Let's Have an Adventure!

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Let's Have an Adventure!


Yini & Doubt
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Hello there.

I'm looking for someone to embark on an adventure with me. What kind of adventure? I'm not quite sure yet. But it's the kind of adventure in which things may go very badly. People may die, terror is sure to be experienced, but love must prevail, don't you agree?

Some things to know about collaborating with me:
  • I'm a slow typer, so have some patients. If you do feel like I'm taking too long to reply, like if it takes more than a day or two, and I don't tell you about it, ask me about it. If I don't reply to that, I might be dead. Call the police. [Not really though. You know what they say, live and let die.]
  • I enjoy testing the limits of characters. I also like to stay realistic. This combination means that characters may very well take that long dive into the infinite void. To truly live, we must be willing to die. [We can always make another character.]

  • It may get disturbing. But disturbing is fun!
  • I don't enjoy sex very much. In real life, or in fiction. It makes sense every once in awhile, but I tend to get nervous when a plot, or a relationship, exists for the sake of sex. I find it vapid. Basically, sex is fine if the story calls for it.

  • I want to know how you feel about the roleplay while it's going on. If you aren't enjoying it, tell me why and we'll figure it out. If you are having fun, that'd be nice to know too.

  • With regards to magic [if magic be involved] I have a small set of guidelines so that it makes sense. These are negotiable to some extent.
Here are a few ideas I have: [Details of which will likely be changed for our rp]

~In a world where humans are about the size of an average grasshopper, your own local park is an endless rain forest. A civilization of humans has made their home in a sizable tree. With the high ground they have achieved, they live a comfortable life among eachother. Loving, laughing, crying, having parties, etc. But what happens when the immortal, terrifying, and unfathomably large gods, who are uncontested on this planet as the dominant species, cut down our tree and take it away? We will be forced to face the brutality of nature, as we seek... something...Revenge? Answers? A sanctuary? Who knows.

~Present day: Some normal people living normal lives, working normal jobs, having normal relationships ,stumble upon something they weren't supposed to see. Their boss sucking the soul from a hobo like a transcendental mantis in the alley behind their building. In their moment of confusion, the mantis had the time to spit toxic darts at the two. When they woke up, they found themselves in the bed of a peasant of a kingdom with memories of being a peasant for their whole life. That other life must have just been a dream. Right?

~Future: Earth is going to hell in a handbasket. Technology has become sentient, people all over the world are being launched into a mystical understanding of the cosmos, Individuals are gaining supernatual powers, the realm of imagination is coming to life, and other animals are developing higher consciousness. The unified field is is emerging through itself, ushering in a new age of conscientiousness. The message is of truth and compassion in the one source of light and information in this universe, and humanity is reacting to the revolution in very different ways. Countries like India, Canada, Australia, and Sweden have embraced the new wave of mind and live in peace as much as they can, inventing powerful new forms of art and beauty to raise vibrations to new heights. But others like US, Russia, England, Germany, many countries in the middle east, and so on still have the goal of world domination/destruction, and feel that if they accept the understanding that all of the universe is one, and that all life is of one organism, that they will lose their money and power, or things just won't go THEIR way. Which is true. They just aren't ready to die.
+Maybe you are a normal person who agrees, disagrees, or is indifferent to the movement.
+Maybe you are a person who has been endowed with immense power.
+Maybe you are a creature of imagination who has come to life.
+Maybe a sentient machine.
+Maybe a sentient animal.
+Maybe a lost or undercover alien
+Maybe something I haven't thought of.

Then you will have to make a decision
-Join the revolution, subvert the power! [Peacefully or Violently]
-Move to a more enlightened area of the world and join consciousness in love and harmony.
-Become a spiteful harvester of souls. "If I'm going down, I'm taking the world with me!"
-Fuck that noise, leave the planet, explore space!
-Whatever you want, really.

I'm also open to any other ideas you may have. Don't hesitate to make them known! ^^

Hope to hear from you soon!
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