Tragic Backstory Enthusiast
Hello beautiful creatures! I'm very excited to be here. Feel free to call me Constellation, Con, Rowan, Hey You, or whatever else you think will get my attention. I'm not too picky about it. I'm a 23 year old currently residing in western Canada and working towards my certification in medical device reprocessing. I'm an avid reader, but I haven't consistently roleplayed online for about six or seven years so please forgive me if I'm rusty. I'm a sucker for tropes (both done ironically and otherwise) and I enjoy writing in fantasy/historical fantasy settings. I tend to mirror the styles of the people I'm writing with, especially long term, and you can typically expect at least two decently chunky paragraphs. When I'm not lurking in the chat I enjoy writing poetry, singing, hiking, cooking, baking, and binging movies and tv shows that fry my few remaining brain cells. I look forward to getting to know everybody!