MxF Let's compose something, shall we?

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MxF Let's compose something, shall we?

Raven Symphony

Dreamscape Composition
Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 12:02 PM
Pacific Northwest

Hello all! I am Raven Symphony, but Raven is just fine with me. I've been out of the role-playing game, well forum-based role-playing for a good number of years now. I am hoping to come back and write once again, perhaps with you as a partner? Below you will find. What I can bring to the table as it were, along with my role-play likes, and an example or more of my role-playing style. Please be patient when it comes to my replies as I steadily work, and battle random fits of depression especially around the holidays. Open to a limited number! I prefer to RP in the forums/threads and like to keep OOC in PMs. F-list can be found under the "kinks" spoiler tag.

    • Grammar
      I consider myself a comfortable semi-literate to a literate writer, I won't say advanced because I never did well with it in school. I use Grammarly as a way to help my writing be more clear, and concise.
    • Length
      I typically write anywhere from 2-5 paragraphs depending on my partner and the flow of the roleplay. I do try and match my partner so the more I'm given the more I tend to give back. Sometimes however dialogue and the mood are perfect for two paragraphs. I.E. two people confessing their love, less is more in that instance.
    • Contribution.
      I love talking OOC about ideas I have and I will often want to bounce them off of my partner before implementing them or get a feel of how their character might react to see if it's going to flow. The last thing anyone wants is a random idea thrown in that ruins the mood and flow of the story.
    • Flexibility
      Most of my ideas, plots, pairings are open for alterations! There are a few key points in a couple of them that I would not want to change. For example, the Employee/Boss would need the Boss to be a slightly older woman by 2-3 years, not some huge age gap. I'm keen on being flexible with pairs plots, and even my f-list a lot on my "maybes" is just because I don't understand what it meant. Please ask!
    • Activity
      I find myself on BMR more than I do anywhere else lately. I make time to roleplay and try to give a reply once a day if not every other day. If I need to take a break I will more than likely tell you, unless I get swamped IRL, at which point after 3 days just shoot me a message and I'll get back to you.
    • Roles
      I only really play Male characters and pair with female characters. I have no problem playing multiple characters as background support, to enhance the story or other NPC-type characters. I have been known to focus on a secondary main character if my partner likes with some sub story/plot if we really like the characters.
    • Ghosting
      The only way you would get ghosted is if IRL hits me so hard I have no way of messaging. A 0.0000001% chance if any. If the Rp gets stale or I want to stop I'll let you know.
    • Plot
      I'm a weird one! I like to write romance ideas and most of my plots focus on a story/smut ratio of about 60/40 to 75/25. I can do short-term or long-term, but I love some plots and twists!

    • Patience
      I work and deal with day-to-day life just like everyone else. If I get sick I could disappear for a week or two without a word, this does not mean I ghosted you. That being said if you ever tire of the RP or have an idea to spice it up please let me know and we can move forward accordingly, I promise you I'll do the same!
    • Grammar
      I do like being able to understand what I read with only a few rereads for clarity, please have the ability to have a good sentence structure, and post at bare minimum two full paragraphs, please. I do understand leaving room for dialogue and quick back and forth conversation of questions and answers may only have one paragraph in the interaction while it takes place. Details are important, the more I have the more I can work with and give back to you. A good trick I have learned is using the five senses. Touch, taste, sight, sound, smell! Go into detail about each one and there could be 2-5 paragraphs right there just in reaction alone if they are all applicable to the moment. Typos, mistakes, and auto-correct happen to everyone god knows my tablet has screwed me over more than once trying to write something with the swipe feature. If you need a tool to help Grammarly is free and I use it s well!
    • Contribution
      Let build something together! I love premade plots and they are wonderful tools, however, if you're coming into the fold and want just what I've written down I can do that but please note that my written plots are already branching stories into a vast multiverse in my mind. If I am to think up every aspect I may as well write a book yes? So please join with me and let's build the story and plot together, even if it may just be a short-term or one-shot RP. Beautiful things happen when people elaborate and create together. That could go for the kinks as well. Everyone has their preferences and more often than not they differ from other people. If you have something that you enjoy and you don't see it on my list simply ask after all the worst that can happen is that I say no.
    • Creativity
      Character chemistry! Say we build this beautiful idea together but then the character themselves fall flat, that wouldn't make for a very entertaining play, would it? Most people are experienced enough to be able to develop their OC and place them into the setting. If you're new to the role-playing scene I will do my best to help with tips and advice but please understand I'm not here to teach or hold someone's hand. I'm here to get something out of it just like my Role-play partner.
    • Ghosting
      If life hits you so hard you ghost I can understand it, though if you're wanting to stop the RP I would prefer being notified. If you wish to stop please just let me know, or offer a way to spice up the stale RP!

      If you're still here then thank you for your understanding!

Below Are a few of the posts I have done with partners, or have merely written up as examples of my writing style. Anything that has a partner will have the partner credited in the spoiler code. Please note: These are long examples of my best when they were written, do not feel daunted by the length of them as I tend to match my partner.

  • RP Partner - Candira (offsite)
    *Note:* This post is a good number of years old and there are plenty of mistakes. Written before Grammarly was a thing. Intentionally left unedited to preserve the post.*

    Four years, four years wasted! Well, it had been wasted in terms of a relationship where he had himself completely wrapped around the little finger of some tart that strung him along for those very four years until they graduated. He was even told that his girl was cheating on him, by her sister no less! Did he believe her no; it was too absurd that his girlfriend of that number of years could have the slightest possibility of cheating on him. What did he do when he was told? He laughed outright laughed! Granted in his defense it was April first and it was a funny 'joke' to him; at least that was until he found out the truth a month later at their graduation ceremony.

    The entire summer was hell for him. Having to pack his property and wait on the acceptance letter for his college, all on a broken heart. Then there was the fact he had to face her one last time to get his stuff from her house. Why he hadn't asked her sister to bring it to him was beyond his comprehension at that given date. But now having time to reflect on it, all the signs were there not? She had found excuses not to spend time with him when in the beginning she had made any and every excuse for them not to be apart. Maybe it was a style choice? He had started dressing in the 'emo' attire for the past year finally finding his own sense of fashion. Perhaps Salina hadn't liked that about him, but she never complained about it. If it really was a petty as fashion wouldn't she have just come out and said it?

    Halfway through the summer though he had made it a determined goal to get over her and the crap she has pulled with him. Okay so yes Jake was a bit emotional over the breakup and finding out the truth about his 'perfect' girlfriend the hard way. Now let's not misunderstand this. Jake wasn't emotional like the clothing hinted at, no not all. Jake was furious. He burnt mostly everything that reminded him of her. Pictures and even a few CDs he had made that he was going to give to her, not to mention just to piss her off cut up her favorite shirt that he had swiped from her a few years back. No Jake's clothing didn't define him; he himself defined his own character.

    Now here he was two weeks before the college term began and a new chapter in his life, and guess what he was roomed with Rae. They had a decent friendship since he had been dating his sister for all those years. That did turn out to be a bit of luck that they had both been granted the house, and from what they guessed that it was all to themselves. It seemed that there weren't many people that wanted to live on campus these days or rather didn't want anything but a normal dorm room. So here he was unloading his truck from the moderate number of boxes he had packed from his family's house to bring with him. He had already taken in his game systems and set them in the living room area. And now he was setting up a nice pile of boxes in the living area for his bedroom. After all, moving things at once made it easy to sort than organize, unlike the alternate that most believed. Once his boxes were in the living room he began setting them about their designated area.

    The living room things such as the movies and games were left in their box for the last things to unpack. But the majority of it was for the room of his actual room. Items such as his desktop pc, since he hadn't the money for a laptop just yet would be put on the desk that came with the bedroom. There were other things like bedding, special sports team pillows, and a throw that the high school had sold in their student store for school spirit, this would most likely adorn the bed, and if not draped over the chair in the room; maybe even hanging like a curtain for the window, he wasn't sure just yet. One thing he loved about this place was that on the campus tour he loved that there was a pool in their back yard and a nice high fence for privacy. This house was indeed a treasure in its own right amid the huge campus and what it had to offer.

    Now with everything that was going on he hadn't really stopped to talk to his friend since he started unpacking, that was aside from saying hello and a minor 'how are you' conversation. After all, they had to get settled so they could better acquaint themselves with the living situation and then establish any additional ground rules for the house; not counting the law and campus code of conduct. A good hour and a half passed by without him realizing it before he was finished setting up his room. Now all that was left was for them both to tidy up the living area with a combination of their property. The TV was a decent size and there was plenty of shelf space for all the games plus movies, not to mention whatever she might have brought with her. Al that was left now was to sit there unpack the last few boxes, well yeah pretty much since he was pretty sure he was as acquainted with his roommate as he could be. He brushed his Dark black hair from his face it showing a bit of the red undertones and the tips off in the lighting of the house. Though it was unintended as a flaunt it was merely just to push the shoulder-length hair from his pale blue eyes.

  • RP Partner- ThePonyofDeath (offsite)

    Kole walked into the room instantly feeling the eyes hit him. He wore a black suit that he couldn't really afford to buy, the tie was red and everything else was black. His pale blue eyes came from beneath the slots for his eyes in the mask he wore. Ashamed to show his face in the building, but still there to grieve nonetheless. On the right side of the mask was a design she had painted on it for him, something they had to use the Halloween before. It was special to him, three years ago he had asked her to date him, it was November and it was raining. He took her hand and ran under the outdoor walkway which was covered for such weather. Her black hair had been soaked from the downpour, but she looked even more beautiful with the wet head look. Her green eyes only made him dare to kiss her before asking her out, a risk he gladly took.

    His eyes looked down the aisle at the opened casket, as he took a step forward every eye indicating that he wasn't welcomed here. The priest was the only one that seemed to welcome him and has an apologetic look upon his face. His brown hair brushed down and beneath a hat covering the bands of the mask. He let out a sigh and pushed himself forward to go look at his lover. He stopped a few feet from the casket thinking of how much he had loved her, how deep their connection of love was. Once every two weeks, they proved their love for each other, though they used protection and their parents didn't know. He took the final few steps and gazed upon her beautiful face, her pale complexion her closed eyes, though he knew her green eyes would be looking at him if she were still alive. His right hand reached into his left-hand pocket of the suit and pulled out the twist tie he had made for her ring.

    His eyes were a bit watery but thanks to the mask that was hidden. He knew it was a part of life but why her, why when they were so happy together? The images of him asking her out flooded his mind as he looked down at the makeshift ring. The eyes of her parents caught the ring and it infuriated them though they held their tongues due to what the occasion was. "I'm sorry I can't do this the proper way." He said as he got down on one knee. "Lynn Stewart, will you marry me?" He asked looking up at her, in his hands was another fake ring made out of a twist tie. He felt terrible about not being able to afford a ring for her and that he had to make one from his work. He was half expecting a no from lack of ring. she had agreed though and it made him the happiest man alive, she even turned down her college for him. Their kiss was long and passionate, how he would miss them along with the soft gentle touch of her skin.

    His hand took her left and placed the fake ring on her hand, her parents clearly had taken the other off her. "I know it isn't much my love but it's all I can offer you." Again the priest seemed to be the only one to understand anything about him. Kole turned around not bothering to look at anything but the ground as he walked out from the building. He heard a rumble above his head and soon the sound of a thunk on his mask. In a matter of milliseconds it went from cloudy skies to down pouring rain, 'Farewell my loving Lynn; November Rain' He thought pulling his hand back from its stretched-out angle to catch the water.

  • RP Partner - Candira (offsite)

    It was time to sleep why was he doing this now? Sitting up at the edge of the bed before an invisible drum set both hands moved in time to the silent room. Well, that wasn't entirely true as his arms rose and fell he could hear it clear as if he were in an empty theater. The right arm crossed over the left to hit the snare while the left rose and fell every third strike with the right accompanied by the bass foot pedal. Living in lower-end hotels wasn't too bad while on tour. Sure they could afford some big expensive and each has a room, but they as a group, as well as their manager, had agreed to do it this way to save money as they continued their tour of the continental of the United States. Right now everything was going right for them they were just big enough to be getting better gigs at festivals regularly, as well as high school-sized stadiums that were being sold out. There was no doubt that they were moving up with each location they toured at.

    His hands continued to move in time with the silence of the early morning hours. As he got lost in the movements of the composition he was working on he began thinking about his life. Where he grew up when he met his fellow band members when she came into his life. Of course, her brother wanted to show his band off when she was visiting from college a few years back. The five of them had just started and were playing college parties. That was the true beginning of it when five drunken twenty-three-year-olds decided fuck it let's start a band. Damn those times were good and as it turned out so were they and that eventually led them here. The news of their first record deal and their first full United States tour was well received the month prior. They were technically in the middle of one right now, but that was only a local thing about four states over two months. About the fifth time, they had done this and it helped their fan base grow ever larger.

    So now here he sat air drumming to a song he was having difficulty writing. His arms dropped to his legs, the fabric of the pajamas moving with his fingers. His left hand moved to reach for something on the bed slightly behind him. "Shit this is rough," James said slipping a cigarette from the pack and into his mouth. Too many thoughts were getting jumbled in his mind over-complicating what he was trying to do. Unfortunately, this was a no-smoking motel so he was going to have to leave his room if he wanted to light up. He grabbed a black long sleeve shirt and then his black leather coat to go over it. James moved the ten feet to the door and opened it letting a gust of cold air gusting into the room. Early autumn in the northern Midwest was beautiful. What a wonderful time to decide on a tour that was going to last them into the snowfall of the winter season. "Fuck Martin and his brilliant ideas." The Keyboardist had majored in statistics and he picked this season to go on tour?

    The last time he had felt this cold in his soul was when Kyle's sister had broken up with her boyfriend two years ago. She seemed pretty devastated and took comfort in their mild friendship that grew over the few months. The mild friendship had blossomed into a much better one, and after some encouragement from himself, he decided to take a chance. He remembered it all too well, and too vividly. He had spent the last little bit of his funds on tour to get her favorite flower bouquet something that had just gone out of season and extremely hard to find in the state they had been visiting. He was stopped short after rounding a corner to find her. Near the end of the hall, a good way down he had caught sight of her, with her ex. He was informed later that her ex had flown out to make amends with her. However at that moment before learning any of that information he watched her kiss him. Like that his chance was gone, but that was in the past and now he stood here smoking in the September weather.

    The cigarette offered little comfort of warmth to the crisp air but it did warm his throat slightly I didn't calm his mind to figure out how to write this song. It was meant to be his contribution to their first record, but he was unable to find any inspiration. He caught sight of his reflection in a car window, his green eyes hyper-focusing on his face. The short black hair the piercing in his left earlobe, his narrow jawline, and he couldn't ignore that scar as much as he wanted to. Some of the Band's fans said it made him look sexy, or mysterious, all he has ever seen was his hideous past and the permanent reminder of it. He couldn't look at himself anymore and averted his gaze over to the other side of the motel and the five other doors where the rest of the band plus manager stayed for the eve. He was curious to if anyone else was awake, but he dared not knock in case they were sleeping. No sleep was not going to be visiting him this morning so he moved to the bench on the sidewalk overlooking the park, perhaps the sunrise would be a pleasant one?

Below is a list of kinks I'm interested in being in the RP. Unless clearly stated in the next few lines of text, or in the "Oh Hell NO!" tab then I am open to talking about them in OOC before they are implemented into the RP.

I have zero interest in non-con, rape, huge age gaps, watersports, or scat. If you're still with me, keep going into the next spoiler tag.

    • F-list
    • Anal sex
    • Anatomically correct
    • Athletic builds
    • Begging
    • Biting
    • Breast / Nipple play
    • Clothed sex
    • Collars and leashes
    • Comedy
    • Condoms
    • Consensual sex
    • Cuddling
    • Dirty talking
    • Double penetration
    • Drug / Alcohol use
    • Facial Hair / Beards
    • Fangs / Sharp teeth
    • Females
    • Fingering (Vaginal)
    • Foreplay
    • Genital / Nipple piercings
    • Glasses
    • Hair pulling
    • Handjobs
    • Heterochromia
    • Humans
    • Ice
    • Intelligent characters
    • Internal cumshots
    • Interracial
    • Kemonomimi
    • Kissing
    • Large breasts
    • Massages
    • Masturbation
    • Modern settings
    • Multiple characters
    • Multiple orgasms
    • Nonsexual piercings
    • Older characters
    • Oral sex
    • Oral virginity
    • Realism
    • Redheads
    • Romance
    • Partially-clothed sex
    • Public sex (or risk of being discovered)
    • Rough sex
    • Scratching
    • Sex Toys
    • Sexual frustration
    • Shorter characters
    • Size differences (1-3 Feet)
    • Small breasts
    • Standing sex/against a wall
    • Story-driven
    • Tails
    • Tail pulling
    • Taller characters
    • Tattoos / Body art
    • Teasing
    • Titfucking
    • Vaginal sex
    • Vanilla sex
    • Younger characters

    • F-list
    • Abuse/Abusive language
    • Age play
    • Anal receiving
    • Breeding
    • BDSM
    • Coercion
    • Cuckholding
    • Death (in a sexual scenario)
    • Excessive pain
    • Fear/Crying
    • Mind break
    • Overly muscular women
    • Overly timid women
    • Punishment
    • Rape (non-consensual)
    • Slave
    • Super aggressive women
    • Torture
    • Underage Characters
    • Virginity
    • Vore
    • Watersports

Settings/Pairings I am interested in:

Please note that the roles I will play are on the left-hand side, with all pairings being M/F.
* = Craving
- = Ongoing

  • Modern RPs are my bread and butter, over the years I have started leaning heavily to these, but we can always add to make it to have a little fantasy if needed. ***
    • Brother's friend/Sister ***
    • Bandmate/Bandmate
    • Drummer/Bandmate's Sister **
    • StepBrother/StepSister
    • Employee/Boss ***
    • Student/Student
    • Sister's Ex/Ex's Sister **
    • "Civilian"/Gang Leader
    • Biker/Biker

  • My Sci-fi pairings are not limited to only humans be please keep in mind that I'm not wanting some gorked (random strange word) hideous beast with seven arms twelve breasts, or multiple sets of genitalia. [Think Mass effect/Star Trek/ Star Wars, seriously it isn't that hard.]
    • Mercenary Commander/Mercenary
    • Mercenary/Mercenary
    • Mercenary/Rebel Commander
    • Mercenary/Military Commander
    • Military Soldier/Military Soldier
    • Rebel Soldier/Rebel Soldier
    • Space Pirate Captain/Space Pirate Captain (different ships)

      There's more here but I can't think of them right now.

  • Who doesn't love a good old-fashioned fantasy setting with a noble Knight or some wicked dragon?
    • D&D!!!
    • Pirate Captain/Pirate Captain
    • Pirate/Pirate Captain
    • Human/Drow
    • Human/Elf
    • Dragon/Elf
    • Demon/Elf
    • Human/Goddess

  • For those that seek the Abyss
    • Demon/Succubus
    • Demon/Demoness
    • Demon/Human
    • Demon/Vampiress
    • Human/Demoness
    • Human/Witch (Gothic style Wiccan)

    • Rogue and Bard type characters
    • Pirate and officer type characters
    • Artist and office worker types
    • Boss and assistant
    • Warrior and nobility
    • OC Sidekicks Group like Teen Titans/Young Justice
    • Bandmates
    • Work in Progress
    • Idea uploading 0.5%
    • Idea pending upload

    • Vampires are just the lowliest of sub-classification of Demon, though they seem to have forgotten this over the millennia
    • Idea uploading 40% Secret nerds unknowingly play an MMO game with their best friend (focus on characters IRL & Online life)
    • Idea uploading 0%

Below are more detailed plots that will form the foundation of the RP that we can collaborate on and adjust. Typically these have a design for long term Rps as opposed to the short term/One-shots above

    • Bandmate x Bandmate's Sister
    • Sweet "Little" Sister

      The Band has been together for years and has just finished graduating high school together. Now it's time for summer break and the fun that comes with it. One of the bandmate's petite older sister has just moved back in for the summer from college. She remembers the band as annoying little brats, but now the drummer looks all grown up and looks to be her type.

    • Boss x Employee
    • Long Lost Lovers
    • Long Lost Friend
    • A Well Deserved Hand

      After years of growing up with their best friend, they are forced to move away from their farm due to financial trouble. They promise each other they will stay in touch, but life has other plans. After years go by she grows up to inherit both properties as her own and forgets about him. She's in need of a new ranch hand her first flame! They don't recognize each other because unknown her forgotten memories, his were stripped from him in a tragic accident two weeks after they first parted ways. Will they bond re-grow will something happen to where he regains all his memories?

    • Ex's Sister x Sister's Ex
    • College
    • Roommates
    • My Ex's Sister
      It was freshman year in high school when they met a random encounter in the hallway. It was a scene straight from a movie guy runs into a girl knocking her down guy helps her up and is instantly smitten with her. Hair eyes, beauty everything, just love at first sight. He can't get her out of his mind the entire day so at lunch he does the unthinkable he asks her out and she agreed. Sound perfect to end the story right there! Not so fast! Let's rewind a bit. That perfect girl in the hallway is not the girl he's asking out right now, it's her twin sister and she is nothing like the other. This match made in heaven will be the stage for a four-year manipulation just because this girl thinks he's cute and knows that he's actually wanting her sister.

      Let's fast forward a bit to graduation shall we, he's dumped by her! She's been cheating on him for the past two years she even used her sister to cover for her! but why would the girl from the hallway do such a thing? Because she actually has feelings for him she's been forced to watch her sister basically treat him like shit in silence. Okay, not complete silence she did try to warn him that her evil twin was cheating on him, bad timing for an April fools joke but she did try! The summer goes by and the tenuous relationship they've had as friends is about to change dynamically. They are going to the same college, and what's more, they got a co-ed house together on campus! How exactly will things play out? Will they discover the truth that he was actually asking her out with a case of mistaken identity? Does she have a dark secret that happened while she was covering for her sister's cheating ways? I think it's up to us to write their story do you accept the challenge?

    • Not a Plot
      This is just a placeholder for when I gain more inspiration.
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