm going to be listing roles we need for operations below. The goal here is balance, so things will be first come first served.

I am going to enforce the 1 post a week requirement. You can get more time with notice.

Last note: This Roleplay will likely favour MxF and FxF Content. I do not write MxM and so while it will be possible, it would require two people willing to do so. There will likely be more female characters than male.

My characters are a male lead with extremely strong elemental powers, his female second in command (And wife) with emotional manipulation powers and his sister, who can alter the flow of time around her and acts as the group sniper.

This leaves room for a few different roles:

Tanks; Characters whose primary role is to soak up damage to protect more vulnerable members. Can be bulletproof, have rapid healing or otherwise be able to take a pounding

Infiltrators; These are characters who do not have physical powers, but are otherwise able to fool their way in. These include emotional powers, shape shifters, etc.

Stealth; Characters who survive by sneaking and/or assassination. Pretty broad I think.

Tech whiz: The "Q" to our little terrorist cell's Bond, this is someone with technological abilities who will also likely be the pilot.

Firepower; These are the people who do the actual killing and mayhem. Powers should be highly destructive.

Support; Abilities with little use in direct combat, but good use in supporting others. Healing being the prime example.

I'll be trying to find a nice balance here. I'm going to ask for 2 characters each at most for now. We can add 3rd ones in as the story progresses.
If a spot opens, I'd be willing to play a tank.
We're already going, I'm afraid. I will let you know if spots open up though.
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