Let's see what's hiding behind door number th- OH DEAR GOD!

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Let's see what's hiding behind door number th- OH DEAR GOD!

If you could inherit a lifetime supply of only one of the two substances below, which would it be?

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Sanity? You mean cerebral bondage?
Local time
Today 12:28 AM
The barren wasteland of my skull.
Greetings Sanctumites, I am yet another individual of questionable mental state who's managed to gain access to a computer! In all seriousness, my name is Andrew and I've been doing RP of some form or another for roughly 13 years now.

...Suddenly I feel very old.

Characters, settings, time periods and genres are all open to me, I greatly prefer to brainstorm and work with my writing partner(s) on the finer details as it makes for a far more engaging story. I will write in notes, forums and various Instant Messaging services, though my preference is definitely for the latter as it tends to mean a greater quantity of writing in a shorter amount of time! Expect irreverence, expect the unexpected and above all expect some of the most random, nonsensical references you've ever heard of.

Welcome to the site! :) You sound like an entertaining individual. I must tip my cap to you (even though I don't wear one) since you have been roleplaying longer than myself. I have only been doing this a decade so I don't feel as old, though of course if you follow this up by telling me you started when you were seven I may have to retract that statement.

Long story short, welcome aboard!
"For roughly 13 years"

Yeah, passing that decade mark over here too, man! And welcome, fellow newbie! Hope you enjoy your stay! :D
Welcome to the Sanctum, a place that looks normal, but definitely not one. I'm curious as to what kind of river your RPs would be, and you sound like an exciting person, therefore, I can conclude that you would be fun all around. Formalities aside, what's your favorite poison, I'm curious, with a man like you, the poison would definitely be out of this world.

Well, I hope to see that craziness in your future RP in the Sanctum.

Vale , et videre te in circuitu!
Welcome to the madhouse, sounds as though you will fit in rather well. Am looking forward to seeing what piques your interest or even sparks your ire. Everyone here is ridiculously friendly and the staff have done an excellent job keeping things open and are available for regular torment. ( Just don't tell them I said that.)
Hope you enjoy your stay, all the best.
Who gave you a computer? o-o

Though we've already spoken in chat, I'd like to officially welcome you to the Sanctum via comment on your fabulous intro thread. We look forward to seeing you around the forums and more in the games of our jousting lists!

*tosses around some pink welcome glitter and skitters off*
I've already greeted you in chat, but my curiosity would not be denied when I saw door number three. I have not been disappointed. You gave such a difficult poll; it killed me to choose, it was a crisis! You seem to be a thoroughly entertaining individual, and I very much look forward to seeing you participate in the RP forums as well as the jousting and challenges. Welcome, you're in for a fun ride here!
Welcome! Glad to see you're getting settled in. See you around the forums.
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