Any Let's get into shenanigans

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Any Let's get into shenanigans


Gingahtigah McSwaggins, CLEO, Commie Enthusiast
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Today 7:29 AM
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I've recently found some more time on my hands and am looking to start up a new thread!

  • My posts are typically 3-6 paragraphs and I prefer partners that can generally post similar lengths.
  • I looove rps to take dark/violent turns so expect a little angst, perhaps bring some of your own along for the trip.
  • I have general plot outlines for each genre, but we should work together to flesh them out a little! If you have plot idea that you're living for, I'm also super excited to work with you on that.
  • Smut/Sexy Scenes are totally fine with me as long as they aren't out of nowhere! Our characters should build up some chemistry before they get nasty.

Right now, I'm definitely craving fantasy. BUT I'm open to other genres and suggestions!

The character's I have mentioned here are two of many! I can play all kinds of roles, so if you don't see yourself working well with either of them, let's talk about switching things up!
Think D&D and then throw out all the game mechanics. This prompt is for adventuring and asswhooping. The nature of this prompt is several smaller adventures that lead up to our characters discovering something bigger at play: A demon cult aiming to raise their patron to the material plane? Ancient dragons raising the country's capital? Sent to find a missing person and uncovering a conspiracy along the way? A warrior clan of orcs thousands strong is amassing only a scant few miles from the border of town? Our collective imagination's the limit!

My character:
Adaline Stark, A human fighter who is questing to become stronger so that one day she can become captain of the guard in her hometown. She's got a shield, a longsword, and a heaping tablespoon of moxie.

Think of a Shadowrun type setting. Our characters live double lives: average joe jobs by day, hired guns by night. A johnson hired them both for a job (the details of which we can figure out together) and they have to learn to work with each other as well as complete their mission.

My character:
Lilith Strauss, An elven "face" that uses both her natural beauty and cyber-enhancements to achieve all kinds of social manipulation. She also packs a pretty killer sniper rifle. Lilith is well known for being a diva, very picky about the jobs she takes, and completes what she deems worthy of her time with a high success rate. Difficult to work with at times, but good to have on your side.
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