All Lets get scary sexy! smut driven plots inside

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All Lets get scary sexy! smut driven plots inside


Welcome to the Sanctum Confirmed Responsible Adult
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Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
In Forums? Long enough. But I write in 1st or 3rd person. I like big fat posts but for those not into it, I'll do tiny one paragraph posts as well. You get what you give. So if you only do a little them I'll only do a little.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
Work is randomly busy. But I should be about to get in a few replies a week.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
I have no limits. So please tell me what yours are so I don't step on toes.
All my Rps will be in Torture Chamber listed under knife just to be safe.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
Kinks, Just about everything under the sun.
I expect a good 50/50 mix of smut and plot. There has to be sex in the violence.

Limits, scat and water sports

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)
No. I don't like writing other people's characters. I only to OC characters. So don't come crawling asking me to play your prebuilts.

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
I have setting ideas and that's it.

How about an old lab? A mental ward? Jail.

Do you have any detailed plots prepared?

plot 1
a group goes to a grave yard one night to knock over some head stones only to find something there. That something follows your character home.

plot 2
Your character is thrown in jail with out cause. In the day it's a regular jail. At night your being trained to being a sex slave

plot 3
you went over seas to say in a castle for a week. thought it would be fun. Even picked Dracula's castle for the spook factor. Only to find things are starting to be a little too real.

plot 4
You start dating this guy. He is the man of your dreams. That is until you wake up after your third date and find that you've been kidnapped and he is expecting you to play the part of the happy home maker in a twisted way.

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