MxF Let's have some fun

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MxF Let's have some fun


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Hello there! This is my first time making a request thread here. I'm looking to do some RPing.
So let's start with a little about me.... I've been writing on and off for a good long while (but can always improve). I prefer fantasy stories and writing in third person. I also prefer to be doing 2+ paragraph replies, but I'm happy as long as it's at least a paragraph. I'm online off and on most of the day/night I would prefer my partner reply at least once a week, but I certainly understand that things happen sometimes. Don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm always up for chatting about our RPs or anything else. I do prefer to have romance/smut in my RPs. If you do not, I am likely not the partner for you. While I am open to writing smut heavy stories, I do prefer to have a plot as well. Very flexible on my plot/smut ratio.
Now as for kinks... I am open to discussing most kinks and will not kink shame you. However, I am not comfortable with doing things involving scat, vomit, vore, or amputation.. Just not my cups of tea. I also am currently having trouble writing in slice of life realistic world stories right now.
Please note that all of my character who will be available for sexual acts do have a fully human form. This form will be used for sexual encounters.

Some of my fandoms include: (Please note that I only play OCs and tend to prefer to be paired with OCs)
  • The Elder Scrolls/Skyrim
  • Halo
  • Game of Thrones
  • Dragonriders of Pern
  • Merry Gentry series
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Supernatural
  • The Originals
  • Mercy Thompson series
  • The Witcher
  • The Forgotten Realms
  • Star Wars
  • and many many more
I do have a few of my characters posted here and am happy to use them in a variety of settings. I do have more as well and am happy to create new ones. I currently have only a couple of plots in mind, but am open to quite a bit! Feel free to hit me up for an adventure. Also, please note that none of my werewolves follow the Omegaverse lore nor will they.
I do also have characters not included in my Character thread. Mostly because I just haven't gotten around to adding them just yet. Including a twi'lek, a Chiss, a succubus, a tiefling, and an orc.

Plot Ideas
Siniara is a drow female. Thanks to the chaotic nature of her people, disaster struck when she was quite young and caused her to be on her own in the wilds. As a feral child, she was captured in a trap meant for catching animals for food. The hunters saw an opportunity and sold her as the rarity she was. She's changed hands several times and each owner has been sure she has been taught something. Now, she finds herself on the market once again.
Will your character buy her? Try to liberate her? Has he come to return her to her family?

CRAVING and can be tweaked.
Nemain is a princess, but she has never known that life. All of her memories are traveling with her father and mother. Her father spent most of his time employed as a mercenary though he also took on jobs as a farmhand. With her mother finally pregnant once again, her parents decided to settle down on a small farm of their own. Only the king of these lands discovered who they were and demanded a high price to keep them and their secret safe... Nemain.
Is your character the king? Someone the king gives Nemain to? Will he riseup to try to restore her family to their proper place in their own kingdom?

The Blind Wolf can have a more taboo take (incest) if desired.
Drisa has been separated from her twin for the first time in her life. Being blind, she is at a disadvantage. Lost and alone in the world, she must keep moving for her kind are often hunted and misunderstood. Being a werewolf heightens her senses, but that will not protect her from everything. She is gentle and caring, not characteristics that help her in battle or protecting herself.
Will you help Drisa? Or do you hunt her? Will you fall for the blind beauty?
Taboo option: Are you her twin come to whisk her back into the safety of his care?

Charis has been under contract to her summoner for the past one hundred and fifty years. He used her talents to make men and women fall into his bed even though they wanted nothing to do with him. Lately, however, he has gotten bored with her. Her looks and her company no longer interest him. He has summoned a new succubus and so has sold off Charis and her contract, binding her to another.
Darker themes welcome.

To Break her is a Star Wars based plot using an OC. Darker themes encouraged.
Kaasha was sent out to gather information. To find out what the other side was planning. It was easier for her to blend in or be overlooked since she's a twi'lek. Something went horribly wrong though. Captured by the Sith, will she be able to hold onto her ways? Or will he break her?
Note: Darker themes encouraged. No actual/permanent amputation.

Life had been relatively peaceful. The Dragonriders were well thought of as they protected the people. Then, the unheard of happened. An enemy attacked one of the homes of a group of Dragonriders. Riders, common folk, and dragons perished. They were overwhelmed by the greater numbers of the attackers and forced to flee. During the chaos, a toddler was knocked from her father's dragon and lost to the wilds. Melitta grew up in the wilds with a dragon she watched hatch. They avoided people for the most part, unused to them and with Melitta being socially awkward from her wild upbringing. Now grown, it is becoming harder for the pair to care for themselves alone. It is time for a change.

Spoils of War encourages darker themes.
Life can change very quickly. Vanadis found this out the hard way. Her marriage had been arranged before she was ever born. Growing up knowing this, she was fine with it. It was just the way things were done. The night she was to marry, their city was attacked. With no warning. The attackers came out of nowhere and they were everywhere. Her husband to be and Father were both cut down right before her. Their blood splattering the front of her, she was bound and taken. A spoil of war.

Bend or Break is meant to be a dark RP.
Aella had spent many centuries trapped within another. With no memory of her previous existence. Seen as an evil entity of lust and rage. Violent when she was able to take control of the host body. Her host managed to find a mate and became pregnant. It enraged Aella as she saw both things as weaknesses. She could not abide being weak. Forging a deal with a god to leave the children alone., she was then granted her own body once more. Still with no memories of her previous existence, she is learning the use of her powers with this new body and has remained a dominating personality. Things are about to change, however, if she likes it or not. Another has set his eyes upon her and is determined to either bend her to his will or break her to it.

The Twins is open to being dark and/or taboo.
Lyssa and Sunna are near identical. From their red and black hair to their matching tattoo... To their vampirism, a gift inherited from their mother. The one physical trait that sets them apart is the fact their eyes are slightly different colors. If one doesn't look close enough, the girls can pretend to be each other... or one person. Though their personalities differ as well. They share most things most of the time. Including men.
Note: Open for this to be a more taboo concept by the male character(s) being related to the twins as well.

The Photographer Dad is meant to be incest/taboo. Can have some darker tones.
YC is a photographer. Times are tough when it comes to finding new models and his last one quit to pursue another opportunity. Seeing him unable to find a proper model his daughter (or step-daughter) offers to help. It all starts innocent enough. Then a line is crossed and there is no going back.

This is an abandoned story I would like to take back up.
Selyse may not be an actual Witcher, but she was raised by one. Trained by one to do as he did. Unfortunately, he has died though she has kept it a secret to keep her home and be left alone. She does a good job, all things considered. So what happens when she comes across a friendly werewolf just trying to keep his affection a secret from those around him?

Fallen Princess can have darker and/or taboo themes.
The kingdom of Feylnar was peaceful and prosperous. The Queen was much loved by her subjects, commoner and noble alike. She had only one child, a daughter by the name of Althea. As it was time for the princess to marry and continue the family line, the kingdom was welcoming nobles and royalties from other kingdoms. Their guard was down as it was considered a time of celebration. Unfortunately, this was taken advantage of. An attack ensued. The queen was killed and Althea captured.

This can play out several ways and I am quite open to discussing what path this story will take.

Only current child and daughter of Jarl Njal, Ulfhild is a mighty shield-maiden. Raised at her father's side and taught to fight for their people. She is fierce and loyal to their kingdom. She is of an age, however, and her father knows it is time. He has no siblings of his own and so she is currently the last of their line. So messengers are sent out to the worthy. Who will take his daughter as a wife? And will they be able to survive the wrath of Ulfhild?
This can be played out several ways and tweaked easily. So please feel free to reach out with ideas!

Stolen Bride can have darker themes if desired.
Kirill is a very powerful and high ranking vampire lord. Seen by outsiders as hard, cold, and even cruel. He was once married but lost his wife when she birthed their daughter. Petrovna became his world and he showed no interest in finding a new wife, having loved the first too much. Knowing that their line must continue, he took his time picking out the perfect lordly husband for his precious daughter. Deciding on a son from another very powerful family by the name of Marcellus. Though the two younger vampires are friends and have gotten to know each other, it is clear that Petrovna is neither for nor against the arranged marriage. As the day of the wedding arrives, something goes very wrong and not at all according to plan.
Stolen from her wedding, what plans does your character have for his stolen bride?

From the Deep can have darker themes if desired.
Humans have become more superstitious of late. Turning against those with more bestial forms. Werewolves and other weres are now often hunted for sport. Some centaurs have been rounded up, treated as beasts. Some species are now considered myths or extinct, having gone into hiding. Like the mermaids. They have moved to the deepest parts of the oceans, where humans can't venture. Nyx has not though. She has made her home near an island. She even has a cabin on a cliff outside of the port town. Far enough to be left alone but not far enough to make the journey too terrible. She often swims the waters in the cove near the cliff. She tries to be careful.

There are multiple ways to play this one out. Is your character on the run and needs a place to hide? A pirate taken in by the mermaid? Hunted and falls off the cliff? Perhaps your character is one of the hunters and just so happens to catch a mythical mermaid in his net?

The Healer can have darker themes if desired.
Cassiopeia is a healer. A fairly good one though she always played down her abilities when she was a child. A young woman now, she works in a temple, healing the sick and wounded. In a kingdom now at war, there is no real shortage of sick and wounded. Temple Valin is a little off the normal beaten path. Near the edge of Darthir Mountains. The temple itself elegant, set a little ways up a very small mountain. Surrounded by trees and waterfalls with the river flowing by. There are not many left to tend the Temple, just Cassiopeia and a few others with her being the only healer left.

The Big Con would contain shapeshifting.
This is just the beginning of an idea for now and am happy to develop it with someone - Everyone knows how knights rescue fair maidens from the big bad dragons. Well, what if that fair maiden isn't so innocent? In fact, what if she is working with the dragon? Running a con the people. Pretending to need saving or protection from the dragon. Then she and the dragon take the loot and vanish off into the wilds only to resurface somewhere else to con more people.

This is from an abandoned story that I had started with someone...
In a fantasy setting, the powerful often enslave others. Race and gender do not matter. The slavers will take and sell all. A young female Drow has come to the surface with a raiding party. It was not the normal thing to do, but the sister who was raising her insisted and got her way as it was seen as a way to jump start the girl's training and further improve her loyalty to their House. The raiding party was attacked, ambushed. Many fell and she became separated from her sister and brother whom returned home without her. The slave merchant who has her has not had her long. Sheis being sold and he hopes to get a high price for the exotic beauty. After all, female Drow slaves were extremely rare.

Story Here
Story was recently abandoned. Would love to take up something similar.

Story Here
This story was abandoned quite suddenly when so much more of it had been planned. I would love to do a story similar to this. I miss this one a great deal.

Just an idea/outline at the moment. Would love to flesh it out with someone. Freydis is a werebear who is also talented in the use of shadow magic. She is a talented fighter, a bit of a berserker. Yet she was outnumbered one day and defeated. Caged as a pet/attraction for guests.

It was an absolutely gorgeous night. The moon was full and the stars bright. It was warm out with a faint, gentle breeze. Citizens and royalty from several kingdoms had gathered in the kingdom of Reylin to celebrate the betrothal of the Crown Prince. Rumor had it that he was to be engaged to the Princess of of the Kingdom of Lumir. That was what she'd thought as well. She had spent much time with him as children with both sets of parents making plans for their future wedding. Imagine her surprise when it was not her that the Crown Prince of Reylin pulled to his side in front of all those gathered and announced that she was to be his bride. Embarrassed and heartbroken, she tried to find out what happened, where it had all gone wrong. She hadn't seen him in three years, but how could so much have changed after the loving letters they had exchanged. He smirked and informed her it had all been for show.
The once sweet and loving girl turned cold and ruthless. Four years later, her father died and she was left to rule the kingdom. Her advisors wish her to wed for the good of the kingdom and to one day continue her line. Who would want the now cold and ruthless queen? Is that sweet, loving person buried deep within? Or has her heart turned to ice?

Lydia Drake lives alone in a small but cozy cabin. Isolated from others, she prefers it that way. Treated poorly by other children growing up, she is slower to trust and feels anxious when she must be around others for too long at a time. Despite that, she uses her powers mostly to heal others. People know of her because of this. So it did not surprise her to find a woman needing help on her doorstep one day. The woman had clearly been beaten and was in labor. She tended the poor woman and then helped her be secreted away. Unfortunately, there is now a bounty on Lydia's head though she does not yet know it. It seems she helped the "wrong" person. The young woman she'd helped had been a fling to a very powerful man and he was not happy to find out what had happened.

The Kingdom of Wolfpine is an ancient one. The land is fertile and the game abundant. For a great many centuries, the kingdom flourished. They held a secret though. Tied to their kingdom was a young angel. From the moment she was born, she was a servant, a slave tied to the crown of Wolfpine. The rulers would raise her little by little. She aged slower than other races. When a ruler would die or passed on the crown, she would fall into a deep sleep. Only awakening for the new ruler should they wish for her to. She was in a deep slumber for several generations, the rulers not wishing to feel as though they abused her power. The last King of Wolfpine was the last of the royal line. His advisors urged him to wake the angel. To use the slave tied to the crown to have children to save the kingdom. Before he could, he was assassinated. Two centuries have passed and the angel slumbers on beneath the castle of Wolfpine. Who will wake her and take the crown?

Klotho was born to a vampire mother and a weretiger. The second born of a set of twins. Her mother was not fond of her twin brother because of his gender and him not having the right special abilities. Their mother was extremely happy that Klotho was an empath. Klo was sheltered and raised carefully. Her mother was planning on marrying/selling her off to gain power and influence for herself. The twins found out early on that their mother was not a good person and that she stole them away from their father before he even knew she was pregnant. The twins turned eighteen and their mother announced she had chosen who Klotho would go to. It was too much for her twin and he finally snapped., attacking her while telling his sister to run. She ran and has kept running.

Story found here - A take on To Cage A Bear. Would really like to take up something like this again. I miss this story.

There was a king who had a seer who was near the end of her life. She told him of a woman who would bring him great power if he made her his, but she had to remain pure until she came of age. In her last days, the seer helped him find the baby who would grow into the woman who would bring him more power than any other ruler had. So he stole her. Built a grand castle he shut her away in with only those loyal enough to not touch her or those who were unable. Visitors were not allowed and he remained away in his own castle home so he would not be tempted early. Now she has come of age and it is time for him to go claim what is his.

Torvi was a vikingr. Strong and sure. A leader of her people. Bold and cunning. None of that saved her. Falling through the ice near the end of a battle, she was lost to time and memory. Being other than human, she survived though she was frozen in ice. Quite a many years later, scientists found her. Shocked to find life within the ice. They thawed her out and kept her comatose, performing experiments upon her. Those experiments changed her a great deal.

Quick look at a few female characters not on my character thread:
Arduinna - Werewolf, redhead, fighter
Charis - Succubus, blue skin and eyes, two small horns
Cyndra - Chiss, bounty hunter, blue skin and hair (Star Wars)
Decima - Tiefling, red-orange skin, gold eyes, white hair
Enyo - Orc, green skin, red hair, yellow eyes, fighter
Inanna - Succubus, light purple skin, crimson eyes, metallic purple horns
Kaasha - Twi'lek, red skin, blue eyes, Force user (Star Wars)
Larunda - Nymph, blue skin, silvery-blue hair, mage
Lysandra - Human, white hair, cobalt blue eyes (Halo universe)
Malbryn - Drow, magically inclined fighter, ebony skin
Nessa - Dryad, green skin, red hair, crimson eyes, healer
Astarte - Dark elf, assassin/thief (Skyrim/Elder Scrolls)
Ulfhild - Viking, shield-maiden
Lyssa & Sunna - Vampire twins
Lydia - Sorceress (The Witcher)
Celest - Vampire
Ilyrana - Elf, nobility
LiNeeerafae - Drow, outcast
Rawlin - Dragon shifter
Thetis - Demi-goddess
Ashara - Togruta, Jedi, yellow skin and bright blue eyes (Star Wars)
Memnas - Togruta, Gray Jedi (Star Wars)
Minerva - Human, Cleric/healer partner to a Paladin, some martial training
Blodwen - Aasimar, Paladin/cleric
Loviatar - Necromancer
Senuna - Paladin/Knight
Cybele - Knight
Kanya - Archer attached to a Templar
Althea - Human princess turned assassin/thief
Alysia - Mandalorian (Star Wars)
Calla - Centaur warrior
Petrovna - Vampire
Rosalind - Elf, Druid/beast tamer
Amaryllis - Naga
Ariadne - Lamia
Aurelia - Goblin
Anona - Elf, former royalty
Bellona - Goblin, fighter
Briar - Fairy
Cosima - Elf, proficient with blades and fighting
Delia - Minitour
Freya - Dwarf, fighter

A few other things I would be interested in having in an RP:
  • Dad x Daughter
  • Brother x Sister
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Faërun and Tamriel being on the same planet, but unaware of each others' existence... initially.
Oh. That could end up being pretty interesting.
Makes more sense that the Shadowfell would be a dark reflection of more than just Faërun... so why not Tamriel? The Soul Cairn could be a 'core area' within the Shadowfell and nobody would be aware of said fact.
Aye. Had an idea that someone from Tamriel found themselves in Faërun but was unaware of it. I do have a character in mind.
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